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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Wingfold and canopy are both linked together, "Shift+10" are the keys, "Shift+1" is for the refuel probe.
  2. Somebody just took my picture......
  3. OMG........It's

    Happy birthday matey...
  4. Look who's outside...........
  5. my god.....thats a lot of downloads
  6. Phlipping heck !

    Ever had one of those days when you know you've seen something in a picture but cant remember where ? Well, last night whilst researching something for an upcoming skin I had one of those moments, so after trolling through roughly 20000+ pics on my harddrive with no luck methinks its time to start on me books............. Bugger !! This is just a selection of my stuff that is at least 80% F-4 based.........then theres all the other stuff too, WAPJ, Wings of Fame etc etc.... Any of you other folks so Phanitcle about one particular aircraft ?......or is it something I should seek therapy for ?
  7. The left side is faired over for the periscope fitting....is that what you're on about mate ?.
  8. Are you using the RAF F-4's from C5's site?, if so they are way out of date, you need the new ones from here m8. All SF2 compatible .
  9. Any body else having that droptank issue ? I've not come across it myself. Also I didnt know the MF had released an N, do you mean M ?
  10. Welcome Home Southernap!

    Welcome home matey....
  11. Yep, hopefully in the next couple of days..
  12. Holy s**t....

    Happy birthday you....you....young tart...
  13. Glad you like it m8.....here's one doing a fast pass for the crowd.....
  14. I still like this JASDF stuff.....espicially now its SF2ized.......
  15. As Mike says...no issues here..
  16. Version


    Mirage Factory F-4K/M RN/RAF for the SF2 series. First and foremost lets just spend a moment remembering who made these things possible.........Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo)....rip my friend. Ok this is pack 3 of 3, it comprises new aircraft models and skins but you still need pack 1 installed to get the decals,sounds etc, but it does use the stock F-4M cockpits so you will need SF2 Europe installed, I have the combo pack so they've only been tested on that...patched to Feb 2010. Installation instructions are in the readme, its there for your benifit not mine so be sure to read it. Many thanks. Sundowner.
  17. Version 1.1


    Mirage Factory F-4K/M RN/RAF for the SF2 series. First and foremost lets just spend a moment remembering who made these things possible.........Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo)....rip my friend. Ok this is pack 2 of 3, it comprises new aircraft models and skins but you still need pack 1 installed to get the decals,sounds etc, but it does use the stock F-4M cockpits so you will need SF2 Europe installed, I have the combo pack so they've only been tested on that...patched to Feb 2010. Installation instructions are in the readme, its there for your benifit not mine so be sure to read it. Many thanks. Sundowner.
  18. Version 1.1


    Mirage Factory F-4K/M RN/RAF for the SF2 series. First and foremost lets just spend a moment remembering who made these things possible.........Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo)....rip my friend. Ok this is pack 1 of 3, it comprises new aircraft models,sounds weapons etc....but it does use the stock F-4M cockpits so you will need SF2 Europe installed, I have the combo pack so they've only been tested on that...patched to Feb 2010. Installation instructions are in the readme, its there for your benifit not mine so be sure to read it. Many thanks. Sundowner.

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