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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. China's New CIWS

    The old soviet GSh-6-23M 23mm "gatling" can also fire around 10K per minute, and it was already done 40 years ago. Gas operated, no need of spinning motor and electricity with almost no "spin-up" time. AK-630 30mm was developed in the mid 60's, equipping warships by the late 60's. The AK-630-2 Duet mount has 2x GSh-6-30 guns of 5400 rpm, thats bit more of 10K all together, and no new development. So does the Kortik (Kashtan M) it also includes missiles. I see no reason behind this monstrous development and overcomplicated (and huge) stuff. If true at all.
  2. Now, the (almost) full version has been uploaded. Version 0.99 This AAM test version is obsolete now)
  3. Red Side Standard Weapons Pack - Full Beta

    Updated to 0.99 Full Beta. (Basic modifications to support the MiG-29 and Su-27)
  4. Merry X-Mas

    Merry Christmas to every one of you all over the world!!! Let's hope for a peaceful and prospering new year to everyone's families and nations. The only thing I feel sorry about that this time I can't upload a present to you like last year... But it will come, with time)
  5. In a certain version of IL-2, 4.09 or 4.10? It was a version of IL-2 after it's development has been passed to Daedalus. Maybe more aircraft was affected, I don't know. I can't remember there has been issue with at least one plane, the Hellcat (both variants). Once I talked with people on sas1946 site about this - to be honest years ago and I did not play the game much since. I did notice that - particularly - the Hellcat performs extremely badly, low on power and stalls very much. I played japanese planes 99% of the time, so it wouldn't hurt me if it were a little problem... But They were like sitting ducks, with no challenge. I could literally fly circles around a F-3 Hellcat with a A6M2 and in an M5 it was just turkey shoot. The other plane of such was the FW-190, which was not flyable for me. And the Mustang. No matter how I pulled the stick with these planes, I just could not turn without stalling. Basically uncontrollable. Messers, Japanese, all soviet planes were fine. I suppose it was a controls issue, but since the AI has similar issues with the Hellcat, I think these problems have something in common. I don't know it this was corrected since, now patch 4.13 is under work, and current is 4.12.2...
  6. MiG-31 footage

    I don't need it, I just wanted to know which "variant" with what values was deadly. I have changed all AAM's already but still testing continously.
  7. MiG-31 footage

    sry for the question, but from which addon?
  8. Well, the carrier starts turning maneuver when you approach the last waypoint. Or after you have completed your takeoff. When you return, it also turns into the wind to assist landings. So I guess you are too fast on your approach, or miss a waypoint maybe, so you are early for touchdown. try to wait till it completes the turn, or you may change either the carrier's waypoints or the wind direction ))))))
  9. MiG-31 footage

    yea, we go there in summer too, as planned, with two of my professional photographer friends. Last time in Kiev one of them had infiltrated into some restricted area... stupid spotters... Then I have to pull their asses out from deep... yet again ))) I said, man you should take care, they take you to the cellar and .... with your own photo apparatus)) Well, if I can have a question... is Monino and Kubinka open to visit this part of the year? Or everything is closed?? I wanted some walk arounds... and bribe someone to let me photo the cockpit of the Ka-25
  10. Sorry if its obvious, but I just couldn't find the answer... ( Please explain me how the availabilty dates, and store types work exactly? Especially export-wise. For an aircraft, I guess it is obvious, NationName=Soviet and if exported, then the dates under exported will apply to the rest of nations (designated in userlist??) But how does weapon availability work? The same? If the user nation is =/= with NationName ( country of origin?) then the export dates which do apply? AND, how the StoreType comes into picture... Does it have any connection if at all, to the availabilty, nationality or it's just a tool that helps configure weapon stations? WP or NATO storetype has nothing to do with which countries are or aren't in those groups or these are just "generic" red or blue entries? At the moment, my sponge-like brain thinks, that this works something like this... - Weapon (soviet), available from 1970-80, exported from 75-85, StoreType WP - Aircraft (soviet), available from 1972-92, exported from 75-95, WeaponStation 1-2 set to load WP, SOVIET, Station 3-4 set to SOVIET only - Aircraft is available to nation Nigeria from 75-95, weapon can be loaded onto Plane from 75-85 but only on Weap Station 1-2... But what if I change the nation of Aircraft to EastGermany? It will be available to EastGermany from 72-92, and to USSR (and everyone else) from 75-95? According to this, Aircraft is available from 72, but without Weapon, because it remained Soviet, and exported only from 75.... right? OMG, I should drink more...
  11. MiG-31 footage

