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Everything posted by Sheriff001

  1. Clearly this is a cunning enemy deception plan to force pilots to ditch their valuable aircraft.
  2. Also, an F-4K for the RAN, markings for 805 and 808 Squadrons. Coming up from me will be a RAAF F-106 (not likely IRL at all) and a RAAF F-104G (almost happened, would have been the better option in my view) http://combatace.com/files/file/13242-f-4k-phantom-ii-royal-australian-navy/
  3. Another What-If offer, a RAAF F-4M: http://combatace.com...lian-air-force/
  4. File Name: F-4M Phantom II - Royal Australian Air Force File Submitter: Sheriff001 File Submitted: 15 September 2012 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4M Phantom II from SF2: Europe. There are three versions of the F-4M in this mod. TK's F-4M: This is intended as a strike aircraft (but is capable in all roles). In this scenario, it was operated by 2 Squadron, 12 Squadron, and 460 Squadron. It comes in the SEA colour scheme. TK's F-4M (75): This is an interceptor operated by 3 Squadron, 30 Squadron, and 458 Squadron. It comes in an ADC Grey colour scheme. TK's F-4M (80): Again, this is an interceptor operated by 3, 30, and 458 Squadrons. It comes in the grey scheme worn by RAF Phantoms near the end of their service lives. It also comes with special low-visibility national markings. I have taken the SF2 Realism Mod SquadronList.ini and added 12, 30, 458, and 460 Squadrons to it, and numbered the decals accordingly. Back Story The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968. The RAAF's primary strike aircraft for the sixties was the F-105 Thunderchief. During the Vietnam War, the RAAF used its Thunderchiefs to strike targets of strategic importance to the Saigon Fascist regime. However, German air defences in South Vietnam had taken their toll on the Thuds. With the F-111C suffering serious delays, the RAAF took what was available, the F-4 Phantom. This aircraft had just been introduced by the Royal Australian Navy. In Vietnam, the Phantom enjoyed a high level of success, and showed its multi-role capacity. With the delivery of the F-111s, and their work up to full operational capability, the RAAF needed to find a mission for its Phantoms, or a buyer. The RAAF recommended early replacement of the F-106 Delta Dart. The Government accepted this option, and the F-4M served as Australia's air defender until the early 1990s. The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here: http://themarshall.wikia.com/wiki/Miscellaneous_Cold_War_technology#McDonnell_Douglas_F-4K.2FM_Phantom Installation Copy the contents of the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder. Copy the contents of the PilotData folder into the PilotData folder of your mods folder. Credits TK for the SEA skin, and the F-4M from the SF2: Europe. Sundowner for his F-4B templates. Dave, HomeFries and the SF2 Realism Mod crew for their SquadronList.ini Click here to download this file
  5. Version 1.0


