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Everything posted by Stipe

  1. PZL TS-11 Iskra

    Finally a proper Iskra!
  2. SF2 USAF/NATO/Western Cargo Planes by Veltro2K

    That's the stuff, thank you very much!!!
  3. Be afraid......

    They look similar from the front, but from all other angles its a whole other plane.
  4. Be afraid......

    I mentioned that because the SU-7 looks like an erly version of the mig-21(Except the mig has a dorsal spine and the sukhoi dosen't) and you can't disagree on that (or you can, from my point of view it looks like a mig-21F)
  5. Be afraid......

    EXHAUSTED: this im my opinion on them and their planes, NOT their roles during a wartime. SAYWHATT: that ist't a globalSecurity assessmet, I just put what I think about them.
  6. Be afraid......

    Aircraft of the N. Korean Air force and my comment on them: SU-7 (Mig-21 wannabe) Q-5 (attacking mig-19?) Su-25 (ok attack aircraft) H-5/IL-28 (stuck in the 50's) F-7B (heavily modernized MiG-21F-13 copy) Shenyang F-5 (mig-17 copy) Shenyang F-6 (mig-19 copy) MiG-21 (not that I am the one to judge by being from Croatia but we at least have modernized mig's) MiG-23 (I dont like that plane, dont know why) MiG-29 (for N. Korea its very good) AN-24 (Ok) Tu-143 ( N. Korea has UAV's ???) L-39 (Ok) MiG-15 (WTF!) Nanchang CJ-6 (?) IL-76 (good) AN-2 (still makeing them in China!)-(first flight: 31. 8. 1947.)!?!? XD
  7. Banidos J-31

    Dosen`t work in any way!?!?
  8. Hello guy`s. I have a bit of an issue, i`ve been making modification of cocas`s Mako to make it the:SUPER MAKO, with an afterburner. The problem is that the afterburner is sitting a bit too high, and i want too bring it down. Can smeone tell me how to do that? Here is a copy of my "engine".ini : // Engines --------------------------------------------------------- [Engine] ReferenceName=General Electric F414-GE-400 SystemType=JET_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=1 HasAfterburner=TRUE NumAfterburnerStages=4 SLThrustDry=72300.00 SLThrustWet=107900.00 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.00,0.0 ThrustPosition=-0.4912,-6.7577,0.0799 ThrottleRate=0.75 NozzleAnimationID=10 IdleThrottle=0.10 IdleRPM=0.61 IdleNozzle=0.0 CruiseThrottle=0.69 CruiseRPM=0.82 CruiseNozzle=0.25 MilThrottle=0.65 MilRPM=0.90 MilNozzle=0.50 MaxThrottle=0.78 MaxRPM=1.0 MaxNozzle=0.90 FullABThrottle=1.12 FullABRPM=1.05 FullABNozzle=1.0 AltitudeTableNumData=10 AltitudeTableDeltaX=3048.0 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.802,0.634,0.496,0.381,0.288,0.206,0.147,0.105,0.000 DryMachTableNumData=4 DryMachTableDeltaX=0.4 DryMachTableStartX=0.0 DryMachTableData=1.000,0.980,1.172,0.000 WetMachTableNumData=7 WetMachTableDeltaX=0.4 WetMachTableStartX=0.0 WetMachTableData=1.000,0.991,1.207,1.683,2.473,2.750,3.027 MaxInletTemperature=120 GyroscopicInertia= TSFCM0=0.725 TSFCM1=1.175 AfterburnerTSFC=1.900 MinFuelFlow=0.01 ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=-0.3912,-6.7577,0.0299 AfterburnerNodeName=LeftAB AfterburnerEmitterName=ViperEffects AfterburnerEffectSize=0.53 MinExtentPosition=-0.889,-3.819,-0.296 MaxExtentPosition=0.889,-4.022,0.465 FireSuppression=TRUE GasTempMaxRPM=680.0 GasTempIdleRPM=420.0 GasTempChangeRate=5.0 OverheatTemp=750.0 DamageTempDelta=100.0 OilPressMaxRPM=35.0 OilPressIdleRPM=55.0 OilPressChangeRate=0.5 LowOilPress=12.0 LowOilTempDelta=400.0 [Engine2] ReferenceName=General Electric F414-GE-400 SystemType=JET_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=2 HasAfterburner=TRUE NumAfterburnerStages=4 SLThrustDry=72300.00 SLThrustWet=107900.00 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrustPosition=0.4912,-6.7577,0.0799 ThrottleRate=0.75 NozzleAnimationID=10 IdleThrottle=0.10 IdleRPM=0.61 IdleNozzle=0.0 CruiseThrottle=0.69 CruiseRPM=0.82 CruiseNozzle=0.25 MilThrottle=0.65 MilRPM=0.90 MilNozzle=0.50 MaxThrottle=0.78 MaxRPM=1.0 MaxNozzle=0.90 FullABThrottle=1.12 FullABRPM=1.05 FullABNozzle=1.0 AltitudeTableNumData=10 AltitudeTableDeltaX=3048.0 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.802,0.634,0.496,0.381,0.288,0.206,0.147,0.105,0.000 DryMachTableNumData=4 DryMachTableDeltaX=0.4 DryMachTableStartX=0.0 DryMachTableData=1.000,0.980,1.172,0.000 WetMachTableNumData=7 WetMachTableDeltaX=0.4 WetMachTableStartX=0.0 WetMachTableData=1.000,0.991,1.207,1.683,2.473,2.750,3.027 MaxInletTemperature=120 GyroscopicInertia= TSFCM0=0.725 TSFCM1=1.175 AfterburnerTSFC=1.900 MinFuelFlow=0.01 ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=0.3912,-6.7577,0.0299 AfterburnerNodeName=RightAB AfterburnerEmitterName=ViperEffects AfterburnerEffectSize=0.53 MinExtentPosition=-0.889,-3.819,-0.296 MaxExtentPosition=0.889,-4.022,0.465 FireSuppression=TRUE GasTempMaxRPM=680.0 GasTempIdleRPM=420.0 GasTempChangeRate=5.0 OverheatTemp=750.0 DamageTempDelta=100.0 OilPressMaxRPM=35.0 OilPressIdleRPM=55.0 OilPressChangeRate=0.5 LowOilPress=12.0 LowOilTempDelta=400.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And some pictures:
  9. EASD Mako

    awsome looking plane!!
  10. "Black Banana"

    Nice documentary
  11. I once flew with a gripen without wings for 10 minutes.
  12. No, the hunter is much easier to fly (You dont have to download the game again, just go back to the super sabre)
  13. You dont have to pay, you have to get the "keys" by passing the levels. Bdw when you get an aircraft with missiles its easy.
  14. I'm downloading it now, it takes up a lot of space

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