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Everything posted by MigBuster

  1. Yeah - totally - there is no reason to post any LOD files any way - you only need to submit the contents of the skins folder only.
  2. A little help here

    On the last point ......EA-18G Growler Agree on some other points - apart from the F-117A which although dependant on fly by wire (like the F-16) did change the face of warfare in 1991 not least replacing a mass conventional strike force with tiny force of F-117s and tankers to hit high value targets. The fact the only 5th gen a/c are stealth says it all. - all 4th gen a/c being produced are for countries without the cash for Stealth - Pretty sure they would take an F-22 if they could
  3. The Person Below Me

    Dont think so - is it iRobot? The person below me enjoys flying Hawker Hunter intercept missions in WOE
  4. You may have to compromise with the Track IR zoom and padlock
  5. Nice work - think this needs to be in the "Templates" section though
  6. open your weaponsdata.ini in the "weapons" folder with the weapons editor (lastest version if you are on Sept 2008 ) and see if its listed in there
  7. MiG-21 units claimed 2 x B-52Ds - not confirmed by the USAF who said both were taken down by SAMs Quite a few claims and pilot accounts by the NV pilots are attributed to SAMs/AAA - understandable in the heat of battle - get hit by something - was it flak or a MiG you had no idea was sneaking up your tail! edit: a 3rd B-52 claimed as damaged 21 Nov 71
  8. Sounds like a core game file is screwed - you can only install the patch over a fresh unmodded install of the game - and then if you must install weapons packs either wait till they are updated or manually install it to a folder on your desktop - then just drag the weapons folder only into your game.
  9. The Person Below Me

    True - but only once - and we got slaughtered - got paired up with a flippin hen party with aim targets stuck to their backs - against a load of blokes who had brought their own camouflage! The person below me has tried to out turn a Mig-17 in an F-105 :)
  10. The <campaign>_data.ini file is not there by default - it has to be extracted and moved there manually. If you have just patched over a modded install then it would have deleted the file with loads others.
  11. The Person Below Me

    So false - more or a motorhead lol The person below me was an actual fighter pilot
  12. Version


    Repaint of the South East Asia Vietnam skin for Ajunaidr's F-104C Starfighter.(1024x1024) Press the button below to download this skin and save it to your Desktop. Only tested in WoV and SFG but should also work in WoE regards MigBuster30 - 18th August 2006
  13. Sounds like you have installed a weapons pack - plenty of past threads about that on here already
  14. Vista Saga.... or "Where do I get my refund?"

    Yes but it wasnt a NOS - fine for a single person with technical knowledge sometimes - and some may have sentimental attachment - but for the average user it was worse than hopeless in everyway - tcp/ip wasnt even installed by default. The day I use that again is the day I stick a knife through my neck. Things are so much better these days with the NT line - although there will always be those who have problems with whatever OS - that will never change particularly running on PCs where the hardware always varies so much.
  15. whats the date of the actual file? 240406? The weapons folder should be here \objects\weapons In that folder and (only in that folder) should be weapondata.ini and weapondata.dat - have you got other weaponsdata files in any other folders?
  16. TKs F-15A

    Did you manually choose a squadron before flying?
  17. A question

    Yes if they are updated by their creators other wise you can try them out but if they have old ini files with them then you will have to apply those changes to the new inis - or make relevant changes.
  18. What version of the weapons editor are you using for that? - should have a date with it If you use the Sep 2008 patch dont install the weps pack directly into the game - install the pack to a folder on your desktop then manually drag the weapons folder over to the game and save it with the latest editor.
  19. Vista Saga.... or "Where do I get my refund?"

    Windows 7 - cant believe that could only be a year away - One thing for certain is that someone somewhere will get a Blue Stop screen or the equivalent. Seen no end on Windows XP - doesn't matter what version you have - has often been HD related - in one instance it required a reinstall of wireless drivers (on a newly built XP machine!), once it was caused by Hyperthreading being turned on - and thats the beauty of it could be one of many things. Try different virtual memory settings(if you can in Vista), check everythings plugged together as well as it can be - try disabling things - like network cards for example and then playing a game to see if it still happens - your best hope (not short of deciphering the stop code ) is to try and narrow it down. I would be screaming at the thing by now myself too - reminds me of how stable Windows 95 was out of the box
  20. "Follow On my Wing"

    I dunno - these defence budget cuts!
  21. Do you set up separate profiles for your video card? you may need to increase the AA/AF settings - If you have the in game settings up to full - then you can still tweak the card up.
  22. Just extract the files (about 30 of em) from objectdata.cat in WOI - put them in a new folder - and move the cockpit files to a cockpit subfolder - if yr not sure look at the file arrangement in other add on planes

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