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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Ukraine MiG-29 oops

    Also both the touchdown and the opening of the brake chute was way too late... it appears to me he landed into the middle of the runway, so half the way left only. Seen landing of hungarian Mig-29 when we still had them. They opened break chute almost at the moment when the tires touched the ground.
  2. 32bit exe does that stuff for me too on win 8.1 on 10 i haven't tried. But generally I use the x64 for editing, then pass on to the 32bit exe for exporting with the plugin
  3. Interesting fact about the Greek Bailout

    Russia, like the post-soviet states went through a different path, while result is similar. The collapse of the USSR was far less significant to the state itself than we have thought. As in my country (and other ex-eastern bloc) the power remained in the hand of the same people (that is why mentioning "changes of system" completely pointless). Put the situation to the above mentioned formula. The ex-comrades have created a mask-political system similar to what the western 1% created in the early 20th century. While they stepped back from the stage lights behind the curtains their henchmen do the job. Instead of one party we have 5-6. All the same are the tentacles of the same fat ex-bolshevik octopus. La piovra ) This is how Central-Europe changed from East to West. We are just serving a different Union. Nevertheless both Unions share the same faith. Turning back to Russia, their millionaires are minor nobodies in we count only their wealth, and the number of such individuals are little. There is one difference here, is that Russian elite is more or less still russian, and they played out the card which I call "Pup of our own dog". To some extent the public opinion respects them as their "new noblemen" as long as they act patriotic (for example spectacularly support russian interests, the Orthodox church or such). Being a monarchist (Czarist) or ex-bolshevik with USSR nostalgia, or "enlightened" democrat - they act according to national unity, and keep their in-fighting at bay so far. Whether this is because of the choice of an acceptable charismatic leader or the power of money or the effects of national strength caused this, it seems to be effective in raising the nation out of the sinkhole of the Yeltsin era. Some politologist say that Russia was able to create a third-way system, a hybrid form of ruling (I have doubts) similar to the original form of national socialism (Aka Strasserism) which is in fact nationalistic state-capitalism. Meant literally here, do not to be confused it with hitlerist "Nazism" what it was distorted into after the hitlerist coup in 1933. FYI another significant third-way system was Peronism in Argentina. But these local variants cannot be reproduced elsewhere as a proper third-way system need to be molded the way it fits the local culture, national history, religion as well as local economic conditions. That's why it is completely futile to force western liberal-democracy and lifestyle onto the world, onto nations which cannot be ruled the way like that. Not even with the most honest goodwill (which never been present) and especially when it does not even work where it was invented. Just for example Hungary which was a charismatic monarchy (holder of power was the national institute of the Holy Crown*) for 1100 years, and ever since we have republic or people's republic, the country is pushed into the pit of national-death. I say these without bashing or flattering any country or nation... With supernational globalist powers over our heads these are indeed global problems. We all have responsibility eastern western, american non-american alike, not only to learn, to think, to be informed - but to teach and inform others to do so. Especially our children who are move vulnerable than ever to be influenced and fanatized by the system. To resist incitement of "divide and rule" philosophy, to put aside decades of propaganda and dogmas in which we and perhaps our parents grew up and think clearly. On both sides. Everywhere. Only unity can defeat any ruler - when people dare to say, the king is naked. * The institutional Holy Crown. (Sacra Corona in latin) One-of-a-kind type of christian sacred monarchy, where the monarch (king or governor) is approved by the whole nation (well mostly by the noble orders and the church but there were exceptions, when the people coronated the king.) The holder of power was the sacred institute symbolized by the crown itself. Rulers haven't been coronated with the Holy Crown such as certain austrian Habsburg or Holy Roman usurpers, faced despise and scorn (or outright rebellion) not only from the people but from patriotic nobility as well.
  4. Interesting fact about the Greek Bailout

    This video tells everything)))) Just to bring in a little fun into the sorrow topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mII9NZ8MMVM
  5. Interesting fact about the Greek Bailout

