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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. this: (add to your aircraft data.ini // to turn off 'feature') //[PilotEject] //SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT //PilotModelName=A10US80 //CanopyNodeName=A_10_PILOT //SeatID=2 or this: SystemName[012]=//PilotEject will solve the issue. At least temporary.
  2. Keep in mind that if you need help with UVmapping and skins...my paint barn is currently empty.
  3. Mirage F1C-200

    Excellent job.
  4. Excellent work again. Any chance to have bump maps in 4096x4096? Uploaded somewhere.
  5. I am always using symmetry... I am making Left wing/flaps/gear doors...reset pivot point and set it to X-0.0 as the center of aircraft/symmetry line. Then resetXform. And then modifier - symmetry. Mirror axis- x and If I made left-wing then check 'flip', if right-wing - symmetry will appear on the left side..Still in most cases, i just need to reposition the pivot point on X- axis. But it is way better than Mirror, no need to resetpivots/xform/flip polys This is my way...I think it is quite easy, I use symmetry almost to everything...If I make landing gear..when gear is finished...then I am UVmapping...and making symmetry. - Then I can sort parts/animate etc... But i have symmetrical and already mapped elements.

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