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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. Two Armored Cars for the Eastern Front

    Stephen1918, your posting of any new files are always one of my immediate downloads. Your exacting demands of your own work have yet to disappoint! Thanks yet again for all your impressive contributions.
  2. DLC question

    If I remember correctly, the DLC will be just like installing a patch. It will re-set all your modded files to stock configuration. You can rename your Mods Folder to zMods, or move it to another drive until after you install the DLC.
  3. Lloyd C.II revised

    Stephen1918, that is some impressive customer service! Again, thanks for the substantial improvements and additions you have provided to the FE world over the years. I would think that TK is gobsmacked at how far his simulation has been enhanced.
  4. RAVEN

    Raven, congratulations on a significant victory and good to hear from you again! Be Well.
  5. WW2 AAA?

    Baffmeister, take a look at the SF2 AAA Pack by malibu43 and eburger. Monty's Skoda is also nice, and you can re-purpose the Cannon Bitube and Cannon Fictional in the SFP1 downloads. If it would help, I can provide you the various conversions I have done which I know work great in SF2. I enjoy the natives filling the sky around me with flak bursts!
  6. File Name: SEA HiRes Camo Pack for A-7D TW File Submitter: NeverEnough File Submitted: 27 February 2017 File Category: A-7 SEA HiRes Camo A-7D TW For SF2V and SF2E Credits: ----------------------------- SEA HiRes Camo Skins by NeverEnough Hangar and Loading Screens by NeverEnough A-7E Template by Wrench Escapac Ejection Seat by THE BANDIDOS-TEAM USAFNM1 Pilot by X-ray Installation: ------------------------------ Simply extract the contents of the SEA Pack_A-7D.7z to your desktop or a temporary folder. Then copy/paste the Effects and Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2, Mods\StrikeFighters2 Europe or Mods\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam folder. If asked to "OVERWRITE" or "Replace The Files In The Destination", click yes. Shift 0 will open and close the canopy. USAFCAMO7, USAFCAMO8, and USAFCAMO9 each have different shark jaws and eyes. Two hangar screens are included. If you would like to use A-7D2_Hangar rather than the default A-7D1_Hangar Screen, edit the included A-7D.INI line to read "HangarScreen=A-7D2_HANGAR.JPG" (without the quotes!). I hope you enjoy! Click here to download this file
  7. Soulfreak, I would really appreciate it if you could point me to some worthwhile sources of hi res stencils. About the best I found after several Google searches were some jpg's of decal sheets, but they were not high enough resolution that I could use them.
  8. SEA HiRes Camo Pack for A-7D TW



    SEA HiRes Camo A-7D TW For SF2V and SF2E Credits: ----------------------------- SEA HiRes Camo Skins by NeverEnough Hangar and Loading Screens by NeverEnough A-7E Template by Wrench Escapac Ejection Seat by THE BANDIDOS-TEAM USAFNM1 Pilot by X-ray Installation: ------------------------------ Simply extract the contents of the SEA Pack_A-7D.7z to your desktop or a temporary folder. Then copy/paste the Effects and Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2, Mods\StrikeFighters2 Europe or Mods\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam folder. If asked to "OVERWRITE" or "Replace The Files In The Destination", click yes. Shift 0 will open and close the canopy. USAFCAMO7, USAFCAMO8, and USAFCAMO9 each have different shark jaws and eyes. Two hangar screens are included. If you would like to use A-7D2_Hangar rather than the default A-7D1_Hangar Screen, edit the included A-7D.INI line to read "HangarScreen=A-7D2_HANGAR.JPG" (without the quotes!). I hope you enjoy!
  9. SEA3_F-100D.zip



    SEA HiRes Camo F-100D For SF2, SF2V and SF2E Credits: ----------------------------- SEA HiRes Camo Skin by NeverEnough Hangar and Loading Screen by NeverEnough F-100D Template by hgbn NorthropTB Ejection Seat by FastCargo USAFNM3 Pilot by X-ray Improved Afterburner Effects by Spillone104 Hun Addons by Jug Installation: ------------------------------ Simply extract the contents of the SEA3_F-100D.zip to your desktop or a temporary folder. Then copy/paste the Effects and Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2, Mods\StrikeFighters2 Europe or Mods\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam folder. If asked to "OVERWRITE" or "Replace The Files In The Destination", click yes. Shift 0 will open and close the canopy. I hope you enjoy!
  10. WW2 Artillery?

