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Everything posted by Do335

  1. my startup throttle is always at 67%. unlike you i'd like to have it on 100% :p I think it is indeed related to the throttle/joystick, as once i recalibrated my throttle and it actually did default to 100. but yes just not bothered enough to find out why!....
  2. Just noticed by accident that wing damage will alter AlphaStall. ULing the vid to youtube. It is a bit hard to see. As set in Data the mig's AlphaStall is 11.50 degrees. This one has damage on all four sections of the wing, and with debug on, it stalls at around ~11.35 deg alpha.
  3. Hiya BM! I haven't checked the Yak-9 yet. I'm attempting to make an F-84 FM and came upon this one. But if my conclusion is correct, it should be something simple like reducing the min/maxdeflection on the elevators a bit. I have tried others like moving the lift center and adjusting the CmQ. But the angles are the easiest I guess.
  4. Hey stary! Any work you do will definitely be awesome! (I'm thinking of a what if 1955 with cougars, furys, hunters, F100s and mig17s... after getting the current build to rock solid..)
  5. So, more nitty gritty stuff. Spent 20 hours on a sonovabitch that's very hard to track and test: Damaged AI flat spin. Hard because lots of values in play and testing isn't straightforward at all because you need to get the AI "damaged" but not "destroyed". Then you need to make it do extreme maneuvers at low speed. So the conclusion is this. As we know AI uses normal FM, which will never exceed "AlphaDepart". But once the wings gets damaged, apparently the AI can exceed it, when it applies full pitch for long time at low speed. Once it does it enters the unrecoverable flat spin. Just like the player does on Hard FM. So to prevent this, test the FM on Hard, go into a horizontal turn and pull full back on the stick. Make sure Alpha doesn't exceed "AlphaDepart" on all speed ranges (and better leave a few degrees wiggle room). If it does the FM needs to be adjusted. It looks like TW default FMs are set up this way also. When both full pitch and roll is applied or prolonged full pitch is applied in the vertical, the stock FMs would also depart. But gotta do it deliberately. And the previous weeks are spent on campaign strategic node testing for many many hours. It's also very hard to test due to obvious reasons. And there's been little to no documentation on the subject so only way is trial and error. Good thing is the dogfighting's always exciting:)
  6. Comes BDG patch 2.13. http://www.simhq.com/daily-news/battle-britain-ii-wings-victory-update.html 2.12 was a long time ago so I'm very surprised. Gonna head over to A2A sims and check it out.
  7. BoB II Wing of Victory new update

    Patch http://www.a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=51298
  8. ok I see, for firechances find these in your AIRCRAFTOBJECT.ini, I think the values are self explanatory. (goes to the Objects\ folder in the mods) [ObjectFire] FireCheckTime=6.0 APRoundFireChance=1 HERoundFireChance=5 HERoundExplosionChance=1 ExplosionChance=3 SuppressionChance=10 ProgressionChance=15 per TK, FireSuppression=TRUE reduces those fire chances, but it's still a dice roll. Also engine and fuel tank hitpoints play a role, as in fewer hitpoints --> more likely to fire. But, what i have found interesting is seems AI is much more efficient in putting out fires, and especially! Engine damage. When flying piston engine aircraft, hit by a few shells, my engine quits a few seconds later. Which is weird. If the engine is destroyed, the effect should be immediate. I'm guessing it could be oil temperature or something.
  9. Hi Frenchie, 1. Answer: I think it has to be visually identified by a friendly, after which the label pops up. Perhaps it is to simulate "bandits, 20 miles!" ---> "holy sh*t they're Mig-28s!"... 2. Question! How does one extinguish fires? I have tried turning off engine (Ctrl-I) and reduce to idle power, but doesn't help. P.S. i find them interesting questions.
  10. Fabric Furball!

    Porco Rosso
  11. BoB II Wing of Victory new update

    Same here, last time I installed it wasn't very stable. Plus was busy with sf2 korea at the time. Gonna do the dance later when they roll it out. ps it's a shame Mig alley never got that much attention.
  12. BoB II Wing of Victory new update

    I suck at flying them early kites:X ShrikeHawk where art thou!!
  13. "Paint the town red" the game

