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About HerkDriverJ

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    Live to Fly. Fly to Live.

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  1. Tornado GR.1A Desert Storm

    Great job again Guuruu!!! I have to say, I would love to see what you would do with an F-3 version!
  2. F-16A Blk 10

    GREAT Addition!!! Well Done!!!
  3. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 pre-order

    Excited to take it to the next level. However I'll have to look into a new computer to support these new flightsims..... time to step it up! Microsoft Flight Sim 2020, DCS, the new IL2.... yep, time for me to buy a new rig!
  4. Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2

    Absolutely an outstanding addition to the SF2 community! Pure Awesome!
  5. Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2

    Okay, Fixed. Checked the latest patch and the pilot data above. All was good. So I simply deleted all MIG-23 MLD files and reloaded just to see. Works perfectly. I have no idea what it was but it works great now. Strange.... BTW, Outstanding add-on!!!! Many hours of fun ahead in the midst of this quarantine! Thanks so much for the help!
  6. Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2

    Looks great! But I've got one problem I haven't seen before.... Take a look. I didn't download and load this add-on any different then any others I've downloaded. But the pilot is half-way out of the cockpit! Any thoughts? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  7. The AC-130

    C-130s typically get me excited..... but what do I know right?!?!!! lol.
  8. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

    So I found out, window's pc game or not, all Microsoft "gaming" products are now under the "xbox" franchise name. So this new FS will first come out for PC. It is being designed as a PC simulator. I for one, am very excited!
  9. AV-8B Harrier II Plus - SF2. ver.2019

    Some of the CAG decals were not showing up on the tails. Also the Gun pods and gear were blacked out. But it seemed to be the CAG birds only. However, re-downloaded and it doesn't appear to be an issue any longer. Also, when I re-downloaded the error message no longer exists. And....again, fantastic product! Wow!!!
  10. AV-8B Harrier II Plus - SF2. ver.2019

    Got a few errors pertaining to jpgs. But ran the bird through the ringer. Great, great, great mod! Well done!!!!
  11. Tornado GR.1A

    Hands down one of the best add-ons I've seen. Outstanding job Guuruu.
  12. So sorry Wrench. Didn't find this one in the knowlege base. Forgive me for asking the question.
  13. Thanks yakarov79, you triggered me to look at a terrain that had unlimited dates. Took those unlimited dates and copied/pasted into desired terrains ini file. Thanks, that fixed it.
  14. Hello All, I recently had some time to dig into terrain maps and their respective "Mission Dates"... My question is if a terrain map has only a pre-selected time period can we change that? Example.... Germany CE has a pre-selected time period only up to 1984. If you choose an aircraft that came on line after 1984 it will only allow the first year that aircraft came on-line. So, if an F-16C Block 30 came on line in 1987 that's the only date you can choose. My question, is there a way to go into the maps programing and change those dates? Or all together eliminate that feature so you can choose whatever time frame you would like? Thanks so much for your time and any suggestions are more than appreciated! Regards, Mark
  15. Gents, I'm no where close to an expert on SF2 and sometimes I get stumped..... Recently after downloading the Falklands campain I noticed "red air" icons (as I like to call them) are no longer showing up on the map view. Went through and through my settings and found nothing. Anyone ran into this before? As in the past, any and all help is greatly appreciated!!! Regards, -Harbs

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