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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. File Name: SF2 F-4 Templates File Submitter: Sundowner File Submitted: 23 December 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins My intrest in skinning for the Strike Fighters series is getting less nowadays so I've decided to release some "trimmed down" templates for a couple of the F-4's. You can tweak/modify them as you all see fit, but just remember where you got them in the first place when you release summat. Also, they are just basic as in one model, it might be worth copying them and renaming them with the correct model naming...ie F-4B_67_1 etc, etc. Just remember skinning is supposed to be fun, dont get stressed about it, experiment & dont be afraid to ask questions. Enjoy Ant. [sundowner] Click here to download this file
  2. 48th TFW skin pack for SF2x

    Superb, thanks m8.
  3. Mike, try reducing the spring factor entry, the stock levels look awful dont they ? [NoseGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=2 DragArea=0.25 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=gear_strut_front InsideNodeName= ShockAnimationID=5 ShockStroke=0.40 SpringFactor=0.05---------------------------This Line................. DampingFactor=1.5 WheelNodeName=wheels_front RotationAxis=X-Axis ReverseWheelRotation=TRUE RollingRadius=0.26 CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName=gear_swivel Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=41.15 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=45.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL ControlRate=2.0 HasBrakes=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=128.61 MaxLoadFactor=5.0
  4. Exactly m8, today I've come across this personally, we had a truck drive come into my works, he had all sorts of avation related stickers adorning his cab so we naturally got talking about all things "planes". When I mentioned simming the SF series came up as being "buggy and needing constant patches" his words not mine. I tried to put him straight but he gave me the impression that no matter how good SF is [or could be] it's not worth the effort. Very sad. That is exactly the reputation TK does not need & no matter how, we the modders try to make our stuff simple to install etc, if it spoils the game for the non PC savvy public it can only eventually have a negative effect. Maybe it's time for us to back off on some issues & treat this for what it is & not what we want it to be.......work with TK & not against him.
  5. Reading TK's latest response I get the impression that we're pushing TK into a corner, trying to make the game do things that he never actually intended, all that will do is force him to hard code more and more things. I know this will ultimately result in less folks using his work for "hard core" modding but it may just increase the intrest of people who are put off by trying to keep up with all the mods...no matter how good they are. I have a gut feeling that we may become a victim of our own success, if you know what I mean.
  6. @ Sony, the terrain is a bit of a mod that I've done to the recent NF4 4 seasons mod by Piecemeal, I've given the airfield2 a "new" set of textures, instead of having dirt taxiways & psp matting for the aprons I've given it proper [?] hard surfaces, the revetments are by me.
  7. Personally I think its a great idea, I hate the boring lifeless stock carriers but at the moment I dont have a lot of time to try it out myself. I also can't help wondering if all your time and hard work could be in vain once this Tomcat thingie gets released, although I would'nt hold my breath.
  8. Could do with more feedback from ATI users, like I say mine looks fine.
  9. Hmmmm, nozzel animation does seem messed up, cant replicate the other issues tho. ATI 4890 1Gb.
  10. Aha, using the correct terrain does make a big difference ......I was using Starys Hi Res stuff but using the terrain from NF4 has cured my trees problem [so far]. Thanks for the help.
  11. New Years Day, always a good day for relaxing....
  12. Just thinking out loud here, but remember the old ENBseries hdr mod, didnt that have a hotkey where you could turn it off if you did'nt like the effect? If so could that be used to create a "switchable" NVG effect ? Like I say, I'm just thinking out loud, no idea if its possible tho...
  13. Personally I'd be happy if TK just made the Tomcat thingy a "completely" new sim, as in NO old mods would work with it because it was a fresh start...different game engine etc, etc. Yes,I know the whole process for us modders would start all over again, new terrains/planes/groundobjects to be built, but lets be honest with ourselves, there is a lot more satisfaction "making" summat and seeing it in game for the first time rather than having to go and fix up your old stuff over and over.

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