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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. If the Tomcat is the only flyable, does that mean that there will no air to ground missions ??
  2. OT For FSX/FS9 users

    Nice...just getting mine now..
  3. Its affecting everybody...........
  4. Me tooooooo, reallllllly boooooorrrred stiiiiiiffffff,.......might take up knitting or summat like :boredom: :boredom: :boredom: :boredom: :boredom: :boredom:
  5. Great F-4 shots Gustav & Volker... :clapping:
  6. Just enjoying the scenery.......
  7. Dunno if this has been posted before....... http://www.couriermail.com.au/questnews/ipswich/raaf-base-amberley-f-111-fighter-jets-end-up-on-swanbank-landfill-site-near-ipswich/story-fn8m0yo2-1226204896564
  8. I might...cant remember at the mo.....if not I'll do one for you.
  9. Personally I think that the biggest stalling point is that it is still being called an SF2 title, there lies the clue to what we'll be getting. IF it was SF3 whatever we really should expect all the bells & whistles but in all fairness to TK, trying to make it backwardly compatible with the other titles is what's holding it back.......imagine just how much its going to break anyway. Just my personal opinion btw.
  10. Whats a cubemap?? really gotta run, wifey is tapping her foot.
  11. If I dont make any more replies its because I'm going out.......more to life than playing games y'know :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:
  12. I've no doubt he does, but its the same old record all the time, so......please Jules set up your own flight sim company & we'll all buy it, seriously, as TW is obviously taking another route.
  13. how long before this thread gets locked????????? 2 WEEKS !!!

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