    Take a look at MontyCZ's Flak Pack. It has the Flak 88 and the Flak 30.
  11. WW2 Artillery?

    Baffmeister, look for the artillery models MontyCZ did. He had some particularly handsome WW2 ground objects. Stephen1918 also did some WW1 artillery which you may be able to use, which are also very nicely done.
  12. Happy Holidays

    Stephen1918, thanks for another model which had not been done yet in the FE/FE2 world! I will add this to the HUGE inventory of outstanding models you have so generously provided for the community's use and enjoyment. Merry Christmas, and an excellent New Year to all!
  13. I'm really looking forward to this one!
  14. Sad news for me.

    Raven, you have been dealt a losing hand before and overcome. Stay strong and beat this thing! Best wishes for a successful treatment and a full recovery. God Bless......
  15. 1938

    Geezer, I have been eagerly anticipating your next contribution to the TW world since you first posted pictures of your pre-WW2 models years ago. It would seem that my hopes and anticipation were warranted. You and Stephen1918 have elevated abandonware to a level the original creator never envisioned. Wow!!!!!! Thanks for all your efforts.
  16. FE2 - stopped working message

    Jack72, checking my back up files would indicate that WWI_Web_Setup and WWI_exp1_setup are FE files rather than FE2. FE2_web_setup_Jul2010 is the FE2 installation file. That would explain your error message.
  17. jack72, WOI is SFP1. The SF2 Israel version is SF2I. If you have WOI, it is not compatible with your SF2 install.
  18. Halberstadt D.V

    Stephen1918, thanks so much for the damage fixes and hitbox corrections. This is probably my favorite ride over your Palestine Terrain! Here is a location fix for the engine exhaust: Located in the [Engine] section of the DATA.INI ExhaustEmitterName=TracerSmokeEmitter ExhaustPosition=0.58,0.52,0.10
  19. projects delay

    Ravenclaw, enjoy all the time you get to spend with your grandson, and be well. Wrench, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife. Best wishes for you both.
  20. So I'm computer shopping can you lend a hand?

    Skyviper, this article might be helpful giving you some additional input on what components are most suitable for your application: http://techreport.com/review/29453/the-tech-report-system-guide-december-2015-edition
  21. Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without - Confucius
  22. Bucket List

    Geezer, congratulations and best wishes on your 70th birthday! Even with the screen name of Geezer, I was really surprised at the extent of your maturity. Maybe not forever young, but surprisingly young in interests and attitudes. That would certainly seem like a check mark in the win column! Even though I am a little less then a decade younger, in my experience so far in life; if given the opportunity to do something which gives you pleasure take it! Thanks so much for all that you have shared with this small community, and best of luck in your new pursuits.
  23. WW1 Italian Archie Burst - Red Colour

    Mike, here's what I have in my FE Notes file: Smoke Colors: "British AA shells burst with white smoke, enemy with black, Italian with _red_." (emphasis added). Now we already know about the first two colours, which are already incorporated in FE. However I would like to try to adjust the colour of Allied archie bursts in the Italian Front mod to "red" - after all there were many more Italian archie units there than British ones. Looking at the various effects files, I see that colours are defined as four-parameter groups, eg: ParticleColor[01].Value=0.300000,0.300000,0.300000,0.000000 AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 So my question to the effects experts is, what do these four values represent? Or put another way, what would people recommend to produce "red" archie smoke? I played around with the exhaust emitters for the engines (because it was easy to see what was happening right away) and came up with this - it looks like the 4 numbers are for: Red, Green, Blue, Transparency It appears that the maximum value is 1.000000, although it doesn't crash if I go higher than one. I don't know how much you know about color thoery for computers, so forgive me if I seem to be talking down to you. Generally, for RedGreenBlue (RGB), if all three values are the same, you get a shade of gray. Higher numbers are lighter/brighter. Lower numbers are darker/duller. Red and green together makes yellow. All 1's would be white, all 0's would be black. so 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 would be bright red 1.000000, 0 .900000, 0.900000 would be pinkish 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000 would be medium gray The last number is transparency, 1 means opaque, 0 means clear The engine emitters have several particles, each with a slightly different color. For the explosions, try making one of them reddish, and leave the others grayish or yellowish. It will take some experimenting to get the right combination, but I'm sure that, with patience, you can get the effect you want.
  24. Swamblast, that model looks dam good to me!

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