    Whohoo. That is something!!! Thanks for sharing.... Wish I can see some of these when I visit Moscow next year)
  12. I'm just about to rework a lot of eastern plane's loadout, including the MiG-29 too. If I remember it has it's own weapons included with the package. I assume you got the Mirage factory addon 2.0 As for the F-15, I can't say, as I have no AMRAAM missile installed. But generally, there are two files to determine if a weapon shows up in the list. In your case, ..objects/aircraft/MiG-29/MiG-29_data.ini, ..objects/weapons/AA-10A/AA-10A_data.ini Data have to match: AllowedWeapon type, Store type (nationality) and availability date in both file. Weapon length, diameter and weight limits if any. within the plane data.ini. StationSpecific codes IF present, must be the same in both files. (it is a limitation for some weapons not be loaded elsewhere) Weapon must be in the weapons folder, the folder name must match the weapon.ini file. For example, AA-10C for AA-10C.ini In the weapon.ini, the line should point at the correct data.ini ObjectDataFile=AA-10С_data.INI It should be different, but in the ini it should be written correctly.
  13. What plane, what weapon, what era? Most likely the specific plane is not configured to carry the designated weapon. Weapons indeed go the weapons folder. Planes to the Aircraft folder. If you give more details I can help more And please, ask SF2 NA questions in the SF2 NA forum )
  14. Well, In any case I can make a playable temporary solution out of the stock FM, RSSW loadout and Lindr's original models from Flogger pack. It could be an adequate substitute till the new one will be ready. Is that OK, or shall we stick to the stock Flogger objects? In case of the MiG-17 and 21 the models Paolo were using (stock?) are quite all right. Modifications have to be done to the radars and new loadout, but the rest is OK, I can say. Not sure we have templates for those... Enoc?
  15. What else needed for it? What variant? I did loadouts, weapons are all done ('least for the Flogger), I used a stock data.ini so far, I plan on using the stock FM because the one was in the addon pack is ... weird to me. Avionics and cockpit.... well.
  16. Star Wars 7 : The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer

    Somehow this happens to all stories and universes... If something is being continued on and on, without sense. As I see it with other sci-fi and fantasy story lines. The more the story is narrowed down to heroes or main characters, the more strong this effect is. Even if the universe and story line is broad, like with Battletech (with many storylines and places, and eras) this "overdriven universe" effect still appears to some point. Things like technological advance... In SW Classic, in a decade so much new stuff appeared. Then what equipment should be ... like 5000 or 20000 years before New Hope? Back to Old republic or ancient Jedi times?? Or centuries later? huh. In BT time frames "just" 1000 years, and there happened a war wiping out at least half the knowledge and tech. But after the (otherwise excellent) main story era has "ended", the late part has fallen into the same trap. Another war, another "reset"? Never ending wars, to keep up the story... BT is a human universe (quasi) realistic. But SW is more like space fantasy, the time scale is bigger and not necessarily follows our own human nature based world, where all big empires are destined to fall before ruling everything. Is it possible to have several centuries of peace, or having a successful race/state living for a millennia (or more, out of human standards)... so yes, close a storyline, it can end. yes, as someone has said. Prequel, sequel, spin off.... if we can't forget these, and have new ideas, I still vote for spin off... Broaden the universe, from linear to parallel. That does not hurt. I think. This is where BT beats SW. At least the classic parts. BT universe is smaller in dimensions, no alien races, no magic, tech is limited, distances are big (due to travel system) yet it has been made more spacious, for 40+ books. and one more thing, which is my favorite thought to bring up... we had debates with my roleplaying friends a lot of times. I don't like bipolar universes - the same way I hate when it happens every day in real life.. (No politics this time. ))) SW is bipolar, black and white. Good and evil. Good OR evil. It drives me crazy sometimes. - It's ok, its a space tale. opera. fantasy. Not supposed to be realistic. All SW is about the Force - usual answers to my rants. This is what I value most in BT, is that people are shades of gray. Ruling houses (royal families) are GREY. They can't be hated, or loved exclusively. They are not evil or bad inherently... they just have agendas an goals. They make mistakes. They follow their goals, and cross each other's way in different type of conflicts from spying, politics or armed conflict. If I break it down to a basic sentence, the teaching of SW is divide the world, the people, put everybody into a light box and dark box. Until the time being. Noone can be grey. Everyone declared evil can be slaughtered without mercy. All imperials are evil. Wait, they were Republic before, when they were good and the separatists were bad. And now the rebels are the good. What the...?? This too much reminds me of current events. But no RL politics. Contrary, BT teaches - if I can say that - about human nature and thinking. About the nature of war. How the world really works. It was just put into a sci-fi scenery. Well sorry for the spin off from the topic )) Just my thoughts...
  17. Star Wars 7 : The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer

