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Everything posted by Do335

  1. shomu1, Can u perhaps attach the campaign.ini and campaign_data.ini. Could be a bit hard to troubleshoot purely from description.
  2. Thanks man the low velocity cannons are actually very frustrating. A radar would help probably. I'm watching your scooter vid:D
  3. I get this on F-4 as well, whenever landing in a too nose high attitude, the ac bounces back and forth until catastrophe... Probably some weird interactions between the nose gear, main gear and arresting hook. Reduce AoA then all is well.
  4. Campaign engine that beats any current commercial title. Open modding so if I don't like something I can change it. Competent AI that provides repeated challenges. The modders that make Korea and WW2 possible --- avionics shiavionics.
  5. pretty good demo there.
  6. Is there an option to change gun convergence settings? I'm curious if the real thing has the 3 guns fixed in parallel for easy maintenance or can be tuned to converge.
  7. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    Got nothing here Sheriff... But it should be something very very simple. If you've got other mod folders try to compare them to see what's amiss.
  8. hmmm something like this would happen if there're multiple installs and 2 or more exes of the same name in each install folder (so they share the same mod folder and options.ini). Each time one switch to another exe to open the game there'll be new inis saved to the mod folder. I've yet thought of another cause...
  9. Somehow influenced by you ShrikeHawk. I usually do slashing attacks, but the knife fight is indeed very fun.
  10. Awesome! Was looking for this a long time. Please release if/when finished amariani!
  11. Eh tricky typo this one. I get a feeling NA is not debugged enough. Like SF2E that got the mega bug thread http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=6591(and many others..)
  12. Yep No.4 guy is generally out of player control... he will engage if the AI deems fit but no way to directly order him. I think his job is mostly to protect No.3.
  13. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    There was only one selectable VVS squadron that started late war in 1953, as the red side units were mostly unlisted and just for testing. It's now expanded.
  14. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    Sheriff, Perhaps check if the folders are in the correct paths. i.e. the aircrafts are at C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Objects\Aircraft\ and terrains files (the loads of .LODs, skins, inis etc) at C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Terrains\Korea3\
  15. eh yeah regarding gun convergence (something i picked up while browsing CloD foras as they're quite hardcore about it there) There're 2 convergence settings. One is vertical convergence, the other is horizontal. Below in the pic, the Bf109 has vertical convergence set at 400m; horizontal convergence set at 200m. Note the "zero" line (base line) is pilot's gunsight LOS. Obviously there's some math required for this (or I guess a lot of shooting test)....
  16. I usually follow it too with a caveat. I then proceed to ram it. :D
  17. eh yehh. It's not that popular a jet. Info is relatively scarce or untranslated. But have found a hint in the manual so will settle for that.
  18. Rule the Waves is released at last. http://yhst-12000246778232.stores.yahoo.net/ruwaddo.html and the new forum section http://nws-online.proboards.com/board/25/rule-waves-discussions-rtw
  19. File Name: Wings over Korea (3 of 3) File Submitter: Do335 File Submitted: 11 July 2015 File Category: User Made Campaigns Wings over Korea Part 3 of 3. Part 1: http://combatace.com/files/file/15221-wings-over-korea-1-of-3/ Part 2: http://combatace.com/files/file/15220-wings-over-korea-2-of-3/ Click here to download this file
  20. JF-17 Thunder

    Yes. It became amphibious.:D For the JF-17 it is true, I didn't know it is developed from the fishbed either until a friend pointed it out. Tech and trade embargo from both the west and soviet union since the 60s prevented access to any advanced tech. So everything since then till the early 2000s mostly originates from the mig-21.
  21. JF-17 Thunder

    Ah found it! JF-17 on the third lower right, descendent of Mig21(J-7)!
  22. JF-17 Thunder

    Ultimate evolution of the fishbed!!...
  23. Loving it Shrikehawk. Very tight phone booth fight!

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