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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. By the way. Can you make that early A in two versions? One with both (wings and fuselage) airbrakes operational and one with only wing airbrakes and disabled animation of fuselage brakes.
  2. coming up nicely, the windows on the pod turret were asymmetrical, the right side (FLIR) was narrower than the left side (LLTV) and can you make an animation that will turn the turret around after take-off...to protect equipment during take-off/landing and on the ground turret windows were facing the rear. On the other hand (iron hand) Since you are jumping on versions. Any chance to get back to the Iron Hand B version for a while? at least for the Mod 0 version (Vietnam era) I can provide LAU launchers for Standard ARM. (only B was carrying Standard ARM at that time) And absolutely side note... I was working on a skin set for Intruder over Vietnam based on the TW model (similar to my Corsairs pack) but now I see I have to move to a better A platform. Will take me a while to re-do everything on these new skins...but research was done already, and decals too. Stay tuned.
  3. so far looks good. Should be available on both pylons. Although I have seen very rarely LAU-7 on inner pylon. But often Shrikes on both.
  4. Station 1,2,4,5 can be equipped with Aero 5A-1 launcher - for Shrike and Bulpup, LAU-7A on ADU-299 adapter for AIM-9 Sidewinder. LAU-78 was for A-6B and Standard ARM missile also on 1,2,4,5 stations. LAU-117 for AGM-65 and LAU-118 for HARM but those are for A-6E already. And also on 1,2,4,5 stations.
  5. As for late A-6A...AN/ALQ-100 antenna - which was introduced somewhere in February 1968. two months late they replaced ALR15 with AN/APR-25. Of course, some older airframes were retrofitted too.
  6. wingtip speed brakes were added at BuNo 149940 and soon after delivery to operational squadrons fuselage mounted speed brakes were deactivated. 149940 was the 26th Intruder built. Even after deactivation, it was still possible to open fuselage speed brakes - only on the ground for maintenance and other stuff that needed access through the brake well. The fuselage speed brake was entirely deleted from production from BuNo 154170 those are airframes that at some point had operational fuselage speed brakes (1st and 2nd contracts went mostly for modification prototypes EA-6,KA-6 etc..) most from the rest of the list were converted into KA-6D. 1st contract. 147864 147865 147866 147867 2nd contract. 148615 148616 148617 148618 3rd contract 149475 149476 149477 149478 149479 149480 149481 149482 149483 149484 149485 149486 4th contract. 149935 149936 149937 149938 149939 149940 On the inboard flap, there is a circular cutout to provide clearance above 300gal tank. So something is wrong with the model. Either flaps should extend more...or pylons are slightly too high. Or both ..or Something needs to be determined. It would be extremely COOL if you could add to the main model various A/A37B-6/5 ejector racks. Ravenclaw has a marvelous model. I am sure that something can be arranged. Built-in MERs/TERs can give us countless mix loadout options - known for this bomb truck. Also, specific launch rails for Shrikes, Standard ARM, winders etc. would be great. This would give a significant advantage over the stock Thirdwire model. So we do not have to screw around with fake pilot pylons, rails etc.
  7. those blisters under the wings are AN/APR-25 - and should be a little bulkier longer and more rounded. APR-15 was on the wingtip itself little behind the wingtip lights - -where in late models were located formation lights. here is the visible place where ALR-15 was installed (flat squarish spot with 6 screws) ALR-15 was old shitty system that could look only left and right (more or less) and two lights in the cockpit indicating left - right side warning. later changed to APR-25 and later ALR-45 was added too (at this point ALR-15 was removed from use already) 1. those are speed break actuator fairing - so if you have fuselage speed brakes and no windspeed brakes this should be not there (very early A-6) 2. APR-25 3. here is more or less ALE-18 chaff dispenser...(do not remember if it is one or two slots) I will check next week.
  8. Looks good. You are missing wingtip lights, and ALR-15 antenas on wingtips (early A model), front gear doors - those 3 lights should be evenly spaced along the side of the door (angle of attack indexer lights), There should be a small slot on the lower fuselage (left-hand side) between the engine exhaust and speed brake for AN/ALE-18 chaff dispenser
  9. yet, you were asking in your 1st post about the real thing in Shooting Star and Sabre. So I pointed out that no HUD in that period.
  10. Make fake weaponstation for rhino with viper's 370gal tanks. And do not load them on rhino. But it will be available for 16 if you choose to use it as your wingman. I am doing this walkaround in some of my helos to have mixed flights (fully equipped) huey/cobra or cobra/loach etc..