    Time to get a bar fight
  14. David Bowie passes away at 69

    :( :( This is very sad. Bowie the legend. RIP sir:(
  15. Tappedops, based on your short post I guess I'm possibly in your similar boat. I mean, after all, we're sitting in front of a computer being "armchair pilots". It ain't real and too much pretending just sacrifices the fun factor. So welcome and wish you enjoy this sim/game (or whatever it'd be called) and have fun. :)
  16. Generation 1.5: The -86H, FJ-3, CAC/CL Sabre, + the Hunters, Mig-17s... They are good jets...
  17. already got a "preview" from your u2b feed SH but I still can't believe how tight these things can turn :blink:
  18. For noobs like me that don't know what were the tools you mentioned (:D) FE's FmTool by p10ppy http://combatace.com/files/file/4759-fmtool/ Kreelin's Aeoconvert http://combatace.com/files/file/4932-aeoconvert/ A E-M doghouse plotter/compare program or something like that would be the ultimate FM proggy I reckon. PS the other day was also thinking of a campaign save file editor, like switching planes and squadrons in a campaign save so you can fly different planes in the same campaign..
  19. A theory to: get gunsight reticle aligned with bullets. Just some simple math + in game mechanism. In the TW sims there is a small gap between where the bullets go and where the gunsight reticle is aimed. It is easily explained: there is a distance between your eyes and the gun muzzle. So how is it compensated for in real life? A picture of the setup on the Bf109E with two nose mounted MGs and two wing mounted cannons. The horizontal convergence is set for 200m, vertical 400m. Quited complicated! But that's how the pros do it: by tilting the guns upwards a bit. However there's a problem with the in game AI. A simple test shows that far as SF's AI is concerned, it considers all guns firing from 0,0,0 model position. It disregards where the guns muzzle position is set. So the AI also has aiming errors: So what would happen if the guns are tilted upwards? My take: the AI tends to fire from far away, even AI aces will fire at 1000m+ and novices at 2000m+. They are not known for their shooting accuracy, so some spray and pray can at least land them some hits. Angled guns that converge at 200m~400m would increase their aiming error at range, which makes AI's shooting worse: Hence what's left is the other option: tilt the gunsight reticle down in the cockpit.ini. It would only affect the player and do not change the AI. Better yet, do it proper and make the LOS and bullet converge points the same one: The calculations are very easy, just some triangle math with gun position, cockpit position and cockpit offset (if this one is used in cockpit.ini). When done you just write "ViewAngles=0.0,x.xx,0.0" in the cockpit.ini. One big factor that's not yet considered: bullet drop. I luck out here since most of Korean era gunsights are lead computing. I use 1200ft/365.76m for LOS and gun convergence points, and just input "DefaultLeadRange=365.76" in the cockpit.ini. The game automatically computes bullet drop in the gunsight. Certainly not a perfect method but I find it works quite well for shooting. For WW2 and earlier maybe pointing the guns upward is worth experimenting. (*edit*) If a math guru figures out a precise way to do it plz share! *edit*: looks like already done in 2008.... http://combatace.com/topic/28471-gunsight/ have thought about GunBoreSightAngle too but when looking at the aiming error diagram above, if the plane has nose mounted guns, changing that angle could mean larger aiming error for AI
  20. Oh, looking forward to your 1937 china flight Shrikehawk! Reckon we'd finally have some biplane action too.
  21. Liaoning Carrier Ops

    well china has been practicing (heavily state regulated) capitalism for years. So Pepsis, McDs, Starbucks and... flight simulations:p I've seen and bought IL2 and Lock On from state-owned bookstores way back when. What is severely lacking is democracy.
  22. Who has Star Wars Tickets?

    Well naturally yes except.. I can't, have been wondering about it ever since seeing space combat. Then Firefly proved it because while the space scenes are soundless they are just as if not more cinematic. Even better, if the point of view is inside the ship you hear not the gun but very low vibrations of it. Then you watch battlestar galactica and it's like... eeeeh nah that's not supposed to be heard. I finally justified it by thinking in BSG's and other sci-fi's verse, the empty space is actually filled with 'aether'! I dunno, guess it turns out sometimes thinking too much isn't all that good
  23. Hi guys, I've watched the comparison between the 109 and spit in the past with some interest. For the spit the eclipsed wing means low lift with low induced drag, so while the 109 can have the initial instantaneous turn rate advantage, it will lose energy to the spit if the turn fight prolongs. The 109 performs a lot better in the vertical so its tactics are mostly that of energy, like spiral climbs, immelmanns, hammerheads and chandelles. I think it's not that different from Mig-15 vs F-86, the difference is the spitfire (some sub variant at least) and mig-15 are the better ones at altitude. The bf109 and F-86 are the better ones at dives. Youtube has many clips of CLoD online pilots. Like this one a typical spiral climb: and the same pilot talks about the spit's counter. https://youtu.be/Zlf62w8-rcg?t=20m44s These guys spend hundreds of hours flying and I guess CloD is as real as it gets so I generally take it all in.
  24. I actually do like spoilers, so expected a somewhat lengthy and detailed review but only greeted with "Dave with a murder intent", so 'twas another of my failed jokes... anyway..... I think will like this one, someone said it's basically a Star Wars IV remake, but never watched the old IV so even better.
  25. somehow i feel tricked!

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