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Everything posted by firehawkordy

  1. Just Checking In, Miss Me?

    Well, it's been a while but plain and simple my simming PC is messed up and I'm too broke to get a new one until next year. That and I need both a new graphics card and a new flight controller. It's frustrating as hell since there are other games that I've had to stop playing util I can get things taken care of. On the plus side a few years ago I started a new hobby writing very bad fan fiction. I've written a few stories base on a few anime shows I like and the one I'm doing now is at 28 chapters and 250K+ words. Funny, when I was a kid in school I hated to write anything and I would choke when a teacher would assign a five hundred word essay. Now I find that I'm writing ten thousand word chapters and if I write less than that I feel that I didn't put in enough effort. Most of my stories are of the what if kind and my main work uses the canon plot and setting as the foundation but everything else was tossed out making the story line an alternative universe. I plan at some point to start writing stories based on FSX and Strike Fighters but that's a long way off. I hope all my friends are doing well and having fun enjoying their own hobbies and pastimes. We finally got the last kid out of the house and on her own somewhat. I'm still taking care of the youngest grandsons and trying to find things to do to fill my time since I retired four years ago. Had it not been for the little incompetent monkey that took the department over as manager I would have retired this year with thirty years but ....yeah, he's one of those guys that's afraid the senior most underling will be a threat to his authority. That's what I hate about working for civilians, they don't understand that to a Vet a supervisor is in a position that we don't want to have because of the BS one has to put up with. But, Karma has struck and the upper management had finally had enough of his never finishing or delivering what he stared or promised and his blaming others for his screw ups. He was let go a couple of weeks ago and since he was management and not union there was no appeal to their decision. His superior had offered me my old job back since the hospital had split from the County and is now it's own entity my past employment and retirement doesn't count. Saying that however my wife said no, my back is just too messed up to take the offer. All in all I and the family are doing great and to add to our house we wound up taking in two more kittens. Our male is not happy, he know has four females to deal with and is very insecure. I can't understand, I thought every male would love a harem.
  2. I understand your wanting to integrate systems that are missing but as was said in a round about way is that this sim started out with a scenario for a Mid-East war as was done in the manga and anime Area 88. That said, the aircraft used were the Century Series along with their Navy and Soviet counterparts so any avionics that were coded were from that generation of aircraft. It took a few years to even get a CCIP ironed out and posted as a mod. The only thing we really got as far as AV/ORD systems as time went on were ECM pods and Chaff/Flare dispensers in the base game Wing Over Europe, if I remember right correct me if I'm wrong, on the modders side were the ordnance addons. I was a beta for a lot of those mods and put my years as an AO to use helping to tweek anything that went boom along with other AOs and AMMO Troop members here. As said before, this is THE modders sight for Third Wire games so if you have an idea try to make it work within the limits of the game, I agree that not having a working RAT is a drag, no pun intended, but to have one you would need to modify not only the ini's and other files but the airframe itself to have the thing show ingame and that includes the animations as well. If you just want to gundeck it and have the thing work in the cockpit without having and external model then it could possibly work as long as you can get the game files to cooperate. I'm sure that you'd get a few folks to beta the thing for you. Hopefully you'll either get it working yourself, inspire someone else to make one or go completely bat-s**t crazy mid point. Either way you have company in all three situations. IYAOYAS!
  3. IYAOYAS!!! Loved this, unfortunately or fortunately, depending on which side of the bombs you're on, ALPHA strikes were done away with long ago as they are now called Stike Packages. That said, the last time I saw an Alpha was in 1980 as an ABF on the Sarartoga. The squadron AO's did the loading and I and my crew were busy doing the fueling part. I think it took eight fuel crews an hour and a half to top off every bird that was to be launched using two hoses per pump station. The last aircraft we serviced were hot fuels and it's not fun having an A-6 dumping it's exhaust on you in the catwalks. Did you know that the Intruder airframes had the exhaust ducts angled at a downward angle to improve short field take offs? It's not bad on shore but on the flight deck in summer? I think we all sweated off ten pounds from that afternoon. Thanks for reviving some good memories and some of the hairier ones too.
  4. Happy Fathers day to all my Co-Dads

