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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Final Offensive

    Hat's off to PCPilot. Here's a man who has been in your shoes and his advice is the best I have seen. If the good Lord comes into your heart there will be peace. Maybe not all of the things of this world that you seek, but there will be peace. This is the peace that passeth all human understanding and, once there, never leaves. Give God a chance.
  2. His fellow soldiers always knew him. The medal from his beloved country, though tardy, is no less meaningful. He stands in that long grey line....proudly.
  3. The "Iron Lady" is gone...

    Maggie was a Brit through and through and like all British politicians, she was both loved and hated. There is no denying her impact on the UK. RIP from an outsider that admired her very much, but did not have to live under her internal policies.
  4. War is very serious business....

    Black humor is common in the military and takes the edge off. That's a good thing. My fellow pilot acting as my mobile officer used to ask me before he shut my canopy if he could have my stereo if I died today. Thank God he never got it.
  5. NK in state of war with the South?

    This is all another cyclical thing from the North Koreans. Whenever their starving masses become restless, they rattle their sabers around, strut and puff, and act in a very belligerent manner. They are offered some more money and they calm down. I think that this time, President Obama doesn't have the money to up their check and they are just ranting and using whatever they can (sorta like a pouting child) to get what they want. It might be in their best interests to see what China really thinks about all of this before they become too rambunctious. Can you believe they have nuclear weapons?
  6. Bandit 6 o'clock

    Two words......energy state. If you got high energy state, go vertical nose high. Low energy state, go vertical nose low and get a higher energy state (if you have the altitude). Lots of flares and chaff to confuse the issue. MiGs will outturn you if you try to dogfight them.....so don't. Fly to your jet's strengths, not to the bad guy's strengths. If you are out of control of the situation, extend and re-engage later. Give your maneuvers time to take effect. Flailing away in the same spot just changes the enemy sight picture and not much else. You're still dog meat. My strongest advice is to not let the bad guy get in that position in the first place..............
  7. 150 years ago this day: Vive la Légion !

    Salute to real men at arms...................
  8. KING Willem Alexander .....

    Congrats on the new King. Not so much an American thing..........................
  9. Playful Killer Whales

    Not so much fun when they're hungry................
  10. I have found that with the latest patches, some of my aircraft that had canopy animation working, appear to work in reverse. Opens as the aircraft accelerates on the runway instead of closing. Anybody else run into that problem? Anybody got a fix?
  11. F-22 - Worth It?

    I think Typhoid hit it on the head. Was the F-22 worth it, I'll tell you when the smoke clears from the next time the US runs up against another tough air opponent.
  12. Uh...translation?

    I bet Putin didn't even read the message......attention elsewhere.
  13. Tried to download a second time and everything seems to be working fine now. Gremlins on the wire................
  14. When I run the install pack #2, #3, and #4, I keep getting some errors: This is the error I get for #4 (the others were the same error, but for different aircraft and different TGA files) "SF2 War For Israel Campaign Mod V3.0 Part 4 has not been totally installed because of the following reason: Objects\Aircraft\F-14A+_87\Cockpit\REFLECT.TGA: This file contains invalid data. (error 21FC) You will have to run this utility again to completely install SF2 War For Israel Campaign Mod V3.0 Part 4" Any help you can offer.
  15. Korean War veteran, 82, granted dying wish

    Old sailor, may God grant you smooth sailing and a fair wind. Thanks for your service.
  16. USAFM virtual hi-res cockpit App for free

    Brings back memories of life in the front office...............
  17. Just finished a rebuild myself: AMD 8-core running at 3.7 mhz Asus Sabretooth motherboard 32 Gig RAM 3 1 Terrabyte HDs NVidia 8800 GTX graphics card Liquid cooled cpu It smokes........................ Cost about $700.00.
  18. Many a mission is where you'll see The Jug in his Thud searching weapons free Between the cloud covered Karst you'll see me slip Down from the west with Thud ridge on my hip Fast and low and into the fire My big metal steed can't afford much higher Alone with the rumble and whistle chasing me along Ghosts of heroes in my ears with a song For with them is always where I want to be Scooting along at less than 10 feet With ner but my eyeball and drifting smoke used for aim My Thud and I will deliver the pain When I am feet wet and my sweat dryer I'll lift my husky steed to realms a bit higher Returning home quiet with thoughtful repose I'll do it again as soon as I close
  19. OK, for the dummy in the crowd, is there some how-to that will enable me to get the AJ-37 Viggen flyable in SF-2???
  20. Thanks for the quick reply. I have the conversion instructions, but I cannot make the Viggen show up. Anybody got a complete download?
  21. CSM Plumbley Dies at Age 92

    RIP and honorably join the long grey line.......
  22. ABC's "LAST RESORT" Nuke sub boomer show

    Bullets go bang, bombs go boom, and nukes go Ka-f**king-Boom. Wholesale urban renewal in one fell swoop!
  23. Give me a break on the security stuff............ye know not what ye say!
  24. MA State drug chemist botched 1000s of cases

    Solution: legalize drugs.
  25. The Command Center II

    Nice digs, guys. I need to work on my man-cave some more.............

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