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Everything posted by Eagle114th

  1. I am not talking about a 'starting position' of vortex. Here is example of what I am trying to do: Here is how 'default' wingtip vortex is lined into 'straight' line between 'timed' vortices position (by default it is straight line): And what I am trying to do is 'move' the vortices position to give both 'wingtip vortices' 'curved' line toward 'each other" like this picture below: 'dotted line' shows old position and blue curved line show 'new' position it would be moved to. Each of 'dot' presents of scripted of each vortices being placed based on 'timer' script. (If you are confused by how I am describing this, please let me know and I will explain this in more clear way.) You notice I posted 'Table" on upper left corner showing each position for [01], [02], [03]. It shows where each next vortices will 'connect to'. I am figuring out how to actually 'move' the position of each of these 'timer' placement. Any idea on how to make this work? I am studying each of add-on aircraft effects files to see if I can find anything from it. My next step goal is to make both wingtip vortices curving toward each other steady as they keep trailing away from aircraft like this picture below:
  2. Here is latest update with improved wingtip vortices: This is the result after replacing these codes: ParticleLifeTime=0.500000 ParticleWeight=-0.50000 ParticleWindFactor=0.5 With these lines of codes: ParticleRandomOrientation=TRUE ParticleLifeTime=0.750000 ParticleLifeTimeDeviation=0.001000 ParticleWeight=-0.00000 ParticleRandomness=0.010000 ParticleWindFactor=1.0 I was studying F-16 new fuseluge vapor effects where I was giving these new vortices "random disappearing at different timing" when aircraft exit from hard turning.
  3. Welcome back, I am same as you. I left SF2 series sim for so long time and I came back about one and half weeks ago. I was surprised to see many of new stuff for SF2 released. I also started doing some basic modding for SF2 itself too. Check screenshots I have been posting, I hope you like them. It is good to see more people coming back to this community.
  4. I was flying F-14A Tomcat intercepting to defend my fleet ships...
  5. There was raiding going on and I was called to jump into Saab Viggen in middle of forest with a road as runway. My wingman and I lined up on long road getting ready to take off for intercepting incoming enemy bombers, escorted by their fighters. I slammed throttle to maximum with afterburner and released brake after that for maximum power for short take off! Whole thing shakes as it roared over road, just as if I were speeding up over highway manically! My wingman and I detected incoming large forces of what I recognized, Yak-28s! I ordered my wingman to cover me in case their escort fighters jump on us. I locked on Yak-28s and is prepared to fire Rb-27s (Sweden version of AIM-26B Falcon). My both Rb-27s failed to hit Targets! Damn it! I switched to Rb-24J (Sweden version of AIM-9P3) and fired them. My first Rb-27J missed (What the heck?) while second and third Rb-24J hit two targets! I was chasing other Yak-28s with guns after running out of ATA missiles. I noticed AAA peppering shells over that Yak-28s. Shot down Yak-28 with guns! I kept getting all radio chatters and I realized there was tons of dogfights going on at the same time when MiG-21s was distracted by Saab Drakes away from Yak-28s while my wingman and I were too busy taking them down. One of MiG-21 fired missile at me and someone yelled at me that missiles was trailing me. Thank to my fast reaction, I went into snap hard turn releasing flares to dodge their heat seeking missiles. I forced MiG-21 to overshoot me and I performed high Yo-Yo to dive back toward MiG-21. This MiG-21 slammed into afterburner and went over Mach 1. I followed that MiG-21 and this MiG-21 kept accelerating and climbing trying to shake me off. I managed to hit their tail with cannon at Mach 1.27 while MiG-21 went slightly slower than me. MiG-21 pilot managed to eject and the rest of enemy aircraft bugged off, we won air battle and managed to defend our bases!
