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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ok cool, ich brauche nur dieses Selfillumintating Teil in Max setzen und das dann mit der Animation fertig machen. Ich werde das die Tage mal etwas intensiver probieren.. der erste Versuch ging so garnicht :-P Dir viel Erfolg mit deiner Hardware, solange es diese Teile sind, ist es easy zu check was kaputt ist, tausch die mal pauschal aus gegen ältere und schau mal wie es dann geht?
  2. Sukhois

    The planes were very well maintained during their service time .. all the weathering happen later during storage. So the skin represents the operational status. All we will see is a bit dirt, but thats it, later we can work on some baremetal parts and heavy dirt .... kind of special skins Currently on the workplate: Su-17M Su-17R Su-20 Su-20R Su-17M2 Su-17M2R And more are coming! Waiting for new informations about hte pit from a very talented modeler
  3. Laser Guided rockets deployed (APKWS)

    I want that weapon for SF2 pleeeeaaaaaasssseeeeeeeee
  4. Sukhois

    @Carlo ... I try to convince Enoc about it .. but he always paints new camos instead of weathering and stencils
  5. I have a strange Problem, Bump Maps are showing up ingame on my plane, but not the Specular Maps. Have set them in max like this and put them in each skinfolder, cause of individual maplayout and effect. But they dont show up ingame?! Where is the switch i have forgot to activate? Any help or hint is welcomed
  6. Thanks, that did it ;)
  7. How difficult is it to open the game files to get access to maybe new avionics .. for ground radar, laserdesignator .. or even set the game to read more than 10 animation slots .. something like gameupdates in the style of Team Didalos for the old il2 .. they have full access to the game and are producing "official" updates for the game. That would begreat for SF2
  8. Thank you for your outstanding work on this Bird!!! And your steady help with the other Projects!!! And thanks to Daniel who started it long time ago!
  9. Nope, you can`t achieve is with only max settings, Dennis did a great thing with the Mirage 2 seater addons ... He used Specular and Bumpmaps for this effect .. there you can barely see the difference between fp parts and the plane itself
  10. Weaponspack 3

    @Volker, yepp, we can add the tube as a rail on the plane, if you are interested making some, so we will be thankfull
  11. Is there a way to use an animation for a rotating bombbay without using an animation slot in max? The Hook animation is working without a slot, i need a second rotating animation for an idea i have. Is there a way?
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    So, ich hab mal eine Frage an Volker oder Florian, und zwar ich habe folgende Idee: Ich würde gern eine realistische Cockpitbeleuchtung erstellen, die man nachts von außen sehen kann, wie z.B. Instrumentenbeleuchtung, MFD`s usw. Meine Idee war folgendermaßen, Ich würde 3D teile bauen, diese entsprechend des Instruments panels und Dashboards formen, sehr einfaches 3D mesh, dieses mit Selfilluminating settings in max versehen, TGA drüber und diese mit einer Animation verknüpfen. Die Teile würden hinter dem Piloten im Rumpf plaziert werden und nur einen 0.1 Schritt im Animationsslot haben, diese bewegeb sich dann direkt an die entsprechende Stelle im Pit. Diese Animation wird dann durch einen Key, wie Hook animation ausgelöst und ist unabhängig vom Light switch on off geschichte?! Meine Frage ist, welche Settings muss ich für diese grünen Glimmer an der F-15 oder F/A-18 in max nutzen? So dass es permanent leuchten würde.
  13. IL-76 Candid

    I had an idea for your Il-76, have noticed that the gear animation is split into several slots, you can simply put the front gear animation into one slot and the rear one into a second slot. So you would save 2 more slots. The reason is, you can use 2 different animations for your ramp: Animation one goes just as far that the ramp is just horizontal placed ... so 90 degrees and from this position you can use animation 2 for a fully open ramp on the ground ;) If you have questions, simply PM me, will be at home this evening, so we can discuss it if you want Btw good work!
  14. IL-76 Candid

    Nice Plane, thanks for that transporter Good luck for your Job situation
  15. Kfir package

    Thanks I love your Delta packages!!! The israeli Kfir`s are great! Thanks man ... small hin, .. next week i have more time my friend!
  16. Damn nice! a low cost Bomber placed on a Truck or Pickup!!! Realy nice!
  17. HH-53B, HH-53C, CH-53C Super Jolly Green Over Vietnam

    Outstanding!!! Thanks man!
  18. Same problem as the german Tornados have .. the pit light illumination after an avionics upgrad for the siyrian mission was to bright .... they forgot to install a dimmer ... fagots ... Thats how you make a day fighter out of an all weather and night capable plane ... german engineering
  19. Su-35BM - Skin

    Version 1.0


    This Skin was done by MOIERISHE , you can use it only with Inskyes Su-35. The birds are not located in this Downloadsection!!! But the Skin is free and legaly created. All stuff should be inside. To use this skin, drop the contents into your MOD folder. Add the following text to your Su-35BM.ini [TextureSet003] Directory=Su-35S Camo Name=Su-35S Camo Nation=Soviet Specular=0.500000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.300000 Skin By Me "WINGOVERISRAEL" David ! Best regards Martin
  20. Isis gets A10s !

    This side is pure fun, dont take it serious, its like Taliban is buying M1`s from the US Army
  21. Mh, my A-4A is gone ... strange, need to investigate it
  22. Would suggest to download some more modern planes and check their avionic.ini, so you havea clue what is possible and what not. And its a good way to get into it ;)
  23. Do we have this?

    Ah yes sorry it`s not April the 1st ... the new Mig-23 will come without this pylon .... as a special "MiG-23 no MBD-3-2UT-1" you will find it in your plane selection menue, when the bird is done

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