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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Who....

    Anybody heard the farting contest that was dreamed up by some Canadians on the way over to the WWII and recorded (audio) for posterity. I heard it once and nearly died laughing. I think the competitors were one Paul Boomer, Austrailian who trained all the way to the contest on a ship loaded with cabbage, and one Lord Windeshmear, who came to the contest attired in tights with an appropriate hole. The hole was decorated with fringe to enhance the visual effects. The contest platform was about 12' X 12' with a pole in the center for the contestant to grip while straining away. The audio was a pretend BBC announcer who announced the event in the same style as one would expect from a tennis match. I shall never hear a good real fart without thinking about classifying it as a little 'freep' or a resounding 'fundesbreak'. I am chuckling just thinking about it.
  2. First Concert in a decade

    My daughter does make-up and special effects in Hollywood and she recently did some makeup on Ozzie. In conversations with Ozzie while they were working, she discovered that Ozzie is about as far right-wing as you can get (close to the other side of Attila the Hun). Go figure................
  3. The Proper use for Nails

    All this potent stuff, brave men in powerful machines to deliver it, never lost a battle, and no political will to win the war! Vietnam was a sad disaster. The sadest part was the treatment of returning veterans.
  4. OOOOOOOh! Watch out, Jason will be after you for that comparison.................
  5. English class in spain

    Gotta tell you guys that learning Portuguese was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. I am not a natural at languages and, but for the kind hospitality of my Brazilian friends, I would still be butchering the language (well, I still do, but I butcher it less). I would say that Americans need to get used to the international context of today's world and learning another language is just part and parcel of that. I would suggest that the languages that are based in Latin are the best (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romainian, Italian, and some others). They are called the "Romance" languages and knowledge of one will enable you to find the bathroom and get something to eat in most of the others. My wife learned with me and, at the end of the day, she is better than I am.
  6. Is anybody updating the current Viggen for SF2 use? All I have is the model for SF1. Love the tube........gets your motor running.
  7. Finally Laid to Rest

    RIP brave souls.
  8. Passenger Briefing

    My briefing for passengers was real simple: "Don't touch anything rusty or shiny. Puke in the bag provided or you clean it up. Cries for mercy will be ignored. You will not hear the second command to eject because at that moment you will be the aircraft commander of a bad airplane experiencing a heavy draft and a nose-up tendency. I will be gone. Questions?"
  9. Strike Mission with Su-7BMK

    The real Peruvian AF acquired several of the Su-7s and found that they could not get off the only runway long enough in the high altitude South American country for the jet with a full fuel load and any ordinance at all!!! The Su-7 is, evidently, grossly overweight and under-powered (reminds me of me). Soviets are still counting their profits and laughing about that one.
  10. Rolling Thunder (SF2V)

    Careful lest you besmirch my much beloved Thud.............. If you are pitching and rolling around expecting F-5 performance, that is not the Thud. Why do you think the pilots called it "Thud". It is a fast, dirt-mover. Try to do anything else with it and you are dogmeat. Best pilots don't try to take their jet where it can't go. If you're lucky enough to end up behind a MiG in the Thud punch your tanks, fire what missiles you have, empty your gun, keep the throttle against the stops, drop your bombs someplace appropriate, and haul your little pink ass to the egress point as low as you can go. There's always tomorrow, but tomorrow's a long way off resting in the Hanoi Hilton.
  11. 225 Years Ago Today

    You guys! It is all about short sleeve shirts, you know, bare arms! If you live in a place that is too cold to bare arms, then move south. The constitution says we all have the right to bare arms, but you need to be practical about it.
  12. Change Again

    If you are that short of money, why are you doing drugs? Most employers require a drug-test these days anyway, so you are beat before you start in your situation. Not harping, just stating the facts.
  13. Prince Harry in Afghanistan :)

    I like that. Let's use the same idea and just nuke them. We can use the celebration of some event in history to justify it. End of Prohibition, million man march rememberance, sun rising, etc.
  14. U.S. Envoy to Libya, Killed in Attack

    Just heard there is a French guy who released some cartoons in a publication there spoofing on Mohammad. How many riots in front of the French embassies have you heard about?? It is pure anti-US stuff and the excuse is anything they want to use. Our current regime is tap-dancing around the issues (common party tactic) and we are just providing an opening for the bad guys to really act up. I fear that there is much more to come...................
  15. Middle East problem fix

    I'm with you on this Jedi, never understood how killing for 'faith' was logically appropriate. Not quite sure how Jews, Christians, and Muslims, who all worship the God of Abraham in different ways, call each other heretic/infidel/unbeliever and seem to end up butchering each other at regular intervals. Still cannot understand how torture, in any form, is against US law, but assasination, also against US law, is OK. I suppose I will depart this earth with those questions and many others unanswered.
  16. Change Again

    James, gun idea is a bad one. Killing people in real life is a bad idea. Respect is earned. Hold your head high, live a clean life, discover the true peace faith can bring, and respect will come, regardless of your place in the world. These are not platitudes, but real things in your life. Do the best you can with what the good Lord gave you to work with and it will work out. Once again, faith helps.
  17. 36 Years ago today

    Wonder what our national exploration goal is now............????
  18. 150 years ago this day...

    As a loving and legal Son of the Confederacy, I am glad we lost and am sad we ever fought.
  19. 225 Years Ago Today

    When the military takes their oath of office it is to uphold the U. S. Constitution, period. I kinda like the fact that the elected representatives are not in that oath.
  20. Prince Harry in Afghanistan :)

    I don't know why we give a hoot why the radical muslims attacked, they did. Reason enough to strike back. Let them live with the consequences of their actions.
  21. It still ends up with a larger perspective question, what is the best answer for Canadian national needs? In my opinion, the question was badly answered in the era of the CF-105 when Canada took a seat on the sidelines of the world aviation community and hasn't come off the bench yet. So what would be best for Canadian citizens, the academic and research community of Canada, and the national independence of Canada? As it is, they would be better off coming in as new states in the United States and be done with it. Just one old man's opinion..............
  22. All of these statistics and numbers don't make a jet driver whip one or the other. It's how you deploy your advantages and how you live with your limitations. In other words, experience. It is also true that you can only fight when you have gas in the tank. The MiG-21 was designed, like the British Lightning, as a point interceptor and was severely limited in prolonged engagements. I always thought it might be a good idea to split your CAP duties for target area and enemy airfields. Those jets coming in to land were usually easy targets with no petrol. How can anyone think that a MiG of any flavor can top-in higher than a Thud on the deck?
  23. Butcher of Mumbai to be hanged

    As a Christian, I think of all the black, lost souls on this earth in need of prayer, this is one. As a man, I can only think that his short drop will be more than he gave his victims in this life.
  24. And then this happened

    I think the guy is just doing what he feels is best for his country. Sometimes that is in diametric opposition to what other nation's feel is best for their country, but he is only opposed to one area that I feel is out of line and that has to do with Russian supply of weapons to bad guys who use them on their own people.

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