    These things are worldwide. As I said countries are only formalities, the strings of power (which equals to money) are above governments and borders... there is no such as democratic or totalitarian countries. No left or right. The most horrible inequalities are present in "democratic" countries. Money is power, and who owns enough, can do everything. Democracy is about having equal rights, word, thoughts. No one should be allowed to have too much power over the others. Communism is about having equal wealth. Of course it is not possible. None of them is, both being utopias. Communism was distorted and realized into Bolshevik-Dictatorship (aka. Stalinism). Democracy was distorted into Financial-Autocracy (aka. Corporatocracy). Other third-way ideas were also distorted, or pushed down by the latter two. You get the meaning. Just a side note, not related to the original topic, just connected. What I think is currently going on, is an attempt to restore the Cold War environment around the world. Of course, in reality the danger of a war is minimal. I have no proper english to explain correctly why I think so... Basically, as part of the binary, or Bipolar-world* political concept I mentioned earlier. Since the same class with the "1% mentality" is pullling the strings everywhere on the world they are trying to accomplish balance which they can rule like before. A more economic and financial explanation, which is high/brow for me, but it says the thing: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-06-02/its-1-world-who-owns-what-223-trillion-global-wealth Just in case someone haven't seen it yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QPKKQnijnsM * When there are only two sides - political parties, military alliances, nationalities, election choices, wherever the people confront each other - the outcome is controllable and predictable at the same time the participants are adequately occupied with the other side thus distracted from the holders of real power. Black and white. Left or right. Blue or Red. No third choice allowed. Example 1, you have two presidetal candidates. One you have chosen to be your puppet ruler. The other one might be very well your man as well. Maintaining the feeling of a strong fight in front of the public, with a close result in public support, the people feel they have a choice. If your chosen one wins, no problem. If the stunt double is about to win, you can air some dirty truth or order him make a mistake say a bad word, so the undecisive people will chose the your "already elected" candidate. People have the choice between head or stomach. The cart will be going into the same direction. Example 2, minor powers, small countries are forced to choose between West or East. Rightish or leftish. They political systems can be "democratic" or "totalitarian". Never in the modern history a third way was allowed. A middle way, "aurea mediocritas". Or for example a Central/Southern European (non aligned, neutral) Alliance excluding west and east alike. There is no Small Countries Mutual Defence Pact, nor a Free Nations League allowed, which could dissolve the completely corrupt, exceptionist and useless United Nations. Greater powers and mass media (all owned by the elite) would immediately start sanctioning, and smear campaigns.
  6. Interesting fact about the Greek Bailout

    Yes inequality, which will be ever present, but the problem of it's extent. And it is getting worse and worse, middle class sliding down, everywhere even in (seemingly) wealthy societies. Inequality is growing so much that some - otherwise fiction - dark future type movies are coming to a reality. Like the one, in which your life-time is became the currency (can't recall it's title tho) the rich thus being immortal. Some people even mention a "new race" type conspiracy, which scrapes the surface of eugenetics and superior/chosen race theories, where the selected few will prevail and the masses must sink into a brainless worker-zombi style slavery Hope, very good thought. The more people feel hopeless, and that they have nothing to lose, the more likely they revolt. That's the second task a government is obliged to do (Taxation being the first), to keep the populace just under the revolt level.
  7. Interesting fact about the Greek Bailout

    I mentioned this long ago. But I have some thoughts to add... In today's world speaking about countries and nations are without meaning. A country, it's borders and it's government (regardless of what type and alignment) are just formal things. The world's power structure has changed, if not now, but at least in the last 20 (some say 100) years. Fact is, the power is not in the hands of governments or nations, but transnational (or supernational rather!) individuals or groups of individuals (usually calling themselves an organization or company). As an interface layer between "them" and "us" are those curtains (country borders) and masks (politicians) who perform like the chair board of any company - they control, but serving the real owners, the anonymous shareholders. Therefore, bashing countries (the USA did it, Germany wants this or that..., Russia does things...), nationalities (Greeks, Spanish, Italian, etc are lazy... they don't work that's why they in crisis - I heard such words!!), or religions (tools of control) - it's all futile. In such I was guilty in the past myself, but many things happened since. Those people pulling the strings have no nationality or religion nor homeland - it does not matter where they live, what language they speak or what color of their skins - they want to rule, their religion is money, and they act as gods themselves. Ownership of the goods. Many of you are already of aware that the poor is made to pay while they own nothing of the "company" of their "national country". As in the USA, it's the same everywhere else, less than 1% (!!!) of the people owns over 80% of the "national" economy, shares, banks, resources - even people's lives, history and culture - thoughts and souls of their children (healthcare, education, mass media). Speaking of, when Country X has economic boom - that means that certain 1% (owning 80% of the economy) have good days. The same time, people still amaze, why there are thousands of homeless, why unemployment (real, not official) is skyrocketing, why pensions and healthcare cannot be paid... etc etc. For "them" economic boom, for "us" crisis... In short, a "country company's" situation does not reflect the the "employers" life standard. A profiting company can have struggling employers... no doubt. And here comes the catch. When the company begins to decline (not necessary doing bad, but not meeting the profit expectations of the "shareholders") OR - take a seat and get a hold on - changes ownership (yes, they call it political takeover, or democratization, or liberation of slaves, or building of socialism - underline your choice) then problems arise. As in the business life, ownership change is not always peaceful. More likely, never. Any dirty trick and financial maneuver is possibly made when taking over a company - all applies to "country companies" as well. And yes, you guessed right, the employers drink out the bitter cup. Profits, interests are being stomped out of the guts of the populace - they way they cut salaries and fire employers in a company which would work nicely with less profit for the owner and with a better payment employers. But this world does not work like that. So the 1% will put their hands on more - and "nation" sells schools, healthcare, pensions, railroads, prisons, churches, ancient ruins - the way a desperate father would sell his kidney to feed his kids... Bailing an entire country and nation - this is how the slavery of the new millennia works. No chains - but unrepayable debts. And since they own the school and hospital alike - much more than slavery! I'm very sorry to quote an arch-communist (Engels) but in this meaning he was right. "The future wars will be fought between classes of the society" it's very similar to what I used to say. There is no left or right, there's only up or down. In any system, even in a bolshevik "communist" government "them" and "us" are present. On a final word, just think it over, why so much wars, conflicts and crisises are being incited between "countries" and "nations" and "religions" - keeping the conflict in the horizontal plane, so nobody touches the stockholders!! Divide et impera. - Divide and rule. We have a joke of such, "The optimist learns english, the pessimist learns russian - the realist practices shooting"
  8. I have just bought - naively - the campaign customizer, but it turned out to be incompatible with my version... I stuck with July2012 for modding reasons (and bugs). Does anyone know where to get the older version? (( Thanks a lot!!
  9. Yes, I just did note realize that it needs to be compatible, i looked at it as latest file...
  10. When it's about bomb type illuminators, they are flagged as retarded, with proper drag value - AND set an (insanely) high drag area modifier would give them a long descend. But yes altering gravity would do)))
  11. I did not see any problems either, similarly I keep 8.1 on my main notebook (ASUS K75) but I did a test install at my workplace, on my old notebook (HP nx6325 with AMD Thurion II 2x 1.6ghz and 2.5GB RAM) . Saying, if it works on that, it will everywhere else. I had to change XP to Win 10 (with a HDD change as well, I kept the old XP on the original HDD) no problems so far. It is running fast and stable so far. I will test with performance monitor, next week. The only difference I have noticed are the less system requirements, which makes it a good solution to upgrade old XP computers which could not handle Win 7 I suggest a clean install to everyone, upgrade just f* up everything. And, turn off everything, disable progs and reporting, use third party progs, etc etc. because Win10 is the worlds biggest spyware ever seen... it will store even your home Wifi password on Microsoft servers (No joke)
  12. Of course, if was successful) Well I had some bad ASM behaviour (lofted ballistic related), and bad flight control - but since both the Tu-22 both the Kh-22 was stock, it was expected. Note, that AI pilot could also fire.
  13. Mi-17 flying low over Ukraine