  11. no not this....I will try to figure out which one. I think most understand what is HUD and what is simple reflector/gyro reflector sight. You also admit that you know the difference...so why build confusion. you have jet aircraft and piston engine aircraft, aircraft...both can fly...but you feel the difference.
  12. come on.. no HUD back then. Map, height, speed, timing, and training. It is nicely described in one of the Meteors' books, can not remember right now which one.
  13. a lot of the thingies/differences are in small details, like tail hook doors/or no doors, intake scoops, front gear doors, wing fences, chaff dispensers, etc etc. I will search over the weekend for what I have. A good source is 'Intruder. the operational history of Grumman's A-6' published by Shiffer. Also, Tailhooktopics blog is a reliable source...https://tailspintopics.blogspot.com/2015/09/grumman-6a-vs-6e-intruder.html - must read as many 3d models are based on late A-6..
  14. I can send you max file, (Friday/Saturday)
  15. generally, they are going to the mother's womb for a big deal...small things can be dealt with on-site.
  16. did something like this for a stock drumstick. VA-85 for 1965 CVW-11 deployment. Decal camo on two airframes amid 17 white/greys. And also for TRAM in ODS30.. yours is VA-165 in 1989. I think they painted one more in sand shades.
  17. just some time ago I started Vietnam war squadron deployments. So got some reasearch. no 2 and 7 - are you planning A-6B and A-6C too ?
  18. Mirage F1CR standard F4

    Very nicely done. @ludo.m54 check data for weapon stations in data ini. you are missing some StationID= numbers in sequence...(11,12...and some more) resulting that the last working station is No10.
  19. eh... but if you have two PCs - on one you can play a campaign on the other make mods
  20. @GKABS this is a nice list...but remember you pick aircraft with many versions...so going into F-15E may lead (or should ) into C and D. A-6 and its all versions would be a nice upgrade (although there are some small differences in models like part of the wing for EA-6B...) etc etc. We have quite a decent F-5E. from Centurion (?) right? Viggen is a good choice too! And new improved Tomcat would be great! Side note .. we might have this year refreshed radar nose saber dogs. I am still hoping for Su....any Su to shoot at. I heard some rumors about zipper somewhere someone or this is my imagination. I started to make lines and rivets on KC...yes @daddyairplanes that KC... and since I destroyed countless times my new ground objects..it is time to make new ones... nah...community could also do that..but did not. So... But yes probably a lot would buy said DLC... - which leads me to my biggest complaint about flight sims - for developers air war is only 'fighter aircraft' while in reality air war is won by unsung heroes in transports, recon, elint, sigint, AWACs, tankers, and generally support crews. Imagine flying a 30-day campaign flying only in unarmed sparkvark or compass call. Only a player with balls would do that I have seen worst. I did skins for A-6 - the thing is you have to compromise here and there...
  21. View File [What If] RAF '43. Early jet madness. What if ... RAF went 'full jet' much earlier? Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) Install: Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination. A fake pilot is required to run this mod. Also, the Thirdwire Meteor cockpit is required from the original game. Fuel tanks- Overwrite or just leave it. 100 gal tank is the original TW tank. You can overwrite or just simply do not copy. 175 gal tank also. Tanks are just ini files. The mod uses tanks that are part of aircraft lod. After successful trials of Meteor F.1 Ministry of Defense urged the Gloster company to increase the speed of production. How financing this enormous effort was possible until today is a mystery, that can not be revealed until the year 2375 - due to a secret agreement. But rumors are that behind that substantial loan was the First Bank of Commerce of Ferenginar. But this is a quite different story that we should not discuss here. MoD sent requirements for the development of special versions. Gloster at that time focused on the F.3 variant. But having prepared airframes and finally a large stock of Rolls-Royce Dervent I, the company decided to put what they had together resulting in Meteor F.1b which was an upgraded F.1 variant with modifications known from the upcoming F.3 model. Meanwhile, the company took the development of a fighter-reconnaissance version resulting in the FR.2 Meteor equipped with elongated nose with recon cameras. FR.2 was powered by an uprated engine- Derwent II. Also, the high altitude variant marked as HF.5 received longer span wings and an uprated newly developed Derwent 4 jet engine. The fuselage was reworked by increasing the height of the fuselage right after the canopy which allowed it to fix slightly bigger internal fuel tanks. Only 26 HF.5 were built. Knowing