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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Nearly done with this now.....
  2. Very nice m8........hope you're not expecting this kind of detail from anything I do...
  3. What you are doing is exactly what I've done with the Sea Vixen m8......the whole lot is basically a highly modified clone of the original, again I started with a freeware .obj file which like you say needs lots of fixing......to put it mildly.
  4. Thanks, although I cant take all the credit here. I did'nt make the original model I downloaded it from the net [freeware of course] it looked pretty good to start with but I have to admit that the only part I havent needed to to completely re-do has been the radome....so far, the area around the cockpit being one that I keep returning to as I'm still not 100% happy with it. I'm too lazy to start a model from scratch but I might as well have done really as once I started skinning it that's when I realised just how far out most of it was.... every single part has been totally remapped and changed in one way or another.
  5. Thanks gents... Must be getting closer if I've started sea trials....
  6. The exploding on exiting or entering the pit is an old issue....there is a fix but I cant for the life of me remember what it was......something to do with the pit .col lods .......I think. Kreelins mission editor was a great tool....sadly missed.
  7. The ai probably keep turning because they dont know where to taxi to......maybe a series of taxi waypoints are needed before the take off point. This is where a more sofisticated mission editor would be useful.
  8. If its for use in a StrikeFighters based game I dont think there's a lot other you can do.......if the original (TW) files are perfect to start with what are you supposed to do ?? Make yours the "less perfect" version ?? I think not.
  9. A long time favourite of mine, I know we already have Skippy's old model but I'd like something a little more detailed,.....so........ A loooooooooong way to go........gear animation is driving me nuts.. Then the pit....
  10. Good luck with your medical problems, wishing you a speedy recovery.
  11. Cheers Kev....13mm that's a hell of a size. My bowel suddenly burst so I ended up being blue lighted into hospital for emergency surgery, after a few days they realised things were not going as they should be........rushed into surgery again, this time was more successful but certainly not a nice experience. So after a lot of tubes/drains etc I've finally been released home with a bag to collect my "stuff" and a set of wounds that need daily attention......at least I'm home now.
  12. Those runways were made by me...more of a generic WW2 bomber base, they are in the latest version of the UK Terrain with ini's to match. They usually show as 2 versions, early and late so that building types etc change . Sorry to be vague, only just got home after a 4 week stay in hospital.
  13. You should'nt need the donotdetatchpylon statement m8.
  14. F4U-1D Corsair

    Sorry m8, this is not a redo of any one's work . I worked on the original release of this bird and have the original max files if there are issues then it'd all down to me for redoing the model in the first place. The SF series has become something of a minefield of things that you can and cant do because the "perfect" version has already been released....best way around this is for me only to release things in future ( if there is a future ) to anybody that actually want's it, warts and all.
  15. View File Alternate Falklands Terrains Firstly I strongly advise that you install the Falklands_1982 mod by eburger & team. http://combatace.com/topic/74604-sf2-falklands-mod-redux/ Two new versions of the Falklands/Malvinas terrain. Hopefully most of the issues with the original are now sorted, coast lines have needed to be changed here and there and the terrain itself is much more uneven with more pronounced hills and mountains, two seasonal variations are included. Please read the readme....it really does have some useful stuff in it. Many thanks to eburger & the team that worked on the original mod. Submitter Sundowner Submitted 03/28/2016 Category Full Terrains  
  16. Tornado F.3 skins?

    I'll see what I have m8....give me a day or 2.
  17. @allen, the loop and a series of deep valleys can be accessed by flying across the straight to the mainland, follow the road into the first valley then go exploring to find the others...
  18. Mission complete.... Has anybody ever done a Japan terrain ?
  19. Heading into the Mach loop, North Wales.... Turning hard... Out the other side.. Having worked on the original Tornado model created by ArmourDave way back in 2007 and trying to keep it up to date over the years I think I'm in a pretty good position to pass comment on this latest addition to the Strike Fighters stable. What guuruu has achieved here can only be described as OUTSTANDING work ! He and his team have put together the most complete and accurate representation of the mighty Tonka I have ever seen in any sim. The old Tornado models have served us well over the years, they were in their time as good as it gets but time has moved on and now we have a worthy replacement, if you don't already have these excellent new "guuruu" Tonka models you are definately missing out. As the "Mighty Fin" as we know it bowed out of RAF service just last week it's great to know I just have to fire up my pc and go fly a mission in one to be able to see one in the ( virtual )air again. I say again, a huge thanks to guuruu and his team.
  20. F-100F is designed for SF1 and the loadout ini is setup for SF1/YAP weapons, you'll need to mess around with the aircraft data ini and loadout ini to get stuff to show, not a big job really.

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