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Everything posted by Jug

  1. I am following an older list of things to do to bring the nifty USAF_A-37B Dragonfly into my SF2 Vietnam game, but the super-sqweek blows up on the runway when the program starts on the runway and when the program starts in the air, I have two antenna, three pilots, and six bombs in phantom aircraft of unknown design. Any suggestions or is there a new transition checklist/things to do list for the transition? It could well be out of the range of what I can do with the ini's, but has anyone else done this?
  2. Big kudos to Harrison Ford for a terrific recovery from a dire aviation situation, engine failure on takeoff. It appears that he turned his PT-19(?) around and landed on a golf course with minor injuries. Of course, minor injuries are not minor to a 70 year old man, so he may still have some other things to deal with than his apparent cuts and bruises. However, take a look at the densely populated area from which he had to chose a place to land and the path through the trees he had to navigate to get the aircraft down on the golf course. The dude has some skills. The force was with him and some damn fine skills certainly minimized collateral damage to people and homes closely packed in the area. Good on you, Harrison! To take a look at how difficult this can be, use one of our fine WWII aircraft found here and simulate a similar situation in any of the WO* sims. Chop the throttle to 0% at or around 500 to 1000' and try to turn around and make the runway you just departed. Big hint, most accidents occur in this situation by the pilot stalling the aircraft. Keep you flying speed and remember, when you turn, that minimum flying airspeed goes up proportionally to the angle of bank used for the turn. You will learn quickly that what Harrison did is no small aviation feat.
  3. The Su-15 for SF2 is absolutely beautiful and really fun to fly. I did look around to find out accurate placement of the lights from the internet and what follows is what I have added to the .Data.ini to reflect what my research shows: // Lights --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-4.0,-5.1,-0.50 LightSrcOffset=-0.20,0.00,0.00 Color=0.98,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.06 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE [RightPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=4.0,-5.1,-0.50 LightSrcOffset=0.20,0.00,0.00 Color=0.25,0.98,0.25 Brightness=0.06 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE [bottomStrobe] SystemType=LIGHT Position=0.00,1.5,-0.93 LightSrcOffset=0.00,0.00,-0.20 Color=0.98,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.04 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=TRUE FlashTime=0.50 [TailStrobe] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-0.0,-10.70,2.83 LightSrcOffset=0.00,-0.20,0.00 Color=0.88,0.88,0.88 Brightness=0.04 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=TRUE [LtLandingLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-2.1,-3,-0.65 LightSrcOffset=2.6046,49.0560,3.50 Color=0.66,0.66,0.6 Brightness=0.2 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE IsLandingLight=TRUE [RtLandingLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=2.1,-3,-0.65 LightSrcOffset=2.6046,49.0560,3.50 Color=0.66,0.66,0.6 Brightness=0.2 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE IsLandingLight=TRUE The right and left landing lights need to be added to the appropriate wing (SystemName[008]=RtLandingLight or SystemName[008]=LtLandingLight). I, also, changed the name of bottom nose light to 'BottomStrobe', since it seem to describe the bottom fuselage strobe function better. The wing position lights were actually imbedded in the wing itself rather than at the wingtip as is usual by ICAO standards. There is also no top rotating beacon, also standard in accordance with ICAO. Evidently the Soviets didn't really care if their defense fighter jets complied with ICAO standards or not at the time. I guess they did not predict any Victor Belenkos in the PVO that might need correct lighting on their defection flight. At least not driving the Su-15 anyway. Fly dangerous.........
  4. Important new sim....

    That would be me....amongst many.
  5. ISIS recruits from the UK

    No person on this planet is in need of God's mercy that these deluded people. But not mine........
  6. Nice show and good music to boot. Thanks.
  7. Henry is sorely missed.

  8. russian victory parade 2014

    OK, I'm picky here........Lend Lease, not Lend Leace.
  9. Days with Polish Army

    Nice photos. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Jug to the bench

    I have officially retired and am intent on doing very little. 20 years flying jets for the USAF, 23 years writing software for the US intelligence community, and I am done. Returning to my home in Alabama, looking forward to spending my remaining time flying with my friends here at Combat Ace. So an old Tiger hands off the reins to a younger breed of cat, who is better than I ever was.
  11. Sochi Olympic Games....

    I wish the final event in the Olympics was not the invasion of the Ukraine. Kinda limits my admiration of the hosts.
  12. MiG-21 was a short-legged sweetheart of an interceptor. MiG-25 was the brute force fighter of all time. I've seen the ugly end of both, but admired them as adversaries.
  13. Mother of God....

    Dave, didn't know about your Dad. Prayers and hopes for a speedy recovery.
  14. CombatACE Editors and Staff

    Well said and well done!
  15. Matchstick Fleet

    Wow! Talk about a lifetime hobby. Better than chasing broads, drinking, or gambling any day.
  16. Mother of God....

    Dave, you should see Lone Survivor. Tough, but fairly done.
  17. It makes you feel old when...

    "...beauty would not beauty be if it didn't fade..........."
  18. Toilet heads unite!

    The staff had to be in on it. But what were they going to do, send the guys responsible to Vietnam. Oops, they were already there.......
  19. We have good secondaries....

    Macelena, ever done any driving in Rome...............they definitely are all Formula 1 tryouts.
  20. We have good secondaries....

    Looks like he was travelling too fast and smacked into some sort of vehicle in front of him. Came out of the drivers seat pretty quickly though. Sad that the whole deal appears to have been preventable by a little more care in driving technique. Scary in that gas bottles could be turned into torpedoes real quickly like this.
  21. Sochi Olympic Games....

    I'm with Dave here. Worthwhile to watch some tremendous athletes do their thing and ignore the stray dogs (some are actually sports journalists off their leash).
  22. Shooting the Cockpit - War Crime or just immoral?

    I'm with Caesar on this one. Only exception would be a civilian airliner. A target is a target and only one way to make sure you don't have to fight him tomorrow.

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