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Everything posted by Tony_Spike

  1. no offence, but i dont believe in such petty absolutes dont get me wrong im probably not going to attempt it anyway (it sounds like too much of a time sink for one thing) but unless you explain why you have come to this conclusion, then im going to remain convinced that creating other LOD based terrains is theoretically possible, even if getting them to work in game isn't going to happen
  2. yeah im just gonna stop you their, not really knowledgeable on how historically accurate campaigns are so how bad we talking here ..i know nothing about the engine but honestly i dont care i just play them for the fun ......dont get me wrong im a history buff (especially interested in Vietnam) but i dont intend on losing my mind my OCD is bad enough as it is, ......... case in point i currently have a version of rolling thunder where im flying an RAF D.H. Vampire 5 ...cos reasons its more a case for me of is adding a few VietCong squads to my fantasy Rolling Thunder (i know that i said linebacker earlier but i was busy activating naval groups on it so i had it on my mind) is it gonna screw with it to the point i will personally notice any difference ....because i dont want to mess it up completley but if their is leeway ...even throwing HS out of the window im not above taking it for the sake of having some activity down their
  3. ya know, after studying the iceland data it looks to me like it would involve basically taking a map of vietnam, slicing it up into the same kind of tiles used by the iceland terrain (if they are not tiles than what would you call them ..they look like tiles to me even if they dont act the same way) saving them over the iceland ones in the right order than creating LOD files for the height maps problem is even if it was that simple, its a lot of work and that is probably why no one has done it yet
  4. yes thats the same issue i had when importing it to Yankee Air Pirate, i solved it by just importing the JPEG, BMP & TGA files ...i didnt move any of the INI or media files .....im assuming that green hell changes the terrain slightly and ovverwrites things that South Vietnam needs
  5. but still, surly having a few ground squads in linebacker shouldn't hurt should it, it often feels like their isnt a war going on at times
  6. Doncaster Air Museum

    YAAY 100 posts finally actually im wondering if anyone has ever been here and what your thoughts were? i have known of its existence for years but up until last weekend i have never been, its more of a graveyard than a museum but i still found it interesting particularly the Falklands exhibits and the open cockpits they had for you to sit in, im gonna try and upload a few pics once i get them off my phone but yeah, ...enjoyed it
  7. actually i suppose i should ask this, .....whats the benefit for even having a South Vietnam terrain? cant you just add a ground war to the current campaigns?
  8. Questions: im editing Vietnam campaigns to N/A standard, (all except rolling thunder because ya know .....its 3 years long i need carrier tours in effect,) i have the objective, start base and home base position set as the same set of co-ordinates, and i have their mission set as [EARLY_WARNING] and so far the carriers seem quite content to just sit their and put up their respective AWACS units and just be an early warning force, it dosnt seem to be affecting the kind of missions flown now i say respective AWACS units because i have each unit set to its own carrier ..for example the VAW-112 are set to the Enterprise and the VAW-114 are assigned to the Saratoga as it should be, but as a result its not uncommon for me to get 2-3 different AWACS planes up at the same time depending on how many kitty hawks that have them assigned are in the vicinity Question 1, is this normal (does it happen) or should i set it up as just VAW-11 and only have one per campaign (thinking i should) Question 2, can anyone foresee any problems with my carrier group setup in the future, will they still move, and should i set the group speed to 0 just to make sure they dont
  9. well thats probably because the two are perhaps not 100% compatible, what i mean is South Vietnam might need certain files that Green Hell overwrites to work......i mean i manage to get green hell working with Yankee Air Pirate but i had to remove the ini and none image files to get it to work without messing up the terrain or terrain targets you are going to have to be more specific before anyone can help you troubleshoot the problem, otherwise i cant think of any reason why it shouldn't ...as far as i am aware they are the same terrain with one more focused on ground war
  10. i was going to suggest checking the start and end dates for the campaign if it still dosnt work