    This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4M Phantom II from SF2: Europe. There are three versions of the F-4M in this mod. TK's F-4M: This is intended as a strike aircraft (but is capable in all roles). In this scenario, it was operated by 2 Squadron, 12 Squadron, and 460 Squadron. It comes in the SEA colour scheme. TK's F-4M (75): This is an interceptor operated by 3 Squadron, 30 Squadron, and 458 Squadron. It comes in an ADC Grey colour scheme. TK's F-4M (80): Again, this is an interceptor operated by 3, 30, and 458 Squadrons. It comes in the grey scheme worn by RAF Phantoms near the end of their service lives. It also comes with special low-visibility national markings. I have taken the SF2 Realism Mod SquadronList.ini and added 12, 30, 458, and 460 Squadrons to it, and numbered the decals accordingly. Back Story The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968. The RAAF's primary strike aircraft for the sixties was the F-105 Thunderchief. During the Vietnam War, the RAAF used its Thunderchiefs to strike targets of strategic importance to the Saigon Fascist regime. However, German air defences in South Vietnam had taken their toll on the Thuds. With the F-111C suffering serious delays, the RAAF took what was available, the F-4 Phantom. This aircraft had just been introduced by the Royal Australian Navy. In Vietnam, the Phantom enjoyed a high level of success, and showed its multi-role capacity. With the delivery of the F-111s, and their work up to full operational capability, the RAAF needed to find a mission for its Phantoms, or a buyer. The RAAF recommended early replacement of the F-106 Delta Dart. The Government accepted this option, and the F-4M served as Australia's air defender until the early 1990s. The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here: http://themarshall.wikia.com/wiki/Miscellaneous_Cold_War_technology#McDonnell_Douglas_F-4K.2FM_Phantom Installation Copy the contents of the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder. Copy the contents of the PilotData folder into the PilotData folder of your mods folder. Credits TK for the SEA skin, and the F-4M from the SF2: Europe. Sundowner for his F-4B templates. Dave, HomeFries and the SF2 Realism Mod crew for their SquadronList.ini
  6. Very true. My own modding talents are limited to decals and some repainting. I've tried to rationalise things by having independent discoveries. In the context of the Convair deltas, there was wartime research in the US on the subject. Lockheed designed an axial flow turbojet (the L-1000). Obviously, America did discover the most important Cold War technology. However, the best response I can make to that point, is to say that anyone else who wants to run with this has my blessing to do so. I know I am at the "shallow end" of the mod community.
  7. What helo is this?

    But you're not wrong this time. That is no helicopter.
  8. True. The game isn't complex enough to model all the effects of a nuclear explosion, just light and blast. Plus, there isn't exactly a huge amount of source material to go on, regarding nuclear weapons. We know how a Sidewinder will work, because thousands have been fired in all types of conditions. There has been precisely one live firing of an AIR-2.
  9. While I know this is necroposting, I must thank Icarus999 for his information.
  10. CF-110M Phantom - Royal Canadian Air Force

    I'll definitely need a custom NATIONS.ini. The first thing I am working on relating to that is some aircraft. I have made some preliminary tests of a "Messerschmitt Me 563 C" It looks OK. I'll need to obtain more material for markings, and I am waiting for PayPal to get the DLC M III C. My tests were based on a Mirage III CJ. I really don't want to base a Nazi delta jet on Israel's Mirage III.
  11. Version 1.0


