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Posts posted by Silberpfeil

  1. Nice looking model, Stephen1918 - good work as usual!  I note you've used a photo of Collishaw's "Black Maria" back a few posts regarding the air pump.  That ship was modified with twin Vickers and your preliminary pix show the standard single mount.  Will there be an option for paired MG's in the model?

    • Like 2

  2. Not sure what your question is - the "AircraftShortName=" entry is an information label used to populate blocks on other screens.  It can be renamed as you see fit if you wish to designate one model as the 110 h.p. variant and the other as the 130 h.p. variant.  IIRC, there were also a couple versions with 135 h.p. and 150 h.p. powerplants in service before hostilities ceased.  

  3. Interesting article by Russ Niles from this morning's AvWeb e-zine:

    An artificial intelligence algorithm beat an "experienced" F-16 pilot in five straight simulated dogfights in a project designed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency on Aug. 20. The pilot was up against an AI system named Heron and the two duked it out in a Second World War-style forward firing gun battle.  The human didn't score a single hit. Heron, which was developed by Heron Systems, competed against five other AI algorithms for the right to fight the human in a computer simulation and the result of the final battle neither surprised nor concerned observers.

    While significant, the milestone is an early one in DARPA's goal to develop a machine-learning enhancement to human performance with the ultimate goal of "a future in which AI handles the split-second maneuvering during within-visual-range dogfights, keeping pilots safer and more effective as they orchestrate large numbers of unmanned systems into a web of overwhelming combat effects". It's also not the only AI/human research being undertaken by the military. As we reported earlier, a human pilot in a fighter is expected to go up against an AI-controlled drone in 2021 although it's not clear what aircraft will be used.    




  4. Thanks for the above, Crawford!  I note the BrisFit has a wing-mounted "generator fan" - will it work with the same code?  And going back a couple more, I never saw the "Stachel" pilot model except in George's post but it reads like VonS has it somewhere in his files.  Can that be released for general use?  I'm in the process of re-doing my "Blue Max" install and that would be a welcome addition!   

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  5. Saw that the initial post of Eugene2 was showing a FE1 Camel with black exhaust, so I went into FE2's CamelF1_150 and changed the ExhaustEmitterName= to display "InlineExhaustEmitter2" and trailing is the result:


    Looked pretty reasonable, so then I tried the same combination on Eugene2's no-exhaust FE2 SPAD_13 and got this result:


    A little less distinct, but it's there - so, the file gives the desired effect.  Looked in my Effects folder and it's not there, so I'm guessing that maybe it's an original TW FE2 file?


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  6. Could be - close examination shows he has already already upgraded the original drum brakes to the SuperCub conversion kit for disc brakes.  Magic Christmas dust or not, he still has to stop on those icy roofs!

  7. Always liked this Tom Newsom print of Santa inspecting the J-3's propeller.  By the look of things, I hope he is as thorough with his weight and balance calculations and that he's upgraded that powerplant to the 65 h.p. version!  In the background, looks like Santa's six will be covered by a S.P.A.D. XIII this year.  Peace on Earth and good will towards men!


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