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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. Has anyone signed up for Julhelm's F4D-1 Skyray? I'll give it a shot if its still available.
  2. Dels, these pics look just outstanding! Thanks again for all your efforts.
  3. Robert McNamara has died

    He always knew he was the smartest kid in the class. His results would speak otherwise......
  4. This is the excellent advice provided back when WOI was first released by Jug, ezlead and Crusader, if I remember correctly! All delta winged fighters like the Mirages (excluding F1 of course), F-106, F-102, etc bleed energy in turns. It's a function of that huge wing acting like an airbrake when you pull high AOA. You must keep your speed up by limiting the number and duration of turns you make. Stay fast, i.e. 350 kts, more is even better. Use vertical turns rather than horizontal turns. In reality, Israeli Mirage pilots flew low to maximize the advantage of the smoother behaviour of the airframe and better armament than the MiG-21s, but in the sim this is probably not a good idea. After dozens of stalls and slips in 6 day war I figured it out myself and started doing vertical turns and stopped pulling stick like crazy. And if you got a ****load of MiGs on your tail don't try to make a nice big turn - hit the airbrakes, cut throttle, pull up. They usually miss their guns and don't have time for proper missile lock - then can't brake in time and slide right in your sights. The Israelis, on the other side, would in air combat use the large delta-wings of their Mirages as air brakes to execute very tight turns and point their aircraft at the opponent, followed by the use of the afterburner to accelerate back into the fight. Such turns were excellent measure against R-3S, but would usually also enable the Mirage to position behind the MiG. Besides, the theoretically dangerous use of the afterburner was not that much of a problem in a situation where enemy infra-red homing missiles were usually useless. Its difficult, sure. The AI will tend to make every fight a tight turning fight, and in their MiGs that is not a bad idea. A high or low yo-yo can often get you a high-deflection shot, but its low PK. One tactic that works is this: as they turn they will inevitably spiral down towards the ground. Once they get low enough, they are forced to level out, and at that point they are an easy kill most of the time. The Mirage is a dog in WOI at turning so you have to keep your speed up - and move a lot because I can almost guarantee while im after a Mig-17 - another 1 is on my six getting ready to fire :) The Israelis had to use a technique called stitching against "inferior" fighters that could easily out turn them - keeping a high energy state and going up in the vertical then slashing down in a dive - unfortunately this is difficult to do unless you have a trackIR. And hitting them with cannon is still not that easy either! Try not to slow down and turn! Have you tried using the tactic called vertical rolling scissors? It's worked miracles when I used that going against Mig-21's while I'm flying the F-4E. After scissoring multiple times, I've pulled into the vertical and then rolled over on the top almost like doing a vertical scissors, then dove in on him for a head on pass. Against the mig17 if you've got some on your tail and can’t shake them off then just go vertical. Provided you have roughly the same energy (i.e speed and altitude) the mig will always stall before the mirage. Then just get out of the climb and try maneuvering on their six. The mig will at this point try to make it a turning fight so don’t let them. If you notice that you'll not be able to make the turn just level of, gain some speed and go vertical again. The mirage has a higher service ceiling too (although not by much) you'll get him eventually. Now there are some things to remember. Check your six to see where the migs are shooting, they tend to shoot at you while climbing and they just might get luck. Another risk is from sams as you wont have much speed to work with as you approach stall. Check your fuel too as you'll be doing all this on afterburner. A few tips.... 1) Learn to roll at high alpha with the rudder. 2) Practice your deflection shooting. You'd be surprised how often a MiG-17 screws up and crosses your flight path well within gun range. 3) When in a scissors, remember tip 1, and don't overcompensate. It only takes me 2-3 scissors before I go from having a MiG-21 on my six, to being on his six. 4) Use lag pursuit. Force your opponent to execute large, energy-bleeding maneuvers, but don't follow his lead! 5) Use clouds to force an opponent to lose track of you. Estimate where he'll be when you both emerge (from the clouds), and try to be on his six. 6) Only use the vertical when you know that your aircraft's still in a high energy state, but your opponent's is not.
  5. This bit of news seemed timely, as we await the release of Del's latest and greatest model! http://uk.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUS...0090615?sp=true
  6. Welcome back Diego. I've missed quite a few of these over the last couple years.
  7. hi..so who misses me lol x

