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Everything posted by MigBuster

  1. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    To much expectation on them - pity Xabi Alonsos shot never went in! still think Spain will make the last 4 though.
  2. And now, it's........

    Happy Birthday old chap
  3. No not by default SA-8s come with SF2E though
  4. Most expensive oil & lube job ever...

    Jeez - my cars not even worth 12 grand!
  5. For navigation most of the stock jets have a moving needle on the compass like devices - you will notice that this points in the direction of your next waypoint - normally just put the tip of the needle at 360 degrees (12oclock) - if you reference the map you will see you should be going the right way. For terrains - no idea would have to download the lot and try them out - which I'm not going to do. You can though - one thing to do is find the Terrain folder (C:\GAMES\WOE\Terrain) You will have a GermanyCE folder in there - thats the default Create some other folders so you end up with: C:\GAMES\WOE\Terrain\GermanyCE C:\GAMES\WOE\Terrain\GermanyCE_test1 C:\GAMES\WOE\Terrain\GermanyCE_test2 copy GermanyCE.ini and GermanyCE.cat into GermanyCE_test1 and GermanyCE_test 2 etc Then download a terrain - shove the files in a GermanyCE_testx folder then when you are ready: 1. Rename the default GermanyCE to GermanyCE_Def for example 2. Rename GermanyCE_test1 to GermanyCE so the game will now use that one. etc etc that way you can test and compare. As always beware that old ini files will be used by the game over the newer game ones - so you may sometimes have to extract the newer ini and see what needs changing.
  6. China Retires J-6s (MiG-19s)

    Amazing to think they have been going this long - I have Israeli pilots accounts for saying that MiG-19s were poor jets and easy targets - although suspect the Arab pilots had something to do with this. VPAF pilots are quoted as prefering the MiG-21(Faster) or MiG-17 (More agile) to the J-6. What did the Chinese see in a jet that the USSR didnt? Wasnt like they couldnt produce more advanced copies of Jets - like the J/F-7 even.
  7. So in your games you can use the missiles with certain jets , but not others? Check the attachment types of weapons pylons on the problem jets themselves (ie Mig-23xz_data.ini) - here are some basics but expect you will get the idea after some experimentation: [RightMissileBay] ..... StationID=4 <------this is the number of the station in the loadout.ini if you didnt know StationGroupID=4 <------This actually controls its grouping on the in game loadout screen - very useful!! ................ NumWeapons=2 DiameterLimit=1.164 <------if the weps diameter is larger than this - it wont show LengthLimit=4.021 <---------If the weapon is longer than this it wont show LoadLimit=250.0 <-------If the weapon is heavier than this it wont show AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,SAHM <-----If the weapon isn't one of these then it wont show SpecificStationCode=AIM4 <----If the weapon does not have this code it wont show AttachmentType=USAF <--------if the weapons attachmentcode is different to this it wont show .......
  8. The weps editor for SF1 actually works on Win 7 without changing the comp mode for me - however if I copy it into Program files - it doesnt even open - so again I suspect you have it in the wrong place. Cut and Paste its folder out of program files to the desktop and try again (this is NOT the same as putting a shortcut on the desktop to it btw)
  9. posting pics

    Basically you can just paste in the img code - you just need the [/img] tags around the URL eg [img=http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/img00060-4.jpg]
  10. 1. You need the correct weapons editor (Dated 20th Feb 2008 I think) - can you even open it up? 2. In the data ini for the jet make sure the correct name is listed on the pylons - eg [CenterlineStation] .......... PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=Tank300_F18 <------------- Also check other 3rd party tanks to compare and ensure you have the correct references for the lod names etc
  11. 80 years ago this week: Alive !

    Truly amazing story - thanks for sharing - a great man indeed - and a shame about the ending!
  12. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I'm pretty sure that France will not match that Zidane Headbutt from a few years back haha
  13. If its not in Program files or x86 then thats pretty weird behaviour - have not seen that before - can you make a copy of the whole folder , stick it on the desktop and run it from there and see if there is any change? Have you set it to run as admin in its shortcut? might be worth changing the compat mode too.
  14. how to control my plane with mouse?

    It doesnt look like it Im afraid - besides you actually need to use the mouse to click on the buttons in the 2D cockpit. For a flight simulator like this you should be using a joystick only, using the keys are a poor secondary - and I cant see how controlling it with a mouse would be any use at all. When you move a joystick - for example to pitch up (pull back) you dont just move it from one position to another - it has many positions in between that determine how much or how little the flight surface moves.
  15. in the decal.ini check decal level - needs to be 2 i think also - slashes in path should be \
  16. Who needs enemies...

    If thats true - it makes no sense to me - like a lot of things in this conflict. Why would Pakistan fight them with the Army but help them via other ways? - this doesnt help them in any way!
  17. If its any use - this is from former senior F-16 Test Pilot Joe Bill Dryden: This negative static margin provides one reason the F-16 turns as well as it does. What you may recall from Aero 101 no longer applies when you try to evaluate the F-16. I’ve seen articles in Air Progress that show how the F-15 will turn so much better than the F-16 because the F-15’s wing loading is lower. But this is where people get in trouble, because you can no longer apply wing loading to come up with a prediction as to how the airplane will turn. Let me explain this. Since the F-16 is negatively stable, the tail is lifting in order to control the AOA (while you’re subsonic). And while the center of pressure shift is such that the F-16 6 is positively stable when you’re supersonic, the amount of down force necessary to keep the aircraft trimmed to a given AOA is less than conventional fighters. As a result, the total lift acting on the airplane is more for a given AOA; therefore, the resultant induced or trim drag is reduced. Less drag of any kind means better sustained turn and cruise performance. Also, the F-16 has been designed to take advantage of the vortex lift generated by the strakes. This vortex is what you see trailing back on both sides of the F-16 when you turn it hard in moist conditions. They are not there just for more oooohhs and aaaahhs at air shows. As a result of this vortex lift, there are areas in the flight envelope where as much as thirty percent of total lift is coming off the fuselage. If you fall into the same trap that Air Progress did and take the gross weight of the aircraft divided by the projected wing area, you’ll come up with a wing loading of about sixty-five pounds per square foot. But (and this is a very big but), when you add in all the contributions of both tail and fuselage lift, you’ll come up with a wing loading of about forty pounds per square foot. Now you’re talking late World War II wing loadings. Can you now understand why you keep hearing, "I never thought you’d be able to make that corner!" Heard that in some of your debriefings? Ah haaaa! Then maybe there is some method in their madness. So it’s really a combination of these two things that gives the F-16 the different characteristics we have to account for when beginning to fly this multirole fighter. The negatively stable aero and the rate command flight control system both go to make up a fighter that’ll perform like no other!
  18. World Cup has Begun!

    pah You got the luck - thanks to Robert flippin Green!
  19. FIFA World Cup

    It was close - the US did well and held in there - and got some help from our keeper too
  20. World Cup has Begun!

    Good luck tommorow - youre gonna need it
  21. A gathering of OLD Eagles

    Thats a great video - had no idea there were so many left flying
  22. Basically keep your speed up in the battle - drop the speed for long (in SF2/E/I) and you will be hit - there are probably good tips on older threads - worth searching
  23. What patch is your WOE? Oct 2008 When was the Widesky mod put up there? - if it puts in older ini files that might be the cause of the problem at a guess. Assume it only happened after putting widesky on?

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