  6. Man I had hell of mission intercepting Soviet massive invading forces of An-12 carrying paratroopers. I was in Royal Air Force Lightning F.1A carrying dual Firestreak and 30mm Aden cannons, along with my wingman. I am going to do some short storytelling of what I went through in these intercepting missions. I strapped myself into F.1A starting to take off with deafen loud roars of these powerful dual engines! I was tracking and locked radar on enemy targets, wondering if its An-12s or their escort fighters. As I approached suddenly dots kept growing into very large numbers as I get closer to them. To my surprise, there is huge number of An-12s! I waste NO TIME, I barked order for my wingman to attack these bombers with me. I steady banked and start slowly turning into rear of massive numbers of An-12s at mach 1, thank to dual powerful engines. I managed to destroy one of An-12 in my first speed at over Mach 1, I was too fast for group of An-12's tail gunnery! Their group of An-12's self defend tail gun couldn't save each other... I was destroying each of An-12s by one and one. It was pain to see large group of paratrooper screaming as they fell out of An-12s, War is hell and I had to defend my bases against enemy invading forces. Suddenly MiG-21s managed to arrive but they were too late after over 11 of An-12s went down, the rest of An-12s broke away from their targets. I ran out of ammos after shooting down many of An-12s to prevent them from releasing possibly hundred of paratroopers over friendly terrain, I dove at high mach to escape from MiG-21s chasing me. Oh boy , there were so pissed off after realizing they failed their escorting missions! MiG-21s ferociously kept chasing me while burning lot of their fuels with afterburns, throwing everything they got to bring me down, for sakes of their revenges against me for bring down so many of their comrades. They even fired their missiles and I managed to dodge it while keep my aircraft beyond mach 1 to escape from MiG-21s. Thank to powerful Lightning dual engines, I am able to keep cruising at mach 1 without using afterburner while MIG-21s kept using afterburner trying to catch me. MiG-21s gave up on me due to them running very low on fuels, I managed to escape home safety, along with my wingman. Enemy plans of massive raiding of my bases failed, thank to great efforts of my intercepting with my brave comrades who flew with me.
  7. Thank you very much! I am going to look at link you posted, I appreciate it.
  8. I decided to do quick recon in F-14A (1977 version) in Wrench Korea V3 and I was flying low and high speed. For some of reasons (with full ground activities turned on), the AAA was so ferocious that the sky was so thick with AAA shells even at low level flying at high speed. I was hit so hard into right engine while my right rudder were blown out... I managed to keep her stable as she was so unstable and was so prone to flipping, high speed stall, even spin. With my gentle hand on joystick, I managed to keep her steady. I noticed one thing that I truly dreaded of... And that is I was leaking fuel so rapidly that I realized I won't make it back home and I am at middle of enemy terrain filled with so much enemies above and below me. With such brutal tests of flying skills and patience, I found nice land with forest where I dare to try landing instead of ejecting over middle of enemy. I achieved the one of most difficult thing I have ever done in SF2 and that is landing and taxi into forest quickly to hide with severely damaged surface control... To my surprise, when I exited mission, it didn't even said I was prisoner of war!
  9. What aircraft is this? I don't think I have seen this one before and I am interested into this aircraft, especially flying her in SF2.
  10. Weapon List

