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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. God DAMN!

    Home sweet home.....
  2. Could'nt of put it better myself Diego, I agree 100%.
  3. Try these.... http://combatace.com/forum/191-modding-terrainsenviroments/
  4. A break from the normal trade

    Awesome Jeff....
  5. I get the same issue, just dont have a clue what causes it, always that bottom left corner too.....
  6. Yes, just treat the tanks as you would any other part of the model, this is how I did it on my VF-74 F-4B; [Decal010] MeshName=droptank_wing_L DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=f-4b\74/d/74tank Position=0.80,-1.400 Rotation=0.0 Scale=2.75 DecalMaxLOD=2 [Decal011] MeshName=droptank_wing_R DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=f-4b\74/d/74tank Position=0.80,-1.400 Rotation=0.0 Scale=2.75 DecalMaxLOD=2 Reverse=TRUE
  7. Happy Birthday to Column5 and Crab_02!

    Happy birthday gents....
  8. Doh!!! already posted on here by Silverbolt. :mega_shok: http://player.vimeo.com/video/40935850
  9. Spotting in Meiringen and Alpnach (CH)

    Stunning location .
  10. Yep I've had this happen on the UK map, it only seems to happen for me on either the first airfield that is in my targets ini[friendly and enemy], dosent matter what side I'm flying for [friendly/enemy] whichever is the first of their bases causes that same issue. If you have the ME installed check you mission first in there, when your problem airfield is chosen by the game itself [ie, not user made] you'll soon see that your start point is miles away from your airfield, yet manually choosing that airfield will cause everything to "jump" into place. Dont know why it's happening though.
  11. My Ark screenies were from a terrain where I have NavalMap=FALSE and just the old style _water.bmp installed, useing Exp2 and the mission editor I had to set the Ark as an extra ground object then select it [GO002 or summat like that] as my homebase for my planes.....statics were also addded to it too. Dunno if this has helped or just complicated things even more.
  12. RAF Coningsby 27/3/12

    A quick selection of a great few hours at fightertown yesterday.
  13. Agree 100% mate, I'm going back to Nov11 on all my installs, I was happy there, I really cant be arsed with all the "new" [?????] crap that the April patch both with and without NA is causing me, yes, I finally brought it, tried it & I must admit it has absolutely bugger all to intrest me.
  14. Since I updated to the April 2012 patch I've been having issues with this map, if the game itself chooses either RAF Leuchars [friendly] or Aerfort Bhaile Atha Cliath [enemy] as home base the game loads fully then you suddenly end up with what can only be described as a "sky view" then it locks up, so what I've been doing is going into the mission editor first to check the chosen airfield, if either of those two are the game chosen bases the [your] aircraft icon is on the correct place on the map but the take off point is to the left of southern Ireland [see screenie], this is exactly the same location for both bases. If I edit my flight and click on the highlighted home base everything jumps into place & the game loads just fine. The only thing these two bases have in common as far as I can see, is that they are both first on their respective [friendly/enemy] list, I've checked all the locations etc in the target ini etc but must admit I'm at a dead loss here.

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