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Everything posted by NeverEnough

  1. usnpilot01 from the Diego Pilot Pack is what you are looking for.
  2. As a follow up to russouk's question about how to make a donation, just click on the down arrow next to your name at the top of the page and the menu has a "Donate" button at the bottom. I tried it, and it took my money just fine! You can even use PayPal to make giving even more convenient and secure! I love it when a plan comes together.
  3. Happy Birthday FalconC45

    Hope you have a terrific Birthday, and great year. Stay well!
  4. ValAstur, these are some very nice hi res skins for the F-100D. The old bird looks pretty hot when she's properly dressed. Thanks for all your great hi res skins!
  5. The article about the MiG-15 included a reference to English translations of Russian Korean War pilots. The 08.02.2008 dated interview is the one about the Korean War. The Russian pilot said he could be friends with the German pilots he fought in The Great Patriotic War, but he still considered Americans the enemy. Time obviously does not heal all wounds.... http://www.lend-lease.airforce.ru/english/ This site has articles on P-39's, P-40's, Hurricanes and Spitfires flown by the Russians in WW2. Pretty amazing material!
  6. Here's the link to a really informative article from Air and Space Magazine about the MiG-15. http://www.airspacemag.com/military-aviation/the-jet-that-shocked-the-west-180947758/?no-ist Enjoyable read!
  7. Stary, it is good to see you back! Hope all is well with you.
  8. File Name: Tornado F3 For SF2 File Submitter: NeverEnough File Submitted: 20 March 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Tornado F3 For SF2: Installation: Simply extract the contents of the Tornado F3 folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder. Tornado Team Main 3d modelling and programming: bobrock FM and avionics advisors: Crusader, starfighter2 Sounds: Spillone104 Pilots: Aleks, Canadair, Erikgen, NGHENGO, Silverbolt, Spillone104, triplethr3at Loading screen photo: David Cenciotti TornadoIDS_Destroyed LOD from NF4+ G-55EUR Pilot Skin by X-RAY Weapon Models: HiRes AIM-9L skin by ChrisBV SkyFlash by Mirage Factory SkyFlash6000 Data by Syrinx 43 Squadron 90th Anniversary Skin by Syrinx 43 Squadron Special Colors Skin by Syrinx Afterburner TGA by dfang SF2 Updates and Loading Screens by NeverEnough This is a complete SF2 installation package for the beautiful Tornado F3 by Bobrock and the many talented modders listed above. The Effect Emitters have been updated to January 2011 patch level. The Wingtip Vortices have been changed so they move properly with the swingwing position. The new TorAfterBurnerEmitter utilizes the January 2011 Particle System combined with one of dfang's afterburner tga's to give the model an afterburner plume similar to photos I've found of the Tornado F3 in warp drive. Also included are two additional loading screens of the 43 Squadron Special Colors Tornado F3. To use the additional 43 Squadron Loading Screens, change the line in the Tornado_F3.INI as shown below: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Tornado F3 AircraftShortName=Tornado AircraftDataFile=Tornado_F3_data.ini CockpitDataFile=Tornado_F3_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=F3_HANGARSCREEN.bmp LoadingScreen=F3_Loading.bmp<<<<Change this to TorF3_Loading.bmp or TornF3_Loading.bmp For those of you who have not installed Bobrock's Tornado F3 in the Second Generation Thirdwire sims because there was no SF2 conversion, you owe it to yourselves to take this opportunity to correct that omission. Bobrock's Tornado F3 is really absolutely stunning! Click here to download this file
  9. Ravenclaw, thanks for your tremendous efforts to elevate the TW sims to an amazing level of detail and finish. Most importantly, best wishes for a complete and rapid recovery. Take care of yourself, and get well really soon!
  10. Hey Monty, I am thrilled you are back again! I don't think you realize how many really high quality additions and enhancements you have made over the years for the Thirdwire community. Welcome back, and I hope everything is well with you.
  11. Palestine WIP

    For software that T.K. has moved on from, I can't believe the incredible additions you good folks have provided. T.K. would be stunned to see what you have done with the platform he originally presented. Wow!!!!
  12. Heal well, and enjoy the time off. We will all miss your eternally sunny insights! Seriously, please take care of yourself....
  13. Very good news my friends

    Hey Falcon, I would like to give you a heartfelt congratulations on truly wonderful news! You officially qualify as a significant badass. Going up against a horrible foe, you have prevailed (kicked that motherf@ckers ass!). I am thrilled for you!
  14. So it begins my last 5 day treatment.