    Same from me, Happy fathers day. At least none of you guys got a phone call from one of your best friends from the service wishing you a happy Mother :censored:'s Day. Still acting as a father, got rid of my kids only for the youngest to move back in and have two babies back to back. Step daughter so I can't be blamed, her real father screwed up raising her and only now is she getting along with me. Anyway, I'm the duty babysitter today since she at least has a job and not sitting around collecting welfare. I love my youngest grandsons though, the one year olds favorite thing right now is climbing on my lap and then falling asleep. At least he's getting somewhat easier to take care of, his brother is much more demanding and drives me nuts trying to figure out if he's in need of changing, feeding or holding. Sometimes it's none of those things so I fallback to the last resort, I get their grandmother to handle him.
  5. @ Capun & DAT

    That's the thing, I have given donations in the past to cover his costs but when you get told you're downloading too fast/much so I'm banning you it kind of kills my giving spirit. I never could undersand why he took all of his toys out of here and really doesn't like to share. Oh well, it's his site and stuff to do as he wishes, not going to let it bug me. Life is too short, and retirement is too fun to worry about shtuff like this.
  6. @ Capun & DAT

    Got banned from there last year acorrding to him it was too many downloads in one day. I was trying to get one of the campaigns that was in chunks and I was doing one at a time. I guess you have to the download one every 24 hrs and hope that it's not too fast. What ever, the forums are dead as far as I can tell and I don't really do any of the SF games anymore so **** it, I have everything I need on a spare drive and I'm sure that I can get anyting else from my buds. I do have to say that I'm proud to share company with such esteemed riff raff.
  7. Still Kicking

    Well, I thought I'd let you all know I'm still upright and mobile. One of the reasons I kind of dropped off the radar here is just plain being lazy but if things had got real bad for me I'm pretty sure that Dave would have let everyone here know my status. If he doesn't he does now. Well first things first, last year around this time I decided 26 years of civil service I retired from the County Of Kern, Bakersfield Ca. No dinner no big goodbye, I just woke up one morning with an aching back and said to myself, "self, it's not fun any longer and I ain't any younger. Lets see what I get retired". Well I found that I'm getting about what I my net was without working so I took terminal leave, packed up my desk and potted plant, turned in my keys and ID and quietly left. I still visit and my friends still there are always telling me that I made a good choice as too many changes and cutback have really hurt morale and as a Union Steward I would have been in tears. So, I've been playing Strike Fighters and it's successors, still fun despite their age. Messing around with FSX and Train Simulator 2015, another couple of favorites as well as playing Fallout NV and some other sandbox games. I'm also slowly easing back into model building and making dioramas, my scale is still 28mm and 1/72, when I get something good built up I'll post the pics. My days oaf playing Warhammer 40K are done, no real good venues to play locally and the sets and even books are too expensive, I'll still do conversions and build a kit for what it is, a model kit, but my IG army is retired and those troops are settling a newly claimed world. Maybe a diorama showing some of them taming the wildlands would be a good idea for later. At the moment I'm reading a lot of fanfiction and even helping out a couple of authors with ideas, background info ( two of them are writing alternitive universes for an anime where the hero grows up to be a soldier on this earth instead of his home world ) and some minor editing. Never thought that I would be able to edit anything considering my poor English grades while in school. Thankfully as an adult I had to write business letters with proposals and reports and briefings while in the Navy and Civil Service. I'm also waiting to hear back from a guy about a story he put up for adoption, hopefully I can take it over and do a re-write. If I get it I may post some stuff here to give you all a taste. If that is not all I've got on my plate, in March my yougest girl presented my wife and I with grandson #4, grandchild #7. This one lives with us so I'm not only grandpa but the duty babysitter. His dad is pretty much worthless and is doing time in the county lock-up so by the time he's free the kid will have bonded with me insread of him. Best part is that since the worthless SOB is in the jug my daughter went out and found herself a job, her first, after a day of looking. She got her first paycheck the other day and is very proud of herself. With her actually working I have no problem looking after the baby. He loves listening to what ever I have playing on the radio or CD player so his musical tastes are going to be really messed up, he loves 1940's swing and late 70's punk. Only bad that's happened is being taken to the hospital I worked in at the end of Jan. I somehow messed up with my BP meds and OD'd one night. I woke up with my hearing and balance all messed up so we went to urgent care. They told me my BP was danger low and I had to go to the ER. When I got there all the staff that knew me took over my care. After about 3 hours with no improvement, I was actually getting worse, they told me that my kidneys had shut down and my liver was going to be next. The doc said he had one last thing to try if it didn't work, well... I got hit with a drug called Narcam, it basically purges any and all chemicals from your body and it is one of the worst things I have ever gone through. I actually thought that the treatment backfired and I was dying. Anyways, they got me calmed down and moved only to tell me that I needed to go through it again, this time the doc told me outright if it was not done I was going to die, nothing else was going to work at that point. Well one more ride through hell and my heart rate and BP started to rise. All in all it took 5 days in the hospital, 1 in the ER, 2 in ICU and 3 on the unit before I was stable enough to go home. It took almost a month before my kidneys recovered and at almost 6 months down the line I still feel like crap some days. Hell, it took almost a month before I logged back on to Face Book and before I was on daily. Anyway, that's my story as to why I've been missing and what I've been doing to with my time and I'm sticking to it. I might, just might get a new paid membership so I can mod SF some more, but with Fallout 4 in the pipe my gaming choices are going to get tougher. Hopefully you all will forgive my dissapearence this time around and I'll try to post more often. I am saddened about Jug, he was a great guy and as I said in his thread, one of the ones that made me feel at home here when I first showed up on the BioHaz's doorstep.
  8. Fallout 4

