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Everything posted by Do335

  1. ^i think you're quite peculiar with sounds. anyway the kaw pack sounds were updated. if your still not satisfied feel free to choose what's best/available. apologize for OT:|
  2. neg the game just locks up (post 44 by ragnarokryan) i'd added the extra step in install steps.
  3. As a standalone mod like many other big packs it is best to delete other aircraft/objects that's not in theater and so was the recommended setting in the single KAW mods to build a standalone game... Mostly coz there are mod specific settings in FMs and AI parameters. The game would run fine for sure but some gameplay could be off balance. An example the Mig-15 contained in the mod is significantly tougher compared to default TW mig. The default one crumbles by a few 50cal hits which is not very "realistic" vs real life reports. The toughness setting on the mig-15 is also same with every other aircraft in mod. If ya mix in say the TW Mig-17, the mig-17 is gonna be very fragile comparatively... There shouldn't be hangs or CTDs and sorta stuff with other objects mixed but for a best KAW theater experience it is to delete the default aircraft and ground objects as noted in the install steps, for there are many mod specific changes for a guns only dogfight theater. ^^it is not to say "Don't do it" because open modding means we have the freedom to do what we each own prefers that i like a lot myself, but tis just a note of info on why. To mix with other objects/mods the ideal way is compare the .inis and file contents to see what's different and edit them all to a universal setting.
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  6. edit. i see what's happening with IA. Open "Options.ini" in your Mod folder, and replace in [instantAction] section with this [instantAction] AircraftType=F-86E-10 MissionMap=Korea3 StartTime=15:30:00 StartDate=09/18/1951 StartTimeDeviation=120 TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=0 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 see if this gets it.
  7. eh?... This seems a strange one, never met/read about it for sure... Could it be windows UAC related or something else? Okie sniped ... Make sure the name texts match. Computers are dumb.
  8. rwatson: see pic and note the two boxed areas that show the mod folder location This folder shouldn't be manually created, but once you make a "StrikeFighters2 Korea.exe", and run it, the folder is automatically generated. e.g. if you make a copy of any one of the sf2 exes and name it, say, "My_Own_Mod.exe", then run it, then a mod folder called "My_Own_Mod" will be generated over there.
  9. Lights up a smoke.... Other than bug fixes, minor tweaks, and adding possible future new mods, work on this project is I reckon finished finally. All my thanks goes to the KAW team and the dedicated modders at CA that produced the korean war era mod series. Far as I can see a 1950s theater is unique and a harder job to tackle because it is an era earlier and outta scope from the official TW games. Out of 40 aircraft in the install, only 7 is from the default game and the remaining 33 relies solely on 3rd party mods. Outta 8 combat ships only 2 of them are TW default. And so more stuff to start from scratch and less stuff to directly reference. Not to mention the modern and Vietnam era theme is obviously more popular due to the intrinsic setting of SF. Also, a guns only environment differs from the missile-era and requires different configs that can't be directly transferred over from the stock game. Last but not least the terrain is completely new and campaign testing, especially the strategic nodes took up about half the time for my own part. <- Probably made it too complex myself so was barely able to get it finished... Some rumblings... probably should setup a personal blog or summin' but at the moment this will do i reckon. My own motivation has always been a lack of Korean war era themed flight sims. -- living "in theater" the korean war has been sort of a big deal even today, there is also a very large south korean expat community here although they mostly keep to themselves except the... restaurants... uhmm -- Mig Alley by rowan soon became abandon ware and the outdated graphics and some parts of game engine made it difficult to get into. The jet war mod for IL2 was great, but among various issues the most glaring is that IL2's AI is just way too problematic at the root level and 3rd party mods couldn't properly address it. DCS has the Sabre and Mig addon but the lifelessness and mod unfriendliness has always been a big no. There is a korea addon for CFS3 but it's rough around the edges from the looks of it. And so over the years despite an interest in this specific air war, there was never a good enough flight sim to fill this void:| But SF fills it quite nicely. The graphics is not bad, the AI is kickass vs other sims, the campaign is not full blown Falcon level DC but surpasses everybody else that's still current, the FMs although a bit lacking can be openly modded. The game engine, "miraculously" it seems, supports this theater very well. Since the CA modders made these great single mods, it just felt compelled to put them together or... what if TK did a SF2:Korea module. For myself, while ULing a big mod took some effort, if a young "me" were to look for a korean war addon, he may stumble on this and have some enjoyment outta it, while I can somehow find a sense of closure. I think tis the best way to put it. And so, on to the next one....
  10. Shooting requires some zen which alcohol helps. what i tell meself at least.........
  11. Updated 1.2. What's new in 1.2 update: Campaigns updates. Strategic node network expanded; Ground units OOB expanded; Frontline precision increased; Campaign parameters adjusted; RedFor ground war campaigns separated from BluFor campaigns using non-NA carrier stations; Reinforcement BluFor squadrons first spawn on airbases in Japan or near Pusan; Tu-2 squadrons added to Korean Air War and Stalemate '51 campaigns. New mods added. Aircraft: Tu-2S, An-2; Cockpits: F7F-3N, F-94B, F-84E&G. New sounds for all jet engined aircraft. Ini updates. Reworked FM: F-86, An-2, F-82, F-84, B-29, Mig-15; Updated cockpit avionics: Mig-15, F-84; Fixed a few CTD triggers in ground object inis. Damage modeling specific updates. Increased AI gunfire accuracy and separated into 3 categories: Radar-ranging, Gyro, Non-Gyro; AI Mig-15 cannon ranges reduced; Added new tracer smoke, tracer size reduced; Aligned gunsight reticle to trajectory convergence point; A few components durability reduced due to large volume; Jet engine durability halved to provide possibility of disabled engine due to damage; Fuel tank minimum size capped above 0.4m^3. Other misc. fixes. Authors of new mods added: Tu-2S by Cocas, Kulbit80, Baffmeister, Kesselbrut, Wrench, Jiver (from IL2 SAS) An-2 by Pasko, Diego, Wrench F7F-3N cockpit by Stary F-94B cockpit by Stary F-84E&G cockpit by Flakiten, Brain32, Stary WW2/Korea fx tests by Stary Mig-15 ADI fix by Coupi B-29 ini updates by Crusader F2H, F9F, F-80, F-84, F-86, Meteor and Mig-15 engine sounds by Jiver and Tiger33 (from IL2 SAS) Special thanks to Stary for the beautiful cockpit works; to Wrench the mod master; to Baffmeister and Fubar512 for guidance on FMs; to Nicholas Bell for game engine discoveries; and to mue for the revolutionary LODviewer and TargetAreaEditor tools.
  12. LOL... while mr Wrench's reply is very 'to the point' it does help to know that SF series is not about in-depth systems modeling so its capability in this area is rather limited. i reckon nor do most like SF because of its system modeling or lack thereof, but other aspects.... ah... also tis a modding forum so it doesn't hurt to see what you can do to make some stuff happen, engine durability and fire chances could be within that range it seems...
  13. well echo echo. whatever the data if the end result in game is good, the ultimate standard is met
  14. My sorry excuse for a flight game