    I know some people do feel like that. But to say ALL SW lovers... I don't think. A part of them maybe like some of my friends. I have to agree, to a point because I myself hate stuff like Wongs, and n+1 reincarnations of Palpatine... bigger and bigger super weapons. blah . One of the exceptions is Thrawn. How is that, Admiral Thrawn is the second most popular imperial figure after Vader? Keep the good (and loved) ideas, flush the crap. But to flush all? Nonsense.
  18. Star Wars 7 : The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer

    NO you won't.... everything people has drawn, written, filmed, etc since the Return of the Jedi, including Thrawn trilogy, and such is "non canon". All down the sewers. Personally I did not like the "celebrations on Coruscant" ... well to my best knowledge a huge number of Imperial systems did support "peace and order," but yea, since everything is zeroed... they will change and turn the whole thing inside out. Can't agree more. Hollywoodization eats up everything. If they calculate, that the profit won't meet the expectations, they do not make the movie. People pay for this... sequels, distorted prequels. Cliches. Cheap stories with million dollar technology. Why they don't film Battletech universe?? With the technology of the damn Transformer shyte, they could make it. And that's a far better universe than SW... imho. Nooooo because too few people even know what the hell is Battletech. Not enough projected money into the movie clan's pockets. But you know what... it is better. They would f*k that up, too. I myself could do very good movies. I have ideas, a lot. If I had billions, I would make them. Even if the profit would be negative. Read books. Better. You imagine it as you want.
  19. Star Wars 7 : The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer

    Lucas has raped it already, with Ep I. ... and all the following. Animation series. Distorting the storyline. Flushing all stories written after The Return of the Jedi down on the toilet. Where is Admiral Thrawn? tell me. Disney just continues. I wish I was wrong, but I have bad feelings. And all my friends have(
  20. Version 1.0