    Viggen, you have to tell me how because not matter what fix I use the damn thing fails to load, and I've done everything listed on the Nexus and other sites.
  9. If I remember the Zuni's were HE Frag with a point detonating fuse and the 2.75's were HE, HE Incindery and Flechete. They wanted to cause the most damage and casualties to Mr Charles on the ground. Flechete was not used as much as the HE and HE Frag because the VC would usually be dug in when they srang a bushwahck along the waterways. HE stood the best chance to take out those positions while flechete works good mostly on troops in the open. I also forgot that Napalm was used by them also, I remember hearing stories by one of my mentors that had been in VAL-4 telling the younger Ordies how nasty that stuff was to mix up.
  10. Fallout 4

    Steam is pre-ordering it now for $59.99 One of the only shooters that I waste time with nowdays, I do have FO3 but it won't run on my Win7 maching and the PC that has XP installed won't support it. One day I will have Three running but I don't know when. Guess I'll see what is new on the Nexus and then go shoot up the Wasteland
  11. I concur on the LAU-68 for the 7 shot pod having loaded quite a few on HAL-5's HH-1K's. The Ponies carried other ordnance aside from gun and rocket pods as the pics on this page show..... http://www.blackpony.org/bunos.htm Click the BUNO's that are blue for the pics, most of the shots show cluster bombs but I'm not sure of the type, it is feasible that they also carried the MK20 Rockeye series more often than not.
  12. Less than 5 years after being reformed the Navy again decides to decommission both SEAL Team helicopter support squadrons....AGAIN. Let me put that in perspective, at the end FY15, the Navy will once again be dependant on other services that have conflicting agendas, tactics and SOPs instead of an organic force that understands what the Teams need down to the lowest level for transport and support. HAL-5 set the base line and standards for low-level NVG operations in the 80's with HCS -5 continuing and fine tuning doctrine from 1988 til it's stand down in 2006. Both Reserve units HCS-5 and HCS-4 did multple tours to both combat theaters in the post 9/11 period until 2006, WITHOUT loss of life or aircraft to enemy action while the Army and AF assets went down to enemy action sometimes almost daily. As far as I'm concerned this is a slap in the face of everyone from the HAL and HCS communites as well as the guys that took on the mission in 2011 HSC-4 and HSC-5. I met some of those folks at various times due to shipmates from HSC-5 retiring or assuming command in the "new" Firehawks and knowing some of the Sr Enlisted they are not happy, to quote one man, "If they do this ( shutting down the units) don't recommission them later, I don't know if we can take the heartache". The Community that I came from and retired from have a very colorful heritage starting with HA(L)-3 and HC-7 from Vietnam and continuing with HAL-4/HAL-5, HSC-4/HCS-5 and later HSC-4&5. To think that at one point the Navy recognised it's mistake when it shut down the HCS units and reforming them 5 years later only to be enamorred with the cost savings of gutting not one but two Special Warfare support units is an insult and grave injustice to all the hard work, hours and emotions ivested in said units and heritage. My only wish is that if they do this and then wake up 5 or ten years down the line and ask for volunteers to start up again, everyman and woman that has experience give those asking the middle finger and walk away. Not that I'm or any of my mates are bitter about it.
  13. Well, They're Doing It Again