  11. Maverick has a new bird...

    i might have give that a crack at some point ..looks spangly i mean i made some from the first film so why not
  12. ok ...sorry for the triple post here but ..i think i might have it figured out (took some intense testing and staring at the files), but my original problem seems to be gone now i have removed the North Atlantic campaigns from my directorys, and as a bonus i think i know why i ended up in a mountain when i applied those settings, obviously if not i will be back but if you dont hear from me ..thanks for the help
  13. ok, where to start? well........, i can get the E-2C AWACS to show up in Vietnam campaigns, most often it appears randomly parked on the Kitty Hawk carriers witch is good enough for me, since after testing it out the thing seems to do this in the North Atlantic Iceland campaign too, .....so with this in mind i dont care if i ever see it in the air as long as it loads in for now, it seems to be behaving the same way it does in the campaign it was designed for so why worry now because its start date of 1973 is years after the start date of the Vietnam campaigns (latest one starts in 1972 meaning i would have to wait a whole year before it showed up) i also copied the plane and changed it to the E-2B then set it to a fixed upgrade during the campaigns, so in 1973 it will become the E-2C, now a quick FYI ...just like i dont care if i see it in the air at this point, i also dont care if their are any differences between the two variants that can be replicated (though i guess i dont mind a few pointers), im never going to fly them so like i say for now i just want to get them in their, i will focus on getting them to do their job (witch they do just fine in single missions btw) later, but i have ran into an odd issue i cant seem to figure out, when i focus on them with F6 instead of displaying the squadron name like it does for other planes that are not being controlled it displays nothing it displays all the other info on the craft but the name of the squadron (usually the flight name, IE Wolfpack 1-1 when being used by the game) is blank now im not sure if the E-2C has its squadron set by a different file to squadron list ini or not, because when it appears parked in the NA campaign and i focus on it with F6 it will say VAW-112 Golden Hawks (and it is listed as such in the campaign_data.ini) even though this squadron dosnt exist in the squadron list by default now i have added 6 squadrons to the list to see if that fixes the issue (VAW-111,112,113,114,115 & 116) and have assigned them to the correct carriers (or as correct as my research tells me) but obviously this didnt work or i wouldnt be here so ...erm ...anyone have any ideas?
  14. NECROPOST .......im getting this same issue, im wondering if their is a value in the start text for carrier currently its set to read as "elements of U) equipped with A) have arrived at B)" where the game replaces U) with the unit A) with the Aircraft and B) with the base but a carrier isn't recognised as a base for some reason so we get this issue otherwise the only work around is to edit the star text to read something else instead of the base part, and point the carrier based units to this file in the campaign.ini
  15. btw as an extra note i just tested your settings (changing things to whatever was in my game) on the Vietnam campaigns .....they screw everything up to the point where started the campaign inside a mountain and royally exploded ......enabling campaign as naval screws with things as well so yeah, unless someone wants to rerwite the default vietnam campaigns around the new mechanics im not going to get it flying any time soon
  16. try checking the campaign_data.ini for the max mission stat, is it set to more than 1? [CampaignData] StartDate=09/19/1979 StartDateDeviation=0 EndDate=09/24/1979 ForceWithInitiative=2 NavalCampaign=TRUE SurpriseAttack=FALSE MaxMissions=20
  17. well whilst very much i appreciate the information .......i do have to say that i do love it when people tell me where files go despite the fact i obviously know already because i have said so ..it makes me chuckle for some reason anyhow, my major problem here is we differ in too many areas to count and you just dumped a lot of new structuring on me without explaining what is important , im editing stock Vietnam campaigns here, (so i have no extra ships), none of the new North Atlantic structuring (so no carrier groups ....and at the end of the day i have no idea what ships would belong with each carrier anyway ...im still letting the game assign support to them) and no idea where to start im still editing the old campaigns in the way i learned to do it with SF1 here ..i haven't studied the North Atlantic campaign file to see how it differs yet but if it helps ..here is my file for VIETNAM CAMPAIGN 1 - Rolling Thunder with the AWACS added ....like i say, they work, ..i havent seen them in the air yet but i dont care if they ever do, .....and my major problem is the game isn't reading their squadron data whilst they are parked like it does for every other plane //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---- USN AWACS Units [AirUnit166] AircraftType=E-2B Squadron=VAW114 ForceID=1 Nation=USN StartDate=1/1965 DefaultTexture=USNGrey1 StartNumber= BaseArea=Yankee Station CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=63 BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=6 StartAircraft=6 MaxPilots=6 StartPilots=6 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 MissionChance[SWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[INTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=0 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[SEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_SEARCH]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_ATTACK]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_JAMMER]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_DECOY]=0 