    Falcon, I pray you have finally and definitively defeated this terrible beast. I hope that your final chemo treatment is both effective and as minimally unpleasant as possible. Best wishes for a complete recovery!
  15. Update of me and my treatments

    Hang tough Falcon. You have got a lot of people pulling for you!
  16. Welcome Home Viggen

    Viggen, thanks for your service and welcome home!
  17. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    "The 80's is calling, and they want their foreign policy back." A snarky punch line from the Presidential debates.....
  18. Shooting Skeet

    The size of the shot pattern is reduced as you go down in bore size. 12 gauge is probably the most widely used, followed by 20 gauge. 28 gauge is regaining some of its popularity, but ammo is much more expensive. A box of 20 gauge shot shells will probably cost you more then a box of 12 gauge shells since 12 gauge is the most commonly used shotgun ammunition. 28 gauge ammo is even more expensive then 20 gauge, and .410 is also surprisingly costly. You will break more birds with a 12 gauge, and that is really the whole point of the game. The recoil on any shotgun is substantially reduced with a semi-auto action, since the functioning of the action actually absorbs a substantial portion of the recoil. Any fixed breech shotgun will have more felt recoil than a semi in the same gauge. Fixed breech would include pump action, over and under, and side by side actions. If you are shooting at a real life skeet range, the real trick is knowing the leads for each station. A friend of mine that competed in the trials for a spot on the U.S Olympic team taught me these. I promise these leads will make you appear to really know what you are doing! For the station at the left tower, hold 1 foot in front of the bird on the way out, and 2 feet in front for the incoming bird. The lead on the station at the right tower is hold on the bird going out, and 1.5 feet in front of the incoming bird. The station in the middle between the two towers is the easiest; just cover the bird with the barrel and shoot. The leads for the stations on the left and right of the semi-circle are the same at each respective station as you move toward the back middle station. The leads for the first station in from the trap house are a 2 foot lead going out, and 3 feet in front of the incoming bird. The leads for the second station in from the trap house are 3.5 feet going out, and 3.5 feet incoming. The lead for the center back station is 4 feet going out, and 4 feet incoming. I drew these out on an index card, and keep the index card in shooting vest pocket in case I need to review them. I live close to the Whittier Narrows Skeet and Trap Range, and used to shoot skeet and trap pretty regularly. It's a really challenging and entertaining sport, but the cost of ammunition can get pretty costly if you shoot often. Reloading can really reduce the ammunition cost, which makes it even more enjoyable! Save your empty shotshells in case you decide to get a reloader in the future. I've got trashbags full of them out in the garage.
  19. I'm hoping this is not just another cruel April Fool's tease.... It looks very good!
  20. And With That..........

    Dave, best wishes for you and your family in this time of loss. May your father-in-law finally experience peace after his valiant struggle.
  21. After the new terrain install, I got two CTD's. The first was with Ravenclaw's F-4E and the second was with the Buccaneer. I deleted the new terrain install, and did a complete fresh terrain re-install. The first mission was an attack with the Buccaneer on hardened aircraft hangars. The program CTD'd after the strike, when returning to base. Faulting module name in all three CTD's was TerrainEngine.dll. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, and the new Catalyst 14.3 Beta video drivers on a HD 7970 Radeon video card.
  22. Hey Brain32, have you considered an Intel I3 processor? Here's a link to TechReport's latest system building guide. This might help you in your shopping list. http://techreport.com/review/26082/tr-february-2014-system-guide
  23. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    At times like this, the value and strength of family and friends seems to achieve a clarity we might have previously failed to recognize. Hopes and prayers go out for your father-in-law, you and all your family members. After all the tumult and pain your father-in-law has endured, hopefully he can find refuge and relief from his brave struggle against overwhelming odds. My deepest sympathies, Dave.
  24. A GTX 560 video card should be able to run everything comfortably. You might try updating to the latest Nvidia video drivers, if you are not currently running them. My prior video card was a GTX 470, and everything ran great as long as I reduced Horizon Distance from unlimited to normal.

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