    Storm, yeah it might be a slight bias but we were established to support not only the Teams but to provide dedicated CSAR capability, even the AF has sole CSAR helo units, and I have worked with the one out of Portland Ore so I really have no bad things to say about them. It's the fact that Tier 1 assets from all branches AND a few allied nations prefered to use our aircraft and crews when they had a choice. I know it sounds like "we're better, the rest suck" but it's more than just something simple as that. Having seen a break down on what will be lost the two things that stood out from that was this, Loss of assets 40%, 0% support for West Coast/West Pac Teams and other forces. I don't know about you but if someone said you lose almost half of your support for ANY branches SpecWar units that would be a matter of concern. Besides you know me, and you know the pride I take on those units, it would be terrible if I didn't rant on what is being done to destroy something that actually works instead of looking for what really needs to be cut, and believe me, there is fat in all the services that can be done away with and not hurt combat capability. I know that I'm not the only Firehawk or Redwolf that wants to know the real reason we're getting shut down again, considering that units that we helped either get started or continue have been suspiciously quite during this whole affair.
  14. HC-1/HAL-3 and the Brown Water Navy

    I remember seeing this in HAL-5's Line Shack in the mid 1980's. Back then I was a seasoned AO3 in my first helo command and my only HH-1K unit. HAL-5 was a legacy squadron that was manned in the early days by HA(L)-3 Veterans. Of all the units I was in during the 80's and 90's the HA(L)-3 legacy units, HAL-5 & HCS-5, were in the top 3 of my favorites. Nothing like being in a Special Warfare unit to make you feel, well, special. Getting back to the video, one of the old Seawolves that was in the shop watching with us took up the story of the bird that crashed, and it being 29 yeqars ago I really can't remember what was said, but how he said it, with a crack in his voice told us that he was seeing it like it happened the other day. We gave him his space and I don't think I ever saw that shop so subdued in my entire time I was there. That crash and seeing the guys doing the salvage along with the first hand account hit us hard as we saw what our units job really was. If I remember right, I think one or two guys that were thinking about going aircrew transfered to VP-65 the next day.
  15. Fallout 4

    Loved FONV, I get it modded just right, add "just one more thing", break the game and start all over. I've never once finished a game, too happy playing in the sandbox. Wait, that's what I do with my 3rd Wire games, just play in the sandbox, but I do have lots of fun doing it though. As long as I can port or get ports of Millenium's weapons, good female body replacer, good armor and fun companions I'm set. Well at least I know what I want for a belated b-day/early xmas present from the wife.
  16. Jug Has Passed Away

    Sorry to read this after I've been away for so long. Jug was one of the first guys to make me feel at home here when MJ had the keys to the asylum. He'll be sorely missed.
  17. It's not worth the time & effort to back date gen2 to gen1 so unless someone is able to make a certain bird for the gen1 games it ain't happening. Be grateful for what is out there, on this site alone there are 2,345 packages for aircraft alone, that's not counting the repainted skins not to mention file available at other sites.
  18. Well, I'm now retired which means loads of time on my hands. After a hiatus of about 3 years I have reinstalled all of my first gen games and re-learning everything I have forgotten over the years. Anything new that I should getin the way of planes targets? I am also willing to beta aircraft and effects for the community now that I have a faster PC than I did 11 years ago and like I said , lots of free time. While I still love FSX for s MP funtion and helo modeling the 3rd Wire games are what I cut my teeth on and unlike FSX yocan blow S**T up in this sim. I'm willng to help out any way I can, after all the years I've been on thiboard and in the communiy's time I lend a hand. Right now I am willing to beta aircraft and weapons as they come out. I helped out on some of the first weapon and effects addons years ago and I am willing to do the same now. I still suck at painting and modeling but I do know how things should work bomb and aircraft wise. BTW, Wrench, I have still not forgiven you for putting triple A and a SAM site in my back yard.
  19. Some other kind of aircraft models