MissionChance[CRUISE_MISSILE]=0 MissionChance[EARLY_WARNING]=100 UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Date=1/1973 Upgrade[01].Type=E-2C Upgrade[01].Texture=USNGrey1 [AirUnit167] AircraftType=E-2B Squadron=VAW115 ForceID=1 Nation=USN StartDate=1/1965 DefaultTexture=USNGrey1 StartNumber= BaseArea=Yankee Station CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=61 BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=6 StartAircraft=6 MaxPilots=6 StartPilots=6 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 MissionChance[SWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[INTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=0 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[SEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_SEARCH]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_ATTACK]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_JAMMER]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_DECOY]=0 MissionChance[CRUISE_MISSILE]=0 MissionChance[EARLY_WARNING]=100 UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Date=1/1973 Upgrade[01].Type=E-2C Upgrade[01].Texture=USNGrey1 [AirUnit168] AircraftType=E-2B Squadron=VAW113 ForceID=1 Nation=USN StartDate=1/1965 DefaultTexture=USNGrey1 StartNumber= BaseArea=Yankee Station CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=64 BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=6 StartAircraft=6 MaxPilots=6 StartPilots=6 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 MissionChance[SWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[INTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=0 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[SEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_SEARCH]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_ATTACK]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_JAMMER]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_DECOY]=0 MissionChance[CRUISE_MISSILE]=0 MissionChance[EARLY_WARNING]=100 UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Date=1/1973 Upgrade[01].Type=E-2C Upgrade[01].Texture=USNGrey1 [AirUnit169] AircraftType=E-2B Squadron=VAW112 ForceID=1 Nation=USN StartDate=1/1965 DefaultTexture=USNGrey1 StartNumber= BaseArea=Yankee Station CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=65 BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=6 StartAircraft=6 MaxPilots=6 StartPilots=6 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 MissionChance[SWEEP]=0 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[INTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=0 MissionChance=0 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[SEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_SEARCH]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_ATTACK]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_JAMMER]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_DECOY]=0 MissionChance[CRUISE_MISSILE]=0 MissionChance[EARLY_WARNING]=100 UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Date=1/1973 Upgrade[01].Type=E-2C Upgrade[01].Texture=USNGrey1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CarrierUnit001] CarrierType=CVA-9 CarrierNumber=11 UnitName=USS Intrepid ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=SMALL Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=4/1966 Tour[01].End=11/1966 Tour[02].Start=5/1967 Tour[02].End=12/1967 Tour[03].Start=6/1968 Tour[03].End=2/1969 [CarrierUnit002] CarrierType=CVA-14 CarrierNumber=14 UnitName=USS Ticonderoga ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=SMALL Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=9/1965 Tour[01].End=5/1966 Tour[02].Start=10/1966 Tour[02].End=5/1967 Tour[03].Start=12/1967 Tour[03].End=8/1968 [CarrierUnit003] CarrierType=CVA-14 CarrierNumber=19 UnitName=USS Hancock ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=SMALL Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=10/1964 Tour[01].End=5/1965 Tour[02].Start=11/1965 Tour[02].End=8/1966 Tour[03].Start=1/1967 Tour[03].End=7/1967 Tour[04].Start=7/1968 Tour[04].End=3/1969 [CarrierUnit004] CarrierType=CVA-9 CarrierNumber=20 UnitName=USS Bennington ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=1 BaseSize=SMALL Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=3/1965 Tour[01].End=10/1965 [CarrierUnit005] CarrierType=CVA-9 CarrierNumber=31 UnitName=USS Bon Homme Richard ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=SMALL Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=4/1965 Tour[01].End=1/1966 Tour[02].Start=1/1967 Tour[02].End=8/1967 Tour[03].Start=1/1968 Tour[03].End=10/1968 [CarrierUnit006] CarrierType=CVA-14 CarrierNumber=34 UnitName=USS Oriskany ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=SMALL Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=4/1965 Tour[01].End=12/1965 Tour[02].Start=5/1966 Tour[02].End=11/1966 Tour[03].Start=6/1967 Tour[03].End=1/1968 [CarrierUnit007] CarrierType=CV-43 CarrierNumber=41 UnitName=USS Midway ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=3/1965 Tour[01].End=11/1965 [CarrierUnit008] CarrierType=CV-43 CarrierNumber=42 UnitName=USS Franklin D. Roosevelt ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=6/1966 Tour[01].End=2/1967 [CarrierUnit009] CarrierType=CV-43 CarrierNumber=43 UnitName=USS Coral Sea ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=12/1964 Tour[01].End=11/1965 Tour[02].Start=7/1966 Tour[02].End=2/1967 Tour[03].Start=7/1967 Tour[03].End=4/1968 [CarrierUnit010] CarrierType=CVA-63 CarrierNumber=59 UnitName=USS Forrestal ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=6/1967 Tour[01].End=9/1967 [CarrierUnit011] CarrierType=CVA-63 CarrierNumber=61 UnitName=USS Ranger ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=8/1964 Tour[01].End=5/1965 