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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. Like you need to open the canopy and take a deep breath....
  2. was landing on acesfakia's tango several times already Acesfakia did ATC -4-5 years ago - but it was never fully finished. The idea is good. If properly made ini file you can land on any boat. His 3dmax file is in modders Repository. Nice PBR. But there is always but...(butt) Can we actually sail on rivers? I think not...Unless you will make them as non-ships ground objects placed on the river. But I might be wrong. But nice PBR indeed.
  3. this is from my KC-130s. Deploy values are set for refueling helos also...so you might want to adjust for you liking. But not sure if you can limit its use to a certain height. [RefuelDrogue] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_MACH CD0=-0.0010 Setting[1].Angle=0.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=0.0 Setting[1].RetractValue=0.1 Setting[2].Angle=90.0 Setting[2].DeployValue=0.15 Setting[2].RetractValue=0.11 MaxDeflection=90.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.5 AnimationID=10
  4. Guess, you can use Paypal to donate to the website and help keep it running. But you can not use Paypal to pay for ODS 30 AE - as this is a free mod. One of the benefits of being supporters of CA is access to said mod.
  5. this is a polite way of screaming, no anger at all. Delicate, friendly scream.
  6. this: (add to your aircraft data.ini // to turn off 'feature') //[PilotEject] //SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT //PilotModelName=A10US80 //CanopyNodeName=A_10_PILOT //SeatID=2 or this: SystemName[012]=//PilotEject will solve the issue. At least temporary.
  7. Keep in mind that if you need help with UVmapping and skins...my paint barn is currently empty.
  8. Mirage F1C-200

    Excellent job.
  9. Excellent work again. Any chance to have bump maps in 4096x4096? Uploaded somewhere.

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