    Hasegawa has a good line up or this type of model, used to see them when we had real hobby shops in town, never built one though.
  20. Problem for me is that I am going to be tight on cash for the next few months, so I'm looking at Nov until I can get the first game in the series. Still like the first gen games though, at least they aged better than some combat sims out there.
  21. Big Change In My Life

    First off, I'm still kicking and other than going through a bout with depression and general I don't give a f**k, I doing fine. If any thing bad had happened to me Dave would have passed it on as we keep up with one another on Face Book. Don't think you're getting rid of me longer than a few months, I like it here, this is the nicest asylum that I've ever been a part of. Now for my big life change.... Last week I turned in my retirement request and after working for Kern Medical Center for the last twenty-five and a half years I decided it was time to go. I have had various health issues over the years as some of you know but my back and high BP have always been connected to this job and the stress associated with it. Most of the stress was from your typical office BS but add to the fact that our last dept head stabbed my in the back, actually reneging on a promised promotion and actually removing me from a job that I was doing for the last 8 years because " I'm unable to get Charlie to conform to what I want to do" ( read, Charlie won't go against policy and ethics ) and well.... Anyway I now have time for my flight sims, Train Sim and Fallout NV games, getting around to building my stock of models and of course time, lot's of time fianlly, with my grand children. For the moment I am just taking it easy and relaxing but I think I'm going to get a part time job so I can get out of the house and make some spending cash, going out now only gets me about half of my pay but it's enough to pay the house and cable and that's what maters. Website subscriptions, new airplanes for FSX, anime and mangas are on hold for the time being, at least until I can get our cash flow sorted out after October when I go from a county check to my retirement check. I am on terminal vacation until the end of Aug and the way things work the paperwork to get paid in Sept won't go live until Oct. I'm not worried to much as I do have about four job offers from local vendors that I have know through my job the 18 years. My son works for a nother hospital and their warehouse supervisor sent word through him that if I want a job there all I have to do is ask. I also have one other field to work and that's taking care of my friends guns since they are too good to clean and maintain their weapons themselves I might just hit them for about $75 a pop to clean a long gun and $50 for a pistol. Might as well put that Navy training tto use now. One last thing, my son that was in the Marines is now done and medically retired from the Corps as of the 5th of this month. I am very proud of him and the fact that he continued to serve for as long as he did with f**ked up knees after his evav from Afghanistan just befor the "surge". He already has a job waiting for him and should be getting their new house sometime next month. He's going to go far and he's not even 30 yet. Like I said, I and his sisters are very proud of him. Well, that's what I've been up to and I hope to have a long and happy retirement., Man this is the second time I've retired from a career, I hope I don't make this a habit
  22. CERA - Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk Now Available!

    I'll put that problem on their Face Book page, that seems to have the quickest responce time with any publisher these days. I will also ask Phineas to raise the packect threshold on the server and see if that solves the problem. It is a great bird and it would be a shame to be unable to use it in MP.
  23. CERA - Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk Now Available!

    Storm, I got my bird a little later than you did and it works perfect in MP. I have also cleared it as "safe for flight" on our club page. The paints are now available with most done by Matt "Jeansy" Levy. I will post the link in the MSFS board later. There are also two paints at SOH that deal with just the aircrew's flight helmets. I agree with all of your statements of the 60 with the exception of the M/P issues. Through some of Cera Sims replies to a couple of my FB posts there may, and that is a big MAY, there may be some later versions of the 60 later down the road, I particulary mentioned the Hotel and Romeo varients as everyone knows my time with the 60 was spent on the Hotel model. I also agree that the ESSS pylons should be incorperated into this and any other model that uses them at some later date.

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