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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Thanks m8, nearly ready for ya...
  2. Beautiful Gustav I love the Fulcrum.
  3. Nightlife shots

    You got her to fart on a candle???........wicked
  4. I'll get this other stuff over to you later tonight m8...
  5. Really? must of missed it, excellent thanks.
  6. Hmmm, I was thinking of doing the Bitburg tower... maybe.. Just about finished this tonight...
  7. How can it be "new" game when its backwardly compatible with SF2??.....Serious question.
  8. Floodlight,generator & fire extinguisher are not done by me m8.....dunno who did them.
  9. I've no issues with the price of any of these DLC thingies.....just cant understand why folks are getting so excited about stuff we already have, supporting the developer is fine by me but I'm sure if TK farted in a bottle there would be a few that would buy that too....
  10. File Name: TMF_RAF_F-4_Pack4 File Submitter: Sundowner File Submitted: 17 July 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft This pack includes the updated F-4M_TMF that I missed from the previous packs . It also includes a "what if" single seat F-4M_95 just for some fun. Dont forget that you need pack1 to get the sounds/decals etc. Click here to download this file
  11. Sorry for the late reply but all the decals are in pack1.
  12. about.....: $5.99 :grin:
  13. Power!

    Excellent Jeff.
  14. Back in action.... Like I said, I'm no max expert, these may not be accurate but they're better than nothing.
  15. thanks, let me see what I can do.....I'm no expert though.
  16. File Name: Mirage Factory F-4K/M RAF/RN SF2 Series Pack 3 File Submitter: Sundowner File Submitted: 01 Mar 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Mirage Factory F-4K/M RN/RAF for the SF2 series. First and foremost lets just spend a moment remembering who made these things possible.........Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo)....rip my friend. Ok this is pack 3 of 3, it comprises new aircraft models and skins but you still need pack 1 installed to get the decals,sounds etc, but it does use the stock F-4M cockpits so you will need SF2 Europe installed, I have the combo pack so they've only been tested on that...patched to Feb 2010. Installation instructions are in the readme, its there for your benifit not mine so be sure to read it. Many thanks. Sundowner. Click here to download this file
  17. Just done this... not perfect, but better than nothing.
  18. I dont have any bombs on trollies or racks [sorry] I was thinking more like the ones in the top left corner of the C-Type hangar pic, or like the ones in this picture of Spangdahlem.
  19. I also have a couple of C Type hangars & various concrete apron type areas if you want them.... also, what type's of bomb store do you need ?

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