    YEP! I missed everything from FA! Like Quick mission, Weapon Loading screen, single mission "hanger' view top, and everything.. Their GUI was so crispy and neat... Even now, I dream everyday of seeing SF2 with GUI from Jane's FA!
  11. I took some nice screenshot of F-4C in Mercenaries campaign in SF2:
  12. Bravery at it's finest!

  13. Excellent! Bro, I am so glad you got it fixed, I want to learn more about how you fix it later when you get online.
  14. Here is color profiles of Korean IL-28 (H-5) from 1960s:
  15. While I was googling North Korea Air Force IL-28s, I came into this interesting google map pictures of North Korea IL-28s. I know this may not be exactly what you want, but I thought I'd share this interesting pictures. http://freekorea.us/2007/04/29/the-north-korean-air-force-by-google-earth/
  16. That surprised me too which is why I created my thread asking question about it. I posted it at this link: http://combatace.com/topic/75570-question-about-editting-air-activities-in-terrain/ Since I am back to SF2, I am learning more about modding SF2 so I can do more things for this community. Right now I am still studying many different .ini files from Korea V3 terrain and so far, I am still unable to find one that is related to editing the size/number of forces in air that is connected to 'light, normal, and heavy' air activities. I am learning this part so I can experiment with it and tweak with 'how many' aircraft being spawn for each terrains with customized "light, normal, heavy' air activities. This is very interesting aspect of terrain for sure. FalcCAF45 encouraged me back into modding SF2 now and I have great thank to him for that. Since I am back into modding SF2, I just remembered my old passion into modding any games, especially this simulator. I used to do lot of modding of SF1 and SF2 in past where I created my own personal mini mods. However, now I am going to start sharing mods with this community whenever I am done with each of my mods.
  17. Wrench, I wish you great luck and godspeed on this.
  18. Hello everyone, I am learning how to mod specific things in terrain, adjusting the numbers/size of aircraft force when doing air patrol or fighter sweeping based on 'light, normal, and heavy' air activities. I am not able to find information in knowledge database and I am looking through many files (.ini's) in Korea V3 Map. The reason of this is because when I was flying 'light' air activities, there is none MiGs in air after I was doing either CAP or fighter sweeping. if I turn it on 'normal' air activities, I kept getting far outnumbered by MiGs. So that is why I am learning how to edit terrain's air activities so I can adjust the number of aircraft spawning for light, normal, and heavy air activities. And by the way, Korea V3 is truly great map, I enjoy flying this terrain very much. I like how it all is set and it is very fun learning how to mod SF2 itself through .ini dancing. I also am doing it for my bro FalconC45 so he can fly his KAW mission with his own editted size of enemy aircraft so he can enjoy his simming time (http://combatace.com/topic/75569-kaw-problem-found/), not just for my own 'modding' experiments with SF2. Thank you very much.
  19. Hello everyone, I remembered flying one of my favorite 'what if' aircraft known as F-31 for SF2 very long time ago. It was based on X-31 (http://en.wikipedia....ckwell-MBB_X-31) and I have been looking for it for long time and is unable to find it. I also searched for it in 'what if' hanger in SF2 aircraft download, so I am wondering if any one of you can point me to which link I can find F-31 for SF2? I am contiuning to search through thousands of files for these in Download section. Search engine won't let me use exact name like F-31, F-29, and other and it keep giving me "Not found". I tried typing in F-29 and it said not found so I had to manually swim through many pages of aircraft to finally find F-29. However, I am still not able to find F-31 unfortunately so I thought I would ask someone here if anyone have seen F-31 files for SF2? I appreciate any helps and I am in process of re-building my SF2 collection and it have been very long time since I have flown SF2. It is good to be back into SF2 simming time.
  20. Thank you for this, I am going to use these files to update several aircraft in my SF2 folders.
  21. Wrench, I just sent you PM a few days ago, hopes you get it. Just a head up. EXACTLY! Now you see why I truly wanted to fly F-31 (X-31) and create mission related to opening of Jane's FA. Jane's FA in old day was one of greatest sim time for me when I was kid. Here is video, just for sakes of nostalgic:
  22. Looks like someone is trying to steal and stuff MiG-15 into truck and run away with it undetected! The planning of stealing this MiG-15 by truck method is a fail since MiG-15 is too big to fit into truck!
  23. Ah I see, Thank you for the advice with 'search engine". I will start using "name" or "nick name" of aircraft to search for specific aircraft from now on. And thank you for the link to F-31 "Mustang", much appreciated!
  24. Desert Terrain Movement Ini Fix-It Pak

    You rock man! I have always been your BIG fan since the time you did lot of modding for Jane's Fighter Anthology and now SF series. I always have and will always be your fan, especially your friend. I always have considered you as my great friend from old day, even though I never got to talk with you in old days of 1990s...
  25. I have tried everything with FalconC45 and no solution have worked for him so far. So we are in great need help with FalconC45's issues with his KAW in his SF2 series sim. These stubborn MiGs still refuse to appear in his single mission when he was flying CAS.

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