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File Reviews posted by Nippy

  1. Getting really spoilt now - one of my all time favourite squadrons as well!

    I really like the Tripehound with one gun but that second really cuts down the time you need to stay on their tail!

    I think there was about six of these with maybe some field mods as well?

    Thanks again for these brilliant models and fms guys.

    • Thanks 1

  2. Thanks an awful lot for this. It worked pretty much of the box. Just as a quick test I rigged up a freeware giant bat as an ultrasonic opponent and it worked pretty much straight away! I probably don't have the time or ability to produce an whole aircraft but I'm sure I'll be throwing together some weapons!


    • Haha 2

  3. This is excellent! Thanks so very very much. Just been playing with a 110! There is a bit of me that wants to shout "Hawk a-a-a" as the bullets strike home!

    Seriously though - I know its not an f5f but it just looks right for a  Blackhawk skin! Is there a skin template?

    I wonder if the 'real' mock up was just a dummy to leave out on the ground or to confuse the enemy with some unknown type?

    More 'speculative' stuff like this would be great!



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