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Posts posted by Sundowner

  1. 13 hours ago, orsin said:





     There has been a number of older models which were created without care, and model elements are using repetitive names (e.g. 5 different elements all use lazy names such as Object 01) which confuses the engine and limit possibility for modding.

    Right now change of node name can be achieved using manual process in HEX editors for some models, but it is a difficult job when there are 50-60 items of a few repetitive name and you are trying to tell which one is which. It is also hard to handle in HEX editor as sometimes different model utilises different encoding. It will make life a lot easier.





    Interesting choice of words  regarding how people make their models, I seriously think its about time you start to make some "real" models yourself instead of just moaning about not having the means to hack/pirate other folks work.

    This place seems to be rife with folks that just want the quick fix solution nowadays.....the real mod makers are getting fewer and fewer or just going "underground" so to speak.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, OlWilly said:

     and just kept it away for 7 years? 


    You just would'nt believe some of the stuff some of us are sitting on......some from way longer than 7 years ago.

    Anything having Flogger23's name on it will be quality that takes time to perfect.

    Best thing folks can do is get Max ( or Blender ) and build your own......it really is not that hard, espicially if you just want something for your own use and not chasing the "glory" of having others tell you how nice it is.

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  3. It's not the .dll itself that's at fault, it means that something is wrong with a particular aircraft as opposed to to a terrain or ship etc.

    So now you need to check aircraft names ,nations etc, anything that is related to the aircraft that are being used ( flyable or ai ) in that particular mission.

    Check everything, comma, full stop, case sensitive etc.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Wrench said:

    I just tried the folder method last week and again Monday. For some stupid reason, the engine (tm) is not recognizing their existence. It would make things so much simplier that way; no need to rename or edit

    I wonder if there's a trick I'm missing in the _types ini or something. Any help or advice is VERY welcomed!

    I know that in Mue's Target editor objects using the same lod name wont show up....if that's any use m8.

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  5. For my Vietnam install I'm not using the game "parked" aircraft slots anymore, everything is now a static aircraft so that I can get the right aircraft on the right airbase for the time period.

    I've also made about 50 (maybe more) extra vehicles, bomb trailers, generators etc & skinned them all to five  1024x1024 jpgs.

    And about 80+  new buildings all using about seven seperate jpgs.

    With 650+ tile textures you've really got to get into some creative thinking if you want use-able framerates....distance lods are a must !

    As I only fly A/G missions ground object and terrain variation is a must for me........& don't get me started on rivers & roads.....:wink:

    • Like 4

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