Tour[02].Start=12/1965 Tour[02].End=8/1966 Tour[03].Start=11/1967 Tour[03].End=5/1968 [CarrierUnit012] CarrierType=CVA-63 CarrierNumber=62 UnitName=USS Independence ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=5/1965 Tour[01].End=12/1965 [CarrierUnit013] CarrierType=CVA-63 CarrierNumber=63 UnitName=USS Kitty Hawk ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=10/1965 Tour[01].End=6/1966 Tour[02].Start=11/1966 Tour[02].End=6/1967 Tour[03].Start=11/1967 Tour[03].End=6/1968 [CarrierUnit014] CarrierType=CVA-63 CarrierNumber=64 UnitName=USS Constellation ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=5/1966 Tour[01].End=12/1966 Tour[02].Start=4/1967 Tour[02].End=12/1967 Tour[03].Start=5/1968 Tour[03].End=1/1969 [CarrierUnit015] CarrierType=CVA-63 CarrierNumber=65 UnitName=USS Enterprise ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=6 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=10/1965 Tour[01].End=6/1966 Tour[02].Start=11/1966 Tour[02].End=7/1967 Tour[03].Start=1/1968 Tour[03].End=7/1968 [CarrierUnit016] CarrierType=CVA-63 CarrierNumber=66 UnitName=USS America ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=4/1968 Tour[01].End=12/1968 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is my squadronlist ini [Squadron406] Name=VAW111 DisplayName=VAW-111 Grey Berets Nation=USN [Squadron407] Name=VAW112 DisplayName=VAW-112 Golden Hawks Nation=USN [Squadron408] Name=VAW111 DisplayName=VAW-113 Black Eagles Nation=USN [Squadron409] Name=VAW114 DisplayName=VAW-114 Hormel Hawgs Nation=USN [Squadron410] Name=VAW115 DisplayName=VAW-115 Liberty Bells Nation=USN [Squadron411] Name=VAW116 DisplayName=VAW-116 Nation=USN
  18. well i thought i had pretty much already answered that question here, but i dont mind giving a bit more info if thats what you are looking for they show up parked on deck, wings folded up, ......same way they do in the North Atlantic campaign (i only get them out on mission in single missions) and when they are parked they are supposed to show their squadron name in the bottom corner of the screen when you focus your view on them just like other parked up planes do, but whist they display VAW-112 Golden Hawks in the NA campaigns (witch is the squadron they have been assigned to by TK in the CAMPAIGNNA_DATA.INI), in the Vietnam Campaigns that i have added them to they do not display anything, ....the plane is their (as in ..appearing to work the same way it does in the NA Campaigns) but their squadron is not showing up in the corner, the only info i get is heading and speed this persists even after adding this mysterious VAW-112 squadron to the Squadronlist.INI (mysterious ...as in i dont know what ini the NA E-2C is getting its info from, i know who the old VA-111 group are) as it isnt their by default
  19. actually come to think of it does this really matter if im only having the FE aircraft fly against other WWI aircraft .......im probs gonna take all the jet craft out of the folder
  20. thanks for the input man and yeah i had figured that much out whilst i was going through the CAT files, i thought it was a cool addition tbh, so im tailoring around it (my original design is based on the old one per plane format hence why its a blueprint) ......the one thing im planning thats individual other than the hanger screens is, im looking into the prospect of using planning map icons like their are in first eagles, once i find the file that governs those first that is need to compare the file from FE2 and SF2 to see what makes them tick
  21. im gonna use this thread to upload my work for when i need help/critique or whatever, weather or not i ever get around to uploading my mods or not is a different matter but as a long term FIFA modder and general graphic artist (skins mostly) i do appreciate thoughts/opinions from the general populace and since im thinking of working on an ace combat mod at some point ..might as well start getting feedback now eh? .......so i just found some old files i was working on last year figured i would show a few off i HAVE completed the menu in its entirety, every screen is already made (albeit for SFP1 not 2 but its a simple file switch from BMP to JPG so), i just haven't decided yet weather to upload or save for the ace combat mod, might see if it gains interest so first file is a medal screen test was conducting to see how much text i could fit above and below, im quite pleased with the result
  22. next, a sample of the load out and pilot screens, thinking of making the backgrounds less generic and more tailored for each aircraft, the screens below that are an ace combat inspired menu screen and a hanger screen for an F-14 though again, im thinking of using coloured in game stills so the skin is shown
  23. i have time, and patience......took me 8 hours to merge my gen 1 games. as long as the planes avionics aint going to be affected i should be alright, i remeber i once tried a sopwith camel in wings over vietnam and it worked but it didnt behave the same way it did in FE and had no propeller
  24. interesting, i might have a look and see if i can get it to merge ...cheers
  25. UPDATE: (i couldnt edit my last post by the time i found this out) case in point to something i said earlier about things not being explained well enough i just found out that until i run a single mission for the first time it will continuously re-add deleted aircraft from my mod folders, and it helps to know that THIS is what was screwing up any separate era specific mod folders that i had that this is an IMPORTANT step, isn't really mentioned ANYWHERE i mean dont get me wrong wrench you mention to do it in the instructions for an era specific install, but you dont explain that its an important step and why, you just tell people do it ....it might help to explain that bit a bit more i think

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