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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Also I forgot to state that to use the 1983 Terrain your "End Year" statement in your options ini should be set at 2020 or something of your choice. This should also cure the above ctd issue.
  2. Sorry for the late reply folks, but I cant get a ctd when flying single missions......but there is a part of eburgers read me that says..... "1. Single Missions vs Campaigns Like the original "Falklands '82" for SFP1, the Malvinas & Falkands terrains are set up to use different years for Single Missions (i.e., "Create Mission") and the Campaigns. Campaigns: both campaigns automatically start on May 1, 1982, and continue into mid June 1982. Single Missions: when flying Single Missions, set the "Mission Date" to 1983. If you set the date to 1982, you may get a CTD (crash to desktop) when attempting to start the mission. As Kesselbrut noted in his original ReadMe, game-generated single missions ("Create Mission") should be flown in 1983 because the only British air base on the islands was build in late May. If you have a mission date before May 29, 1982, the game will CTD becaue there is no air base for British aircraft to use. User-created missions (with a 1982 mission date) will work normally. British aircraft will still have to take off from a carrier before May 29, though, even in user-created missions for 1982." That could well be the problem you are getting.
  3. Specular color m8 not specular level
  4. Would it be possible to add a feature where we can change the order of the actual target areas?......mainly for grouping all the like for like areas .....if you get what I mean.
  5. Another 1 in the works........
  6. I have the Max file from bobrock.....ravenclaw is going to make the pylons for it.
  7. Not got double sided checked in your materials have you m8?...I had an issue with shadows on something a while ago & that was my problem.
  8. Just using win7 now.....had the issue where max would'nt work properly.....worked ok before with the fix, but not anymore. I'll keep win10 on my other drive until it gets sorted......if ever.!
  9. Be aware folks..... Just had a "lovely" experience where when win10 loads it signs you in with a temporary profile, it says you cant access your files and files created with this profile will be deleted when you sign out..........its taken me 2.5 hrs to get something like running again, and yet again there's loads of folks out there where there is no definate answer to putting this right.
  10. Nice work m8, I wish I had the space to something like it.
  11. Here's the other version...unpopulated, but if you want the full populated version just let me know. UK_Airfield_V2.7z
  12. Here it is guys, I havent tried it in game yet so let me know if there's anything out of place........also a screenie of a variation of it . WW2 Airbase.7z
  13. I have a pretty generic WW2/Cold War RAF bomber airfield layout if any body wants it, needs populating though and perhaps the textures for the runways changing as I dont think they had all those white markings on them during the war.
  14. Can you make me a new Sea Vixen while you're at it ???
  15. Yom Kippur War........Flying artillery.
  16. Are you adding your sound entry to the soundlist ini ? There's various settings in there but in all honesty I don't really know what they all do. EG; [spey] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE FrequencyControl=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=1500.000000 MinDist=100.000000 InsideConeAngle=120 OutsideConeAngle=270 ConeOutsideVolume=5
  17. Little jets bringing lots of trouble.......
  18. Are you feeling lucky today ???? 'cos there's two of us.....
  19. First Phantom into Port Stanley.....
  20. Even if you don't want Win10 ...

    People need to be really careful here, a couple of months ago I thought I'd give 10 a try, but beforehand I made sure all my various drivers were up to date etc THEN I cloned that drive to a brand new harddrive. After the installation a welcome screen appeared and that was as far as I got....no matter what I did I could get no inputs from my mouse or keyboard, both are wired USB Logitech items, after a trip to the attic to try various other old keyboard and mice combinations the same problem was still there. Luckily I just swapped out that drive and put the cloned win 7 one back in and everything was fine again After searching the web for answers for the lock up at welcome screen problems I found it was not an uncommon issue, some folks had luck with just swapping the keyboard and or mouse, others like me had none ! Not everyone will have had the fore thought or knowledge to make a backup drive before hand,what then ?? A drive will all your precious stuff that you can't access. Be aware folks.
  21. I've had this happen many times, mainly in terrains with lots of detail, 5 miles is usually OK but anything above can cause a lockup & ctd, error log usually says the terrainengine .DLL is the faulting module. Never been able to isolate the cause. AMD X6 at 3.2 GHz, Radeon 6950 2gb, 16gb ram win7 64bit etc,etc.....
  22. Nice article, the "new" wip terrain I've been working on has much more humps and bumps to it, I think you may be able to use Mue's terrain editor tool to measure the runway...

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