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Everything posted by Polovski

  1. Hi all, We'll be updating with a few new development pics soon, just to stir the blood here's a recent Work-in-Progress pic of the DRI
  2. Not sure it's on elsewhere, but UK's Channel 5 and 5HD on Tuesday 28th March 2012, 8pm WW1 Top Gun: Revealed http://www.channel5.com/shows/revealed/episodes/ww1-top-gun-revealed Mentioned exclusive access to Peter Jacksons WW1 aircraft showed some what appeared to be extreme low level dogfighting scenes in SE5a's and interviews with Pilot and Vintage Aviator manager Gene De Marco. Bad title, but looks interesting at least.
  3. Great Tom glad you are enjoying OFF to the max ;)
  4. nbryant, it's all still WIP, and lots to do yet so anything can change - so I can't say what will be in there finally. We do know we may actually expire before we ever get to finish though!
  5. Must be as it's not been shown elsewhere yet it's to stop them losing any potential future revenue or selling to other channels or countries. Hopefully that means you will see it sometime!
  6. Computer help needed!

    http://www.pchell.com/hardware/beepcodes.shtml a list of them I think they vary from BIOS manufacturer. First thing I'd do is make sure your fans all work for sure, no dodgy slow spinning etc, especially the CPU - make sure the heatsink is on properly etc. Then make sure everything is seated in properly. Some here too http://www.technick.net/public/code/cp_dpage.php?aiocp_dp=guide_beep_codes
  7. Yeah no worries, basically they were field modding like mad trying out different gun placements some good some bad. The BE2 had various experiments too. Worth another watch- I watched it again earlier (recorded Sky+HD) and saw some bits I'd missed previously.
  8. Yes overall worth while, and aa followup with much more detail and as you say more dogfights :) would be welcome, never enough detail these days. Scout had all sorts of experimental setups the side mounted fixed was one, over the wing like the Niueport/Se5a another, also a twin gun variant on the side - angled as the one you have. Given there are plenty of Lewis gun over the wing craft and this was an early craft we wanted to give people a taste of the difficulties and quirkiness of WW1 and liked that variant of the Scout. We may do more variants in time (we did have more originally but time and resources were against us fitting them in, and of course now they are out of date so will need bringing up to the standard of the OFF2 one).
  9. Yes all these programs spend most of the time explaining all the simple basics to a complete WW1 airwar novice everytime. How dangerous it was, how tricky it is to take a photo in a 70 mph wind etc rather then delving in. However some good new info, interesting Gene de Marco talking about how they are actually experiencing the craft jumping into different types then flying another they can really at last report the difference. Also finding out the how small changes in materials such as changing from twisted wire to streamlined helped a lot and they have seen the difference for themselves. Like they took up a their Albatros DVa versus an SE5a and the Alb could not shake it off at all - same engine power 180HP. He really was enthusiastic about how good a flyer the SE5a was. Plus we get to see modern footage in HD of them flying which is never dull :) The BE2 V BE2 with rifle (laser) was a good bit of fun too. Also heard again how ineffective guns were over 50 yards, vibration was the killer mostly.
  10. To Bletchley

    Bletchley would be the guy - but Se5a HS for example has reduction gear, as per OFF's version. Hence problems until they got the Viper engine with direct gear (hence 1.0) for example (note the prop changes direction from models which is a clue). Several aircraft used gear including French craft etc such as SPADs as in OFF. Not that is is noticeable much. From what I saw it can affect some things such as the spinning of the prop on landing, spin speed of the prop etc but other factors can too.
  11. Yes the label is correct. It's possible there were many craft of the same type up in the air that might affect what you see.
  12. my friend Makai

    Well put Shred, three cheers to a genuine good guy !
  13. It depends on many reasons for example if the other Jasta skin or Ace skin does not exist for that particular model/variant it may use the default skin for that model.
  14. Stall warning in OFF

