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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. USAF Desert Scheme

    Or for an "Early Desert Storm"! Looks good)
  2. They are missing certain weapons which were set to load in their respective loadout.ini file. If there are such weapons you can mount, it is possible to load them manually with those. But better check loadout files.
  3. You have to rename a file... the texture for SovietNavy pilot. It is in the comments for the file, written in red. Or wait a few days and you can get the new version of the addon.
  4. Hope they Rot!

    Immigration is less heavy now, but there are more and more refugees.... And not the bright and skilled people arrive... The vast majority of refugees arriving to Europe are admittedly common criminals in their homeland. Sure we have to build camps on our money and feed them, then they break out to rape and knife the villagers. We have entire cities nearing "war" between refugee camp and the remaining locals who haven't fled yet. And the evergreen gipsy question. All of Europe calls us racists constantly... but when they arrive to France or UK, then they suddenly turn into "racists" quickly and start to deport them back...
  5. Brazil chooses Gripen

    Long story. The Gripen contract in Hungary was the biggest corruption scandal of the decade. Similarly to Austria and to our train and tram contracts from Siemens. Since all three previous governments co-prospered from the deal they swept the case under carpet. The price was horrendous for only a handful of leased (12+2 non-combat capable trainers) they have paid a sum they could equip two times more F-16s and the entire airforce (3+ squadrons) of latest generation MiGs as part of a favorable barter deal with Russia. Politics, but differently. It is not about anti-US or anti-russian choice, it was purely that, corruption-overpriced black deal. On barter they could not take the toll. They have spent all the military funds the Gripens, but gave away our MiGs and tanks and artillery for FREE to Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan loyalist ... AFTER they have been refurbished on our tax billions!!! As for the performance of the plane (that variant we received, without armament) I cant tell any objective opinion, Im not a pilot. But regarding the older generation, the pilots still cry back the MiGs and even the F-16 is considered superior by them, in the hands of equally trained pilots. On our military forums it is a 12 year-old debate. For 10 years the contract was delayed, problems after problems, lack of armament, inoperable radars, the lack of about 90% capabilities of the plane. Out of the 12 only 3 was continuously operational most of the time. Local policy about maintenance (the lack there of) and "no funds to operate" type whining from the Ministry of Defence. This is a hi-tech combat plane with precision equipment and high sensitivity. Also never been tested in live conditions. It was proved that it has to be well maintained and serviced, not suitable for ex-soviet and third world style conditions. Especially if the government has no interest in keeping them in combat readiness. Purchase? Profit. Upkeep? Loss... Then let them used up in the remaining 3 years, while the lease contract expires. Clearly the Gripen was purchased to be en expensive fragile "demonstator" toy. They promised AMRAAM... they promised Maverick... ground attack capabilty... air refuelling... the stars from the sky. In their state they are useless for combat... That is why I wrote, I do hope in Brazil will be wiser. Btw Romania has just purchased F-16s. A lot of them. And they still have all MiG-21-93s, too. The IKEA pic is hilarious.... still choking on laughter))
  6. Brazil chooses Gripen

    I hope Brazil knows what they do... Gripen was a huge failure for us.
  7. World of Warships? Huh.... I was playing with Navy Field for almost two years... I hope they won't make the same mistakes here.
  8. Would be good... to have something similar structure SF1 has. We have produced a huge amount of stuff by now all mixed in one place)
  9. I have the male anywhere (except for soviets because of a mod) with a Full5 merged. Although I never start other exes other than NA...
  10. I think the entries are the same, so you can keep either of them... I would be happy to get the female voice also. OR instead of the male voice)
  11. Have a nice flight

    And Chuck is the propulsion, the aircraft is just his new backpack)
  12. The Last Forger Aircraft Carrier Tbilisi (1990)
  13. For NA try to install the IcelandNA terrain mod (gerwin?), the same one people use with Windows XP. That might help you with FPS. As for Yak-38 you can install my Vertical pack, which fixes the Kiev carriers catapult method.. and you get some more flyables as a side effect))))
  14. Iran claims to have captured MI6 spy

    I wonder what needs to be spied... they are the ones who have best knowledge on the non existence of nukes )
  15. Plugin works with Max 2009 only. AND only with the 32bit variant. I use the x64 exe because under Win8, the 32bit exe has corrupted GUI... but still I have to load 32bit version to export, then reset quickly. You can build anywhere, but you can only export from max2009 32bit.
  16. Yes I would also like to see that... ALSO what happened to the paratroopers? I found a paratrooper "weapon" somewhere, but it does not work... Is there a working one? or at least the method, I can make object later anyway.
  17. Have a nice flight

    thats what I wanted to say... at least, they should leave me a hole to s*** on the enemy)) Scared enough, it would not be a problem...
  18. Have a nice flight

    I'm not claustrophobic .... and jumped with parachute enough... but hell this thing gives me the chills....
  19. MAR-1, mi primer addon

    Congratulations!! ) Nice start. We all started somewhere... wish you luck an inspiration to continue!
  20. Стратегия на базе SF2

    Ага для (всепогодний) бомбардировки с радара / сонара с ПЛАБ Но я не знаю именно как это выглядит... фотки и рисунки об экране абсолютно нет
  21. Well said Gents... I agree 100%. On the margin of Atoll missiles, I'm a bit frustrated how hard to get at least historical results with it ingame... I tried a lot of things. Basic problem is that the target almost always spots the incoming missile and even the slightest maneuver guarantees a miss for you... (basically all Rear60 missiles are next to useless because of this) So a nice double kill with both Atolls (descibed in the Osprey book) is completely impossible(
  22. Стратегия на базе SF2

    Аааааа это круто.... мне тоже нужно такая "камера".... Для прицелного комплекса Ка-25ПЛ
  23. It was a general "habit" in those years to report R-3S missile kills as SAM or AAA hits. As you see in Pista Toperczer's book, the VPAF missile kills were almost always misreported.. I can't believe they did not realize the existence of AAMs for such a long time.. I guess it was intentional, but why.
  24. But it needs to be mentioned, they used non guided rocket pods also, in A2A.... ORO or UB-16 maybe? and those could be placed on MiG-17 aswell. Can remember when, but in the early years I think.

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