    Hey Vanessa I'm not a doctor, but based on your damage countdown that has got to hurt! I would guess that " a broken bum" probably is a broken tailbone, which a friend of mine told me from personal experience hurt like a MF! Better late than never, please take care! Rest up and heal quickly.
  8. Pretty sharp looking Scooters! Thanks for the skins.
  9. Pappy, this is very sad news indeed! You have graced us all with some obviously lovingly crafted skins which have been beautiful to behold. Thanks so much for all your generously provided enhancements to the Thirdwire series, and I wish you all the best for the future.
  10. All of Del's beautiful C-130 models come with their own hangar screens.
  11. File Name: New Dirty Exhaust Effect File Submitter: NeverEnough File Submitted: 7 May 2009 File Category: Effect Mods New Dirty Exhaust Effects By NeverEnough This exhaust effect was inspired by the work of Deuces, Fubar512 and Spillone104. This New Dirty Exhaust Effects package includes a NewDirtyExhaustEmitter.ini which can be used to supplement the old DirtyExhaustEmitter.ini in your Effects folder for some additional exhaust effect variety. The New Dirty Exhaust Effect will generate a longer and less dense exhaust plume than the Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect. The New Dirty Exhaust Effect is configured so that it may be used in either single engine or multiple engine aircraft. The DirtySingleExhaustEmitter will produce slightly less exhaust volume than the DirtyDualExhaustEmitter when used on a dual engine aircraft if you want to decrease the volume of smoke signature for your multi-engine models. If you wish to have a slightly more smokey single engine aircraft, you could utilize the DirtyDualExhaustEmitter in a single engine aircraft. You can easily choose between the two effects to get whatever exhaust smoke trails happen to suit you! Both of these exhaust effects can be applied to single, dual or multi-engined aircraft models. Click here to download this file
  12. New Dirty Exhaust Effect



    New Dirty Exhaust Effects By NeverEnough This exhaust effect was inspired by the work of Deuces, Fubar512 and Spillone104. This New Dirty Exhaust Effects package includes a NewDirtyExhaustEmitter.ini which can be used to supplement the old DirtyExhaustEmitter.ini in your Effects folder for some additional exhaust effect variety. The New Dirty Exhaust Effect will generate a longer and less dense exhaust plume than the Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect. The New Dirty Exhaust Effect is configured so that it may be used in either single engine or multiple engine aircraft. The DirtySingleExhaustEmitter will produce slightly less exhaust volume than the DirtyDualExhaustEmitter when used on a dual engine aircraft if you want to decrease the volume of smoke signature for your multi-engine models. If you wish to have a slightly more smokey single engine aircraft, you could utilize the DirtyDualExhaustEmitter in a single engine aircraft. You can easily choose between the two effects to get whatever exhaust smoke trails happen to suit you! Both of these exhaust effects can be applied to single, dual or multi-engined aircraft models.
  13. HR 45

    "Yeah that's why I asked how it used to be...because here I can't legally posess a gun...at all" Pretty ironic, since the Springfield Armory XD pistols are designed and manufactured in Croatia. Oh yea, Eraser is making me proud of him! He appears to be evolving more measured and reasonable intellectual positions on the social issues of the day.....
  14. File Name: New Clean Exhaust Effect File Submitter: NeverEnough File Submitted: 25 Apr 2009 File Category: Effect Mods New Clean Exhaust Effects By NeverEnough This exhaust effect was inspired by the work of Deuces, Fubar512 and Spillone104. This New Clean Exhaust Effects package includes two ExhaustEmitter.ini's which can be used to supplement the old CleanExhaustEmitter.ini in your Effects folder for some additional exhaust effect variety. The NewCleanExhaustEmitter.ini will produce a greater volume of somewhat translucent exhaust smoke which is more similar to the effect seen in more modern jet aircraft. Since modern turbofan engines produce very little exhaust smoke, this effect is a compromise between reality and the effects tools TK gave us in the Thirdwire sims. For an even less smokey exhaust effect, the CleanerExhaustEmitter.ini is included. It utilizes the identical effects parameters as the NewCleanExhaustEmitter, but uses a different tga file to produce a slightly more translucent effect. You can easily chose between the two effects to get whatever exhaust smoke trips your trigger! Both of these exhaust effects can be applied to single, dual or multi-engined aircraft models. To install the effects; copy the NewCleanExhaustEmitter.ini, the CleanerExhaustEmitter.ini, the SMOKE3.tga and the F14SMOKE.tga into your Effects Folder. Save the AIRCRAFT_DATA.INI after you have made the ExhaustEmitter changes, and then go fly and enjoy spreading socially responsibly burned kerosene emissions around the the skies of the virtual world. Click here to download this file
  15. Look through the downloads section for the 57mm Flak Effect by Fubar512.
  16. JSF Data Compromised?