    Indeed stall at 500 feet with a Fokker on your tail and there may be other noises accompanying that flatulence.
  15. Olham I appreciate all you do and I am not having a go by the way. I just wanted to point out we did consider aircraft and develop them as best we could to get a balance with how they were seen then and how they performed relative to each other. As a favour to you :) if there is time we will look at it again (or if not for the release maybe we can look at afterwards).
  16. My cd arrived today

    Yes I have one of the SIMPED rudder pedals and they are superb, last for years. Also Gunter I have dealt with is a gentleman and gives you superb support. Well worth supporting him.
  17. Stall warning in OFF

    LOL sorry couldn't resist. Seriously we will look at that anyway - maybe a different type of wind sound or whatever. Maybe we have already it's all starting to blur... Really all you should hear is your engine, or the bullet whizzing through your cap (but that option is there in sound settings anyway) but I think most prefer a slight artistic license / Hollywood type sound to add immersion. Force Feedback is the more realistic tho, you do feel it going and think ohoh.
  18. Stall warning in OFF

    Force feedback :).
  19. Well we can argue about FMs all day, but I won't. When we made them we studied and decided and made them as they are. The Albatros had a lot of time spent on it. The DIII was not revolutionary compared to the DII although it had improvements (smaller lower wing etc for better vision better climb etc). DVx was not an improvement over the DIII apart from perhaps top speed slightly but more weight etc and so on and generally not enthusiastically received. Yes they were reported as very stiff controls hard to manoeuvre compared to nimble Entente a/c. Sure we can make them fantastic, but we tried to get the right feel on all craft and balance them as they were historically with pilot reports and data. DIII is powerful 1000 rounds and twin guns and a reasonable climb rate versus a nimble delicate N17 with 1 gun sometimes 1 drum loaded only etc. The Germans were after fast climbers with lots of bullets by that time and that's what it is for me. Anyway some things will change naturally due to improvements and fixes in the sim, and some won't we cant promise anything but we are looking at all areas where possible. I think we said a while back we will look at if time etc and see if any need revisions but we shall see.. JFM DM we are revising and looking at and if there is a 1 hit aileron issue and if it can be fixed we shall try. Not sure about a throttle lag but we shall see.
  20. Is P4 getting a sound overhaul?

    The question was is the sound getting an overhaul for P4 / OFF2 - and the answer is yes it is getting an overhaul. Move on. There are some great sounds in OFF that we are very pleased with yes here and there we can improve (did we mention we are working on OFF2?) Anyway this is closed point made, question answered.
  21. My cd arrived today

    Great Eric hope you get time to enjoy later tomorrow :)
  22. Is P4 getting a sound overhaul?

    Well of course we disagree that it's "awful" ! but yes new sounds in OFF2, yes. Also note in P3 you may need to tweak sound levels in Workshop (there's buttons to customise) and check how the output is setup on your speakers, i.e. try stereo not 5.1 or whatever and see.
  23. Faces High

    I think the first post in the thread although a bit of fun needs a spoiler alert on the front! Once you tell people to look for things they will always see them and it could spoil their enjoyment?
  24. Bandicam V Fraps

    One thing that annoys me in Fraps is the frame counter which doubles to indicate you are recording. If you enable it, you have to press the fps key 4 times to remove it from the screen to avoid recording it with your video - then once to bring it back to check your recording finished whatever. Sounds OK, but in practive you often press the key once too often or something so end up pressing it 8 times or more - not very user friendly. Basically each press moves it to another corner of the screen then finally off the screen - very cumbersome. Given recording takes up massive amounts of HD space it's important to make sure your video has stopped recording of course. Another is Playclaw 3 which is getting better. This also has the option to show a fps counter (and may other useful items) on screen and NOT record them either. So you can see you are recording, and not have to keep pressing keys, plus it has in game configuration menu and many more features. I have had more crashes from it than Fraps but it's a new major release so will give it a bit of time.
  25. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    No worries thanks 33LIMA.

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