    Some ideas... 1. Isn't the entire IL2 java based and although it's not very fast still gets it done? 2. For a mobile game it wouldn't be too bad maybe? 3. Java and C++ have good similarities, maybe a conversion is feasible?
  15. FE2 Observations and Musings

    Just popping ideas but does FE have Wep mode? perhaps a wep for engines that are limited in time by max output would be closer to what's intended... for ww2 this wouldn't be fair for many engines do have actual wep, but for ww1 mayhaps?.... Anyway this is nice thread(s) for me as FE aims for piston engined guns only aircraft so many functions are similar but different... whatever you discover i'm gonna read on with interest!
  16. FE2 Observations and Musings

    Hiya Von S i've experimented with them as well and it's possible to do with after damage effect i.e. you can have an engine damaged but it will keep working for a short period and then it stops. For AI they seem unaffected by this or auto adjust engine settings to just below overheat temp or something, basically AI doesn't seem to be affected... i don't think that TK's sims model random engine failures and such but it for sure would be great if indeed otherwise!
  17. finally got around to install this and the tigercat pit and great work as usual by Staryworks...! Well worth pit ini tune up but don't see much TBD with this one even
  18. Yakarov: ok just stating the obvious but why is formation type in the 2nd pic "<none>"... could be a clue with it.
  19. :( feeling sorry for the hapless chopper. doesn't even pop flares and a hard crash.
  20. hey about time. always think SF/FE is very very awesome for ww2 keep up the good work Shrikehawk!
  21. Nice one. It is probably overdue since we've had Lodviewer.
  22. Had been testing for like a year before finding a suitable match, it sure takes time.. But yah i don't think HE without ..HE is a good idea. Most machine gun rounds have incendiary or other forms of ammo besides "ball" so warheadwt shouldn't be zero i reckon. I took a look at Il2Clod and the ammo choice for MG rounds have quite a few! https://youtu.be/uaM5jFf5omo?t=5m46s

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