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Everything posted by Do335

  1. Did a similar stunt yesterday! I just gunned down a mig, looked back and there's another one right up the tailpipe. Full on panic. Slapped the brakes on and went into a nose low scissors. He ended up shooting me on the nose. It was not good:(
  2. Updated. The pack now has 3 parts, with Wings over Korea (3 of 3) newly added. If the original pack was downloaded before, it is best to re-download all 3 parts, as the changes are a lot and I couldn't keep track of all the edits, so the entire package is renewed. What's new in 1.1 update: 5 new ground war campaigns depicting different phases of the Korean War: North Korea Attacks, Race to the Yalu, Chinese Intervention, Stalemate '51, Stalemate '52. And a revised Korean Air War static campaign. All 6 campaigns are fully flyable from the red side. Added aircraft, skins and FM mods since last release and utilized in campaigns. New sounds for piston engine planes. A complete database overhaul for aircraft, ships and vehicles. Datas are attempted to fine tune to Thirdwire standards. Damage modelling has been revised for better realism and detail. Carrier battle groups now have deadly AAA. Added infantry units for ground combat. Game requirements lowered. Only needs SF2E, SF2V and SF2I. Install instructions updated. More fixes on missing decals in campaign mode, and other misc. fixes. Added mods since last release: Seafury, by Skippybing, Wrench, Baffmeister, 7eleven, PauloPanz, GregoryP, Hinchbrook, Stephan1918, KJakker, eburger. NK prop FMs for IL-10, La-11 and Yak-9, by Baffmeister. KAW B-29 Pack by Wrench, MontyCZ, PauloPanz, Crusader, GregroyP, Brain32, lindr2, bobrock. F-86 Fighter Bomber Units skin pack, by Wrench. SF2 Colourful Korea, by Gunrunner. AN-M65 1000lb bomb, by ravenclaw_007. C-47 21TCS skin, by Wrench. C-47 skin pack, by paulopanz, Wrench. Li-2 Pack, by paulopanz, Wrench, Kesselbrut, Kubit. SF2 Wings over Korea (KAW) HiRes hangar and loading screens, by viper63a. Razbam Banshee tweeks, by Wrench, luk1978. AD-4NL 3w pack, by Wrench, Dels, Bunyap. F4U-5 Corsair pack by TMF, Crusader, Wrench, RussoUK, CrazyHorseB34. Korean War pilot pics, by Capitaine Vengeur. Open cockpit method by Coupi. The added mods are a lot more nuanced this time, if I forgot someone please ping me. Lastly, just wanna say a huge thanks to Wrench, Baffmeister and mue (author of LODviewer). Without whom this update won't be at all possible.
  3. Version 1.2


    Wings over Korea Part 3 of 3. Part 1: http://combatace.com/files/file/15221-wings-over-korea-1-of-3/ Part 2: http://combatace.com/files/file/15220-wings-over-korea-2-of-3/
  4. Indeed Wrench! Turns out one doesn't need the expansion packs either. The LODs are in SF2E/I base, so just need the inis and add-on skins.
  5. Question: Aren't carrier groups a thing of SF2NA only? I made a separate install of SF2E, V, I, Exp1, patched to Jul2012 and carrier groups are functioning in campaign mode. Except a missing Gearing Destroyer LOD that comes with NA. Can catapult and land, the ships sail and even their AA defense work. They show up proper on campaign map as well. Am I missing something or was this already established...
  6. Roger that Wrench. Hopefully the max gurus can take a look at it some time!
  7. Thanks a lot Baffmeister! I think I can work out the damage model and stuff, if you can get the core FM (aero) part done I think I can work out the rest.
  8. Awesome. That was very tense ShrikeHawk!
  9. Ok yep see it. I find the AI tougher and tougher the further back in time it goes Can only imagine what it's like in First Eagles!....
  10. Aaaah nice flying and shooting ShrikeHawk. More more more please! Was it a deflection shot from the AI at the end I never saw anything on the 6??
  11. Roger that Wrench, it is good news! Thanks to Cocas! The propeller is a data problem. I'll attempt to make better the data ini if baffmeister isn't around.
  12. Hmmm problems with SF aside it must be lame to have a mute puter! I'd say sort this (and other basic issues) out first and deal with games after! Most motherboards have onboard sound. Maybe unplug the SB card and revert to default.
  13. LOL:p Roger that and thank you for all the goodies already Wrench! It is indeed a bit weird to fly off an angled deck in 1950. I'm also pining for a Tu-2 to complete the RedFor OOB but eh can't have everything. It's already a great Korea theater atm! Campaigns attached if anyone wanna check... could be more edits on the base inis but not much I reckon. edit Jul. 9. campaign txt and art updated
  14. I have finally finished building the 6 campaigns and atm making some campaign texts and art. After that it is some testing. To the modders, have you got any new goodies to add for KAW? (have already added everything public released till now.) Wrenchmeister you got anything?
  15. Interesting idea Coupi! I'm liking the TW F100 pit a lot.
  16. Apparently carrier squadrons in naval campaigns are unable to retire. <inserting 200 swear words> So the full length camp should be using carrier tours. The sub campaigns would need sorting of air units.
  17. ehehe glad to be of service. Wouldn't fly without it for sure. got a slew of vids so far already. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B1ZswA0rWlfI4rHJGDZEl7iNso1DEpu
  18. Interesting... it seems FE2 has a lot more stuff in the inis. Wonder what else FE2 had that SF2 didn't?
  19. tests and tests... and more tests... and so collected some shots.
  20. F-35 pilot says it can't dogfight

    Rather simple report so read it. 1 plane is bit of a dog, 2 flight control software needs work, which makes it more dog.... None surprising but yeah first time for me to hear a pilot say it.
  21. F-35 pilot says it can't dogfight

    It's probably packed with too much electronics. Only time'll tell if the extra luggage is worth it...
  22. http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.1980-3039 So it is... the "Evolution of the F-86". I am ripped off....! This is a bloody rob I say. A .pdf of only 15 pages costs $25. Only 15 pages! I'd thought it'd contained more info than this. Anyway....... the rudimentary explanation of the 6-3 wing. The performance gain is not really a larger wing surface or a higher wing sweep as I thought before, but mainly to induce vortex by the sharper leading edge hence non-linearly increase CL as alpha goes up. Tis is a preview found on the net which explains the phenomena... http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-81932-2_15#page-1 I deduce understanding of vortexes probably progressed over the years and enhanced to for example the LEX design on the F-16....
  23. Manuals are out! http://nws-online.proboards.com/thread/335/rtw-rule-waves-information-downloads
  24. Oh man, this is a can of worms Streakeagle. I reckon the subject is more for ppl with appetite as historians and can only say luckily I'm not one woot

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