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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. Be well!
  2. Nice work, Veltro. Looking forward to seeing it with a new set of clothes!
  3. F-22 for Israel.

    Nobody has touched on the unfortunate tendency of highly sensitive U.S. technology migrating to unfriendly corners of the world after sharing with friends and allies. Think Patriot, AWACS, Lavi.......
  4. Hillary's Downfall

    "By that standard, all of western democracy besides the US is actually communism." Actually, socialist would be the correct political definition.
  5. Wow, this package obviously involved a huge effort by alot of incredibly talented people! Thank you all, and particularily Kesselbrut for sheparding this to fruition. Wow.....
  6. If all you changed was the video card, then it is probably the video drivers that are the problem. Check Nvidia.com for the latest drivers for your card and operating system. If it turns out you are using the latest Quadro video drivers, try the next earlier set. I'm using a Nvidia 8800GT, and it is unfortunately a matter of finding the particular video driver that works best with your hardware configuration, operating system and applications. The 175.51 driver set I think is the latest Quadro set for XP 32 bit.
  7. I copied and pasted the address http://cachefile10.fs2you.com/zh-cn/downlo...6/J-10Abeta.rar into my browser address line, and just reach a white page with an H in the upper left corner. What am I missing ?
  8. Bobrock, this is a superb effort! The Readme File was also so nicely done that I'm sure it brought a tear to Wrench's eye!
  9. I checked the old INI threads at Column5, and found the posting for C5's advanced beta was dated September 9, 2006. The link for download is no longer good, but at least I can search by backups for a FM dated after 9-9-06. The Su-17 data.ini included with Nato Fighter 2 is dated 10-17-06, and has the modified landing gear damping values and correction in the right and left outer wing extentposition. This one should be the latest and best beta FM from C5 for the Su-17. Thank you Column5 for all your substantial labors and contributions!
  10. Video card comparison

    For a good comparison of your video card options, you might try taking a look at http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php?ca...1&card2=361 You can do a side by side comparison between two different video cards to how they might suit your applications and budget.
  11. WOV

    "You will need a copy of your F-4D.lod file from the original Wings Over Vietnam installation as it is not included here. It must be copied into the F-4DLORAN folder and renamed F-4DLORAN.lod for this mod to work correctly. The loadout and data.ini files are from the default installation. (The data.ini has only two entries with the words "LORAN" and these can be easily lifted into your own data.ini file). Drop the LORAN.LOD file and LORAN.bmp files loose into your WOV objects-aircraft folder." Have you followed all these instructions from mppd's readme file?
  12. WOV

    You'll have to use the extractor tool to extract the F-4D.lod from the ObjectData.cat in the Objects folder.
  13. Gunrunner, with a 7950 GT video card I had great results with the 163.75 whgl drivers. The 169 and later drivers seem to be optimized for the 8000 and 9000 series Nvidia video cards. I was running the 7950 GT until upgrading to a 8800 GT about a month ago. The 93.71 whql drivers also work very well with my 7950 GT.
  14. With a Nvidia 8800 GT video card, I had these appear when I installed the 169.47 quadro drivers for XP32 bit. The shadow lines went away when I installed the 169.21, 169.44 and 175.16 Nvidia drivers. I'm currently using the 175.16 beta Nvidia drivers, and they are working great.
  15. Was the advanced beta data.ini dated 12-13-04?
  16. Modern Radar symbology

    "I hope I'm not the only moron who didn't know about this stuff. " I stand here a better informed moron, thanks to Server and Enforcer's insightful and cogent inquiries!
  17. Here is the link to the March, 2008 Directx redist package: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en The redistributable package is the complete Directx package which is often provided by game developers on new game cd's. Download the file to your desktop, virus scan it (ALWAYS!), and then extract it to a new folder you make on your desktop named Directx March 2008 or anything else you'd like to call it. After you have extracted the downloaded file into the folder you have made for it, look in the extracted files for DXSETUP. DXSETUP will have an image of a computer with a software box next to it. Double click on DXSETUP, and it will self install all the new files to the correct locations. You will now have the newest, best version of Directx 9.0C Microsoft has issued to date.
  18. Capun was nice enough to post all the links to the site immediately above this post, which makes the process of signing up about as painless as possible. Folks, it is very much worth the effort required to register for both Capun's downloads and his forum pages. Capun's download pages have loads of great models, and any questions you may have will be answered in his forums by many of the same people who have been so helpful here at CombatAce. Spare yourself the hand wringing and angst, and follow the links above!
  19. Ordway, thanks so much for another much needed enhancement. Red Air just keeps getting better!
  20. Someone once said, democracy is a very messy thing!
  21. Very nice work, as always! Thanks for another big contribution to the sim.
  22. Check the Knowledge Base for fixes. The Avsim Tornado Package is very old, and has a number of issues.
  23. If you just upload the ini files, without the LOD's, everything should be wonderful.

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