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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. Sorry. But for the dog's sake is it necessary to quote the whole post with pictures if it is just one post above on the same, page...Do we need to scroll through the whole page 6x times longer? Imagine if I quote your post containing your quote of Flogger's post....sick. Why the fuck there is such a habit here on this forum. I do not know.....understanding this - is my WIP. -------------------------------------------------- hope all is well...been some time, not often using this language. ... meanwhile
  3. Operation Desert Storm 30th Anniversary Edition. It is still beta and still evolving, but already available to download.
  4. Yes. And Osa can be hard to avoid. Sometimes you can not go lower anymore - below ground level . Personally, in all my instals (involving "modern" SAMs), I have Osa-AK set to Mobile_SAM and Osa AKM to Mobile_AAA. Quite balanced. Still dangerous.
  5. SF2 Lockheed C-121G/R7V-1 Super Constellation Pack

    Very nice. Thank you.
  6. Do we have to use cotton wool with alcohol to clean up that Orpheus? Looks awesome.
  7. as daddy said. If all done properly in graphic editor ..there will be no issues. And yes, GIMP is the easiest and fastest way to create decals
  8. guess it is not a big deal to create an account on CA and communicate a little bit.
  9. SF2 Westland Whirlwind HAR Upgrade Pack

    very nice package.
  10. exactly the same way as guuruu showed in 2nd post. I am using Gimp2 for years now. And this is the way.
  11. I do not why...but. Obviously you are doing something wrong, despite the suggestions above. I open your tga. save and it works...menu.rar you should not have dimensions of tga as 39x40.... 39x39...or any other but equal...
  12. while making custom names for aircrafts is interesting (I am using this kind of sorting for at least 8 years now) not that I can not find aircraft I want to fly...It is just for having order in that damn list.. then making those weapon rename list seems to be futile...in case a new weapon will pop up...any time, your list will be old. Plus as Menrva said there are many copies of weapons added by many modders. It is a minefield. I use my 'naming way' for weapons also but in that case, I am trying to be short as possible Mk.82 500 lb Bomb....for me it is just 'Mk82. 500lb'.. it is obvious it is a bomb. I do not add Anti Radiation MIssile or Laser Guided BOmb to weapon name...it is too long in loadout menu.... at your list you have.... (SAM) "SA-N-3 Goblet" (RC / SARH) (M-SAM) "SA-8 Gecko Mod 0" (CLOS) those weapons are not displayed in the loadout list so skip it...they are used by ground/sea units. Just my 3 cents. But..enjoy game, keep playing ...then for sure you will move to other sorts of modding. Everyone started somewhere...Good that you like to work around the game environment also.
  13. you have to open lod file for a weapon not ini in lodviewer.

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