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Everything posted by Happy308

  1. 2Lt Franz Jozef is dead. I don't want to be a sore loser, but those USAF / NAVY missiles are way to good. I own several Osprey "Combat aircraft books", and one thing they speak about in every book, is how crapy 60's era missiles are.(this is true for my Atoll's) I could not outmaneuver the Aim-7E. 4 Mig-21 with 2 Atoll's each VS 8 F-4's With 8 Missiles each, and no help available. = suicide
  2. Mission 2 We encountered 4 BAF F-104G's that dit not offer much of a fight. One got away but was severely damaged, and on fire. I was convinced, he would crash or explode, but he managed to put out the fire and fly away.
  3. Stary, did you ever find a way for the shaders to work on buildings ? ( I could not :-) ) @ Leodagan76 Please read this post. It wil explain what Stary is talking about. It also contains the link to the modified shaders by Stary. http://combatace.com/topic/74146-about-trees-fading-again-with-tweaked-shaders/
  4. What Other Games Are You Playing?

    (PC) Microsoft Flight simulator 2004 / Falcon 4.0. Alied Force / IL-2 / Age of Empires / DCS A-10 (not much becauseof bad FPS) (XBOX) GTA4 + addons / Fall Out / Sniper elite (iPad) Angry birds
  5. Eagles return....

    Article from Leeuwardercourant from Saturday 4-4-2015 And YouTube link. http://www.lc.nl/images/cci_images/article18532533.ece/BINARY/original/B82937022Z.1_20150403141944_000%2BGLQJ8016.2.jpg https://youtu.be/t6xBilnEXa0 Source : http://www.lc.nl/friesland/video-oefening-met-amerikaanse-f-15-s-18532573.html
  6. I Chose to fly the Red Hammer campaign as a DDR LSK Pilot flying the Mig 21 SPS-K. OMG WTF BBQ ! I cant Fly that far whith a second generation Mig 21,....... I had to fly really slow to preserve fuel, and my Primary target was nowhere to be seen. Halve of my fuel was used, I hope I'll make it back to Drewitz airbase,.. Enjoying the view. I made it back, with some fuel left. I live to fly another day, but I failed the mission.
  7. Jug Has Passed Away

    RIP Condolences to his family.
  8. Hello Mue, the size is 338 MB (355.165.956 bytes) How do you view the Checksums/Hashes ?
  9. You are right it's not an application crash, its a Application error. Mue, sorry for the misunderstanding. i was under the impression that it could open stock LOD files.
  10. Hello Mue, I created a fake install folder as you suggested and added the cat files one by one. The cat file that makes the LODViewer crash is "ObjectData002.CAT" If I Leave this out of the fake folder the LodViewer runs, but I cannot view stock planes. I get the error "could not load lod file" So my guess is that al the airplane lod files are in "ObjectData002.CAT" According to eventviewer MSVCR120.dll is the faulting module.
  11. Hello Mue, The application turns grey, And I get a message "LODViewer has stopped working" I'am unable to post screenshots, when I try I get this message "You have exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments" My specs: [Version] BuildDate=Jul 2013 StrikeFighters2=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Vietnam=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Europe=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Israel=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Exp1=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Exp2=TRUE StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic=TRUE StrikeFighters2 Exp3=FALSE [OnlineNews] LastUpdateVersion=Jul 2013 LastDLCCount=29 [DLC] DLCData001=TRUE DLCData003=TRUE DLCData004=TRUE DLCData005=TRUE DLCData007=TRUE DLCData010=TRUE DLCData011=TRUE DLCData017=TRUE DLCData018=TRUE DLCData021=TRUE DLCData012=TRUE DLCData015=TRUE DLCData016=TRUE DLCData023=TRUE DLCData024=TRUE DLCData025=TRUE DLCData026=TRUE DLCData014=TRUE DLCData020=TRUE DLCData008=TRUE DLCData028=TRUE DLCData029=TRUE Deleted some old attachments, here is the screen shot:
  12. Hello MUE, I get a appcrash as soon as I select my SF 2 install folder. When I have "use CAT files" checkbox selected (C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters) If I deselect "use CAT files" it works but I get the message "Coild not load LOD file" when selecting a stock thirdwire aircraft. I have put "LODViewer.exe" in the anti virus allow list. And tried running it "run as administrator" but no luck. I can only view third party arcraft. Do you have any tips ? Thank you in advance.
  13. @Heberth, In my case if I keep the pickle (fire) buttont pressed, it fires a aim120. If I just press it shortly, sometimes the missle won't launch.
  14. Impressive Photo Collection

    Thank you, it was unknown to me.
  15. Pardos Push (F-4 Vietnam)

    I have read about it in an Osprey book. (i think it was "Usaf F-4 Phantom II Mig Killers 1965 - 68) Very amazing story.
  16. Su-34 Intercept video

    According to the Dutch newspaper is over the Baltic sea, in international airspace.
  17. Brian32, that's what i thought as well. But the stutter is only present in cockpit view. -toggle cockpit, no stutter -External view, no stutter -same mission with Mirage F-1 / F-15 etc, no stutter -HorizonDistance & DetailMeshSize low Objectfade=true,still stuttering. The only thing that is different when I toggle the cockpit, or select a different aircraft is the amount of polygons. Mirage F1 on runway around 234468 Poly's F-5E on same runway 421105 Poly's F-8E on same runway 198972 poly's I tried every setting i could think of, but no luck. I'll try to figure out what the CPU does at those moments.
  18. Working on a cockpit repaint, giving it a more used look.
  19. Thank's for the quick reply, I'am already using the "flip queue size" trick, the radeon pro software, I am not using ATI tray tools. (recommed radeon pro over ATI tray tools) You can actually turn off the cockpit during the flight, you dont need to edit the ini file. Here is a screenshot of the cockpit toggle option When I turn the cockpit off the stuttering is gone. As soon as I turn it on again it's back. This only happens during action, I can fly over heavily populated areas, with a steady FPS of 60. That's why I think its maybe CPU related.

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