    CF-110M Phantom II for the Royal Canadian Air Force This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4M Phantom II from SF2: Europe. Two skins are provided, a South East Asia skin for hypothetical Canadian participation in the Vietnam War, and an Aerospace Defence Command Grey skin for NORAD service. ======Back Story======== The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Air Force in 1969 (in this timeline, there was no unification in the Canadian Armed Forces) The RCAF originally did not want the Phantom, being content to stick with the Thunderchief and the Voodoo until the TFX (CF-111C) and FX (CF-15) were ready during the 1970s. Canadian participation in the Vietnam War changed that. Canada committed Voodoos to defend the social democratic North Vietnam from Nazi German forces operating from the South and from Burma. The CF-101's inability to dogfight, and unreliability in the harsh tropical conditions of North Vietnam made early replacement necessary. The only aircraft available was the CF-4K, being introduced to the RCN as its strike fighter. McDonnell and Avro Canada devised a land-based version with minimal changes. This entered service in 1969 and quickly went to Vietnam. After the war ended in 1975, the Phantom replaced the Voodoo entirely in the RCAF. The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here: http://themarshall.wikia.com/wiki/Miscellaneous_Cold_War_technology#McDonnell_Douglas_F-4K.2FM_Phantom ======Installation====== Copy the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder. Add the following to squadronlist.ini: [squadronxxx] Name=409SQNCAF DisplayName=No. 409 Squadron Nation=Canada [squadronxxx] Name=410SQNCAF DisplayName=No. 410 Squadron Nation=Canada [squadronxxx] Name=416SQNCAF DisplayName=No. 416 Squadron Nation=Canada [squadronxxx] Name=425SQNCAF DisplayName=425e Escadron Nation=Canada Change "xxx" to the numbers following the last entry in your squadronlist.ini In the Decals/F-4M_RCAF folder, you will find four files named "SQN402.tga", "SQN403.tga", "SQN404.tga", and "SQN405.tga". You will need to change the numbers in these names to correspond to the numbers in your squadronlist.ini =====Credits====== TK for the SEA skin, and the F-4M from the SF2: Europe. Sundowner for his F-4B templates.
  12. The only way I've found that works with guns is to make a very fast pass. Try to line up first, shoot then run. Don't linger trying to aim precisely. If you can get the shot, speed up and come around again. Don't let the speed fall, or they will get you. Another suggestion is use your wingmen. Order them to attack. Finally, F-101B Voodoo, with two Genies and two Nuclear Falcons. No gun, no need for gun.
  13. Is there no end to the genius of North Korean mechanics? Any idiot can swipe something from someone who has it. It takes real genius to take something from someone who never had it. Of course, this intake thing could be insurance fraud.
  14. Obviously. The North Korean mechanics must have run out of North Korean intakes, and swiped a couple of Jugoslav intakes.
  15. File Name: CF-110M Phantom - Royal Canadian Air Force File Submitter: Sheriff001 File Submitted: 10 September 2012 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar CF-110M Phantom II for the Royal Canadian Air Force This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4M Phantom II from SF2: Europe. Two skins are provided, a South East Asia skin for hypothetical Canadian participation in the Vietnam War, and an Aerospace Defence Command Grey skin for NORAD service. ======Back Story======== The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Air Force in 1969 (in this timeline, there was no unification in the Canadian Armed Forces) The RCAF originally did not want the Phantom, being content to stick with the Thunderchief and the Voodoo until the TFX (CF-111C) and FX (CF-15) were ready during the 1970s. Canadian participation in the Vietnam War changed that. Canada committed Voodoos to defend the social democratic North Vietnam from Nazi German forces operating from the South and from Burma. The CF-101's inability to dogfight, and unreliability in the harsh tropical conditions of North Vietnam made early replacement necessary. The only aircraft available was the CF-4K, being introduced to the RCN as its strike fighter. McDonnell and Avro Canada devised a land-based version with minimal changes. This entered service in 1969 and quickly went to Vietnam. After the war ended in 1975, the Phantom replaced the Voodoo entirely in the RCAF. The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here: http://themarshall.wikia.com/wiki/Miscellaneous_Cold_War_technology#McDonnell_Douglas_F-4K.2FM_Phantom ======Installation====== Copy the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder. Add the following to squadronlist.ini: [squadronxxx] Name=409SQNCAF DisplayName=No. 409 Squadron Nation=Canada [squadronxxx] Name=410SQNCAF DisplayName=No. 410 Squadron Nation=Canada [squadronxxx] Name=416SQNCAF DisplayName=No. 416 Squadron Nation=Canada [squadronxxx] Name=425SQNCAF DisplayName=425e Escadron Nation=Canada Change "xxx" to the numbers following the last entry in your squadronlist.ini In the Decals/F-4M_RCAF folder, you will find four files named "SQN402.tga", "SQN403.tga", "SQN404.tga", and "SQN405.tga". You will need to change the numbers in these names to correspond to the numbers in your squadronlist.ini =====Credits====== TK for the SEA skin, and the F-4M from the SF2: Europe. Sundowner for his F-4B templates. Click here to download this file
  16. Yes, i rather thought so. It's a shame.
  17. Well, I'm not bugging out. I'm getting back into it in a big way.
  18. Good idea, but quite a way beyond my abilities at this point. Right now, I'm up to playing with decals, single colour repaints, and putting on the RCAF racing stripe. Incidentally, I found this little treasure on the internet: Never used in real life, of course. But I think it would look highly impressive.
  19. Here's a WIP, a RAAF F-106. I'm not all together happy with it. It seems a bit ... sparse. Anyway, more than happy to hear suggestions about how to add to it, or modify it.
  20. Something like ground effect?
  21. What helo is this?

    What helicopter?

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