    MiG-21 MF & MiG-23MF Red Side Standard Weapon Pack compatible test planes. Features: - Pure, stock Thirdware planes with cockpits added and made flyable. - Weapon stations and loadouts have been rebuilt and compatible with the current version (0.97) of RSSW. - Added Hungarian skin/decal configuration - just because. )) Installation: Drop them into the Aircraft folder Requirements: Red Side Standard Weapon Pack ver. 0.97 http://combatace.com/files/file/15167-red-side-standard-weapons-pack-public-test-version/ Upcoming Test planes: - MiG-27 - Tu-22M3 - Su-7B/M Thanks for the tryout and contact me if any problems appear.
  21. File Name: MiG-21MF MiG-23MF - RSSW Compatible Test Planes File Submitter: Snailman File Submitted: 16 December 2014 File Category: Other MiG-21 MF & MiG-23MF Red Side Standard Weapon Pack compatible test planes. Features: - Pure, stock Thirdware planes with cockpits added and made flyable. - Weapon stations and loadouts have been rebuilt and compatible with the current version (0.97) of RSSW. - Added Hungarian skin/decal configuration - just because. )) Installation: Drop them into the Aircraft folder Requirements: Red Side Standard Weapon Pack ver. 0.97 http://combatace.com/files/file/15167-red-side-standard-weapons-pack-public-test-version/ Upcoming Test planes: - MiG-27 - Tu-22M3 - Su-7B/M Thanks for the tryout and contact me if any problems appear. Click here to download this file
  22. Yes, and they will have the same weapon station and loadout entries - Apart from the choice of realistic pylons )
  23. File Name: Red Side Standard Weapons Pack - Full Beta File Submitter: Snailman File Submitted: 16 December 2014 File Category: Weapon Packs RED SIDE STANDARD WEAPONS PACK - FULL Beta 0.99 =============================================== While this pack is still considered Beta, it is a full version. Only 3D graphics and texture improvements are in progress. Introduction: --------------- Red Side Standard Weapons Pack (RSSW) is a standardized, simplified weapons pack for eastern bloc aircraft ordnance. The pack includes weaponry from a time frame from 1950 to 2000. The main effort was to provide both users and modders with a stable and well organized collection of on-board weapons. With standardized references, station-specific entries and names there is no need for modders to include weapon files for the aircraft they have made and it is also more easy to construct proper stations and loadout arrangements. Using multiple reference materials (both english an russian) we tried to fine tune the effectiveness of all the weaponry for satisfactory red-side player game experience while keeping as much realism as possible. This also provides more challenge playing on the blue side. We did not yet apply general changes to blue side weaponry (like the Rear60 IRM fix) some weapons may appear more capable than their blue side counterparts. Even though RSSW was designed to improve red side player experience and flyable aircraft, we will of course apply these changes to blue side to keep a balance challenge level. Effectiveness for guided weapons have been tuned to provide realistic hit rate within the proper launch requirements. Because of game limitations, this means some technical parameters and values may be different from real world data. We kept as much stock reference as we could to provide compatibility with original game standard (Naming, Types, Loadout ID, etc) Contents: ----------- - Simplified (reduced) version of Lindr2's SovietBombPack - The latest 3D models of all Air-to-Air missiles with thoroughly revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, etc) - Latest and updated 3D models of Air-to-Ground missiles with revised characteristics (FM, Guidance, etc) - Weapon (and folder) names use common standard for convenience, clarity and simplified looks - New racks for more realistic loadouts Important changes: ------------------ - IRMs with Rear60 aspect has been reworked with higher Turn G and/or higher Track Rate, to compensate the faulty tracking game logic related to Rear60 seekers. - R-3/R-13 series missiles has been classified to WP (Warsaw Pact) Attachment type. This was done to help 4th generation aircraft loadouts done for the 80's and 90's. Future improvements: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Specific weapons for problematic aircraft loadouts (eg. racks holding rocket pods) - Revised and standardized guns for on-board and gunpod use - Patch loadout files for existing non-RSSW compatible planes Credits: -------- Weapon LODs: Lindr2, Krizis, Snailman - Please contact me if I left out someone. Sources: -------- Internet - ru.wikipedia.org - russian-ships.info - militaryrussia.ru - www.airwar.ru - rbase.new-factoria.ru - worldweapon.ru - various forums Books - ????????? ??????????? ?????? - ??????-?????? - ????????? ??????????? ?????? - ??????-????? - ?????????????? ????????? ?????????? ??? - ??????????? ??????????? ?????? - Aviatsionniye Takticheskiye Raketi (Karpenko - Bastion) - Aviatsionniye Raketi Bolshiye Dalnosti (Karpenko - Bastion) - Soviet Russian Aircraft Weapons (Yefim Gordon) - Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft Armaments and Avionics (Bilingual) Click here to download this file
  24. Hoooly Cow... )))) This is definitely something!!!!! And a good playground for the Cuban Floggers)))
  25. I'm almost ready.... ) If you are using stock weaponry, 2IR_AA8 has the rackspecific setting you mentioned. RackSpecificStationCode=RACK_AA-8 It is only loaded, if both the weapon station (on plane) and the weapon has this entry. (I modified so, there is no such setting anywhere). I suggest you install this package of aam's into a clean weapons folder. http://combatace.com/files/file/15125-red-side-standard-weapons-pack-aam-public-test-version/ I get back to you this evening with the new version. EDIT; I think, the very first problem was caused by the missing/bad entry of the of the rack itself. So the 3D (LOD) not placed - the missiles were there, but rack not placed. Something might have been overwritten the stock entry. The second time, RACK_AA-8 entry prevented the loading of it, alltogether. Either try this test pack, or try to edit the 2IR_AA8 rack itself to see if it has faulty entries. This is my version. TypeName=2IR_AA-8 FullName=APU-60-II ModelName=APU-60-II_L Mass=60.000000 Diameter=0.258000 Length=1.792000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=SOVIET SpecificStationCode= NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1955 EndYear=2020 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=2 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1955 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=6 WeaponsRackType=2IR NumWeapons=2 LoadLimit=50.000000 DiameterLimit=0.130000 LengthLimit=2.220000 MaxFuelAmount=0.000000 Attachment01Position=0.000000,0.000000,-0.129000 Attachment01Angle=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 Attachment02Position=-0.158000,0.000000,0.094000 Attachment02Angle=0.000000,0.000000,90.000000 Asymmetrical=TRUE RightModelName=APU-60-II_R AttachAtZero=FALSE HideStationPylon=FALSE EDIT2, 2IR_AA8 rack should be also in the weapon folder, like the rest of the weapons. Just to make sure. I don't know how the stock one works, I remember I had something with it myself that time.

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