    Am I the only one who tried to control the scene with my joystick? Damn gamer reflexes :biggrin:
  14. One Shot, one opportunity

    Typical do-it-again catch. LOL
  15. Normally yes, because ships have usually Maxvisiblerange 20000-30000. There was a method, when you have found the ship in the ship view, cycling F7, then you could target the ship with the "target closest to center" key... and it remained targetted when you switched back to cockpit. Not anymore though... at least for me. Sometimes even planes like B-52 can be targeted from 40-50km, but how, I don't know. But, damn, you gave me an idea of making a test target ship with 500000 visible range.
  16. You have to edit every ground units and ground objects MaxVisibleDistance value... because it is specific value for each item. My problem is the same, as I need to test cruise missile ballistics, but the "Find the in ship view and press - target closest to center" method does not work for me anymore(((
  17. There's an excellent SAM package we have, which has most of the equipment working.. you might want to see those as well)
  18. About the objects visibility, each one has a variable fixed in it's data.ini MaxVisibleDistance=8000.0 this means the object counts as "Visible" by visual detection from 8000 meters. In many cases earlier that with radar... If you have the red box enabled in difficulty settings (hard removes any marking or direction display - box and cone) the item can be selected with the (next/prev ground target) key. Or the closest target key I think... Realism as is, and infantry for example with a 1000 visible distance, is selectable only for a few second while you are passing by. This is why it is so painful not having target marking (FAC) feature... Also we do not have advanced imaging that would increase the visibility against ground targets. Having a slow flying helo also improves odds against small ground targets.
  19. Hey everyone I'm engaged

    It's really nice to see young people happy and marrying. Wish I could see that more often) All the best to you!
  20. It is completely repairable... Very skilled landing. Still looks a lot better than our MiG-15 (((

    All American friends and families, I congratulate you on your national holiday!
  22. Bit updated rotor structure. Still missing some parts, like kamov syncroniser-disc (rudder disc)
  23. Prepare for the battle of Hoth !

    If they won't make a sequel to TIE Fighter/X-Wing (or a space trading game) with these graphics.... I will be more than offended... phh
  24. My other choice would have been the Pr 11780 which was in fact a Kiev class hull partially reworked and built as a dedicated amphib assault ship UDK (Universalniy desantniy korabl) eventually lost against the french Mistrals (...) However I found this design more unique, and classing cold war style.
  25. Thanks for all of you. I'm not ashamed to ask for help in this, as it was really a discouraging for me and partly a reason I halted the project that time(

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