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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Go to the "Contact" part of the YAP web page and contact Zerocinco direct, best way to get it sorted.
  2. Waddington airshow 2007

    I use a Canon EOS 20D coupled to a Sigma 50-500mm lens for the flying shots & the statics are a mixture of the same combo or the wifes Canon S70.
  3. Waddington airshow 2007

    Here's a few more, Ghostrider if you want any "originals" or details let me know, also if you want to use them for loading screens etc.....feel free. plus some more "normal" [lol] stuff..............
  4. The Rhinos are coming

    All being well,I will be over at RAF Waddington on Friday and Saturday taking lots of piccies of these beauties.
  5. Caption This

    "Yeah baby, thats right...I can ride this whenever I want to....& it dont answer back"!! or.. "You farted, you sleep outside!!!"
  6. .....it gets worse....I've just had a quick count up & so far I've got 56 [yes 56] seperate F-4 setups [nation and/or camo specific] using their own tanks etc......well over 100 skins all hi-res & still plenty more on the go.
  7. Are the tanks not showing at all? or are they there but just white? If you want mate, pm me your stuff and I'll look over it tonight.
  8. Well, I think I'm done...

    Hell fire !! Superb.
  9. Roll Call

    well.....I'm here....but thats because I'm not all there
  10. from what I've found, I cant always get what I need on a pylon through the "standard" quick mission loadouts no matter what I do, but if I make a mission using one of the mission editors and select CAS 2 or whatever I've called it....bingo it works .....weird.
  11. The flying chainsaw....15 SUU11 miniguns
  12. I have this set up for all F-4's......I'll sort it all out for you.....
  13. Welcome back mate....I thought you'd done a runner on us..
  14. Jag-GR3.jpg


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