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Everything posted by MigBuster

  1. Only tested on the stock SF2NA airfields with Stary/Gerwins terrain - the 7 airfields are all new models compared to the ones in other SF/SF2 titles Looking at the mod - Baltikas uses the original airfields from SF1/WOE like all the other titles and should already have good runway textures (JSF Aggie ones ) - the lights for those airfields (and taxiways) were done years ago and should be in several mods if Baltika has not included them. You can use the newer runway textures in this mod on other airfields if you really desire - but it will require renaming and sorting out the files.
  2. For campaigns the aircraft needs to be added to the campaigns .ini and data.ini files In SF2 there is a campaign customiser DLC to do this easily - for SF1 its a manual extraction and ini file change job Actually this largely applies if you cant find anything else http://combatace.com/topic/44798-adding-aircraft-to-campaigns-in-sf2/
  3. A-7D in Vietnam

    From the album MBs Album

  4. F-4Es over Iceland

    From the album MBs Album

  5. F-4K Ark Royal 1970s

    From the album MBs Album

  6. SF2NA Runway lights and textures

    Version v1.1


    For Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic 1. Adds lights to the main runways of all 7 airbases on Iceland. 2. Very High res textures that will change the runways/parking/taxi ways for all runways on Iceland Read the README for vital information - you may need to scale down some of the textures depending on your system - and I recommend you use them with the superior Stary/Gerwin Iceland terrain to double your FPS
  7. The big problem with going to 2008 was the massive flight model change from what I remember. You can run 2006 games by removing certain shaders - there was a bit about it in the knowledgebase on here - I can run YAP on WIn 7 with 2006
  8. Aerofly FS - Some Screenshots

    That does look amazing - A good implementation of photo scenery can probably help most terrains
  9. Its a bit of a pain apparently - a lot of changes are made with each OS update - and calls the program needs are sometime removed or changed which breaks the app - everyones in the same boat and its not always easy to fix. Mobile gaming is a lot easier to support the user side - but with updates you still have the same pitfalls including the bloat that gets added to ensure your phone is slower after every update - wonder where they got that idea from. :)
  10. Mirage3O RAAF Iceland

    From the album MBs Album

  11. F 4K Iceland

    From the album MBs Album

  12. A 4L Iceland

    From the album MBs Album

  13. Still awaiting the iOS version of Afterburner myself to try it - would make sense to include adverts for the PC games though -that would be great marketing for TW - the mobile market with PC functionality has come at the right time - billions of devices and new free business model -1.2 million downloads already says it all. A predictable post IMO: The mobile market is where the money is - so thats where all development will be going. Future PC games and probably new patches for SF2 will turn it more like the mobile games Modding will be removed/limited EXP3? - if it comes out might turn your sim into something you wont like (would have to see) I cant complain really - and no one else can - there is a lot missing and the new terrain needs fixing - but they have provided a lot over the years including many personal requests. I would say RIP to the PC version we currently know - and on the bright side at least you wont have to worry about mods being broken by patches.
  14. Few photos on here as well http://www.iranmilitaryforum.net/air-forces/iriaf-f-14/ The colour changes depending on photo quality and lighting normally so sometimes difficult to use photos for colouring.
  15. Ace - the moneys rolling in for 3D models then I presume
  16. Meteor explodes over Russia, hundreds reported injured

    Thats the reality - can we only detect objects over a certain size - or do we just pick up things through luck? For anyone dreaming of space exploration - someone needs to put up the money ! - previous funds like moon landings were devoted mainly due to the Cold War effort I imagine. Lets hope the affected recover okay - and that it missed the nuclear power plant
  17. Meteor explodes over Russia, hundreds reported injured

    luckily this one seems to have just taken out windows!
  18. Did you reformat it or are we talking a Windows only restore? - if it was only a windows restore might be worth looking for your old profile folder
  19. Ha cool video Another example from http://www.dote.osd.mil/pub/reports/FY2012/pdf/navy/2012fa18ef.pdf DOT&E reported on APG-79 radar IOT&E in FY07, assessing it as not operationally effective or suitable due to significant deficiencies in tactical performance, reliability, and BIT functionality. In the civilian world though no software gets sold in a finished state - no ones got the time or money to test it properly without going out of business - its far to complex for us humans. The Eurofighter is seemingly no where near getting the avionics its supposed to - still should be used to that - wasnt the Lightning F6 stuck with the same crappy 1960s pulse radar till 86? want to hazard a guess at when the F-35 will be in a working state :)
  20. the Iranian threat...........

    Taking the piss out of all politicians and making them look like retards (not difficult) has been mainstream TV for about 30 years over here - Spitting Image, The New Statesman, Yes prime Minister to name a few - its called political satire generally.
  21. Irans new Fighter - Qaher 313

    Pictures have emerged of its first test flight

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