    Here is a link to a really well researched article from Popular Science on the sources of these types of cyber assaults. Pretty scary stuff! http://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2009...-china-syndrome
  17. New Clean Exhaust Effect



    New Clean Exhaust Effects By NeverEnough This exhaust effect was inspired by the work of Deuces, Fubar512 and Spillone104. This New Clean Exhaust Effects package includes two ExhaustEmitter.ini's which can be used to supplement the old CleanExhaustEmitter.ini in your Effects folder for some additional exhaust effect variety. The NewCleanExhaustEmitter.ini will produce a greater volume of somewhat translucent exhaust smoke which is more similar to the effect seen in more modern jet aircraft. Since modern turbofan engines produce very little exhaust smoke, this effect is a compromise between reality and the effects tools TK gave us in the Thirdwire sims. For an even less smokey exhaust effect, the CleanerExhaustEmitter.ini is included. It utilizes the identical effects parameters as the NewCleanExhaustEmitter, but uses a different tga file to produce a slightly more translucent effect. You can easily chose between the two effects to get whatever exhaust smoke trips your trigger! Both of these exhaust effects can be applied to single, dual or multi-engined aircraft models. To install the effects; copy the NewCleanExhaustEmitter.ini, the CleanerExhaustEmitter.ini, the SMOKE3.tga and the F14SMOKE.tga into your Effects Folder. Save the AIRCRAFT_DATA.INI after you have made the ExhaustEmitter changes, and then go fly and enjoy spreading socially responsibly burned kerosene emissions around the the skies of the virtual world.
  18. New Video Card

    Running a Nvidia 8800GT on an Intel processor. The ATI 4890 is as cheap as $185 after a $20 rebate now, and is comparable to an Nvidia 275GTX on most games. Take a look on anandtech.com for an extensive comparison between them.
  19. While I was taking a look through the particlesystem.ini in SF2, I noticed TK added EffectShaderName=effectLightLevel.fx to the SmokeTrailMaterial and some other smoke effects. The effectLightLevel.fx is located in the FlightData.Cat. I could not find any ini file in the FlightData.Cat that referred to the .fx files. Is it implemented just like a tga file, and can it be applied to the earlier titles by dropping it into the Effects folder and adding the EffectShaderName=effectLightLevel.fx line [smokeTrailMaterial] entry in the emitter.ini? Have any of the "Effects Folks" worked with this new feature yet?
  20. Remington 870

    Log on to Brownells.com, and a whole new world of Remington 870 accessories will be revealed to you. They are the largest gunsmithing supply business in the United States, and they are the absolute gold standard in customer service. I've been dealing with them for almost twenty years, and have never been disappointed. The biggest problem is that their massive parts catalog always makes me spend large amounts of money! It is like a kid in a candy shop for anyone that does any kind of gunsmithing work. You have been warned.....
  21. The good news is that the new cockpits are really a big step forward from the old ones. Again, I'd love to be able to use the SF2 cockpits in in the earlier titles..... Oh well.
  22. The "new and improved" will not work in the original TW sims, since they are now using unicode. Take a look over on the Thirdwire forum where TK answered my question about exactly this issue.
  23. These sound like they will be great additions, particularly with the "331Killerbee touch"!
  24. SidDogg, thanks so much for all your outstanding work and congratulations on your promotion!
  25. CF-188

    Take a look over at checksix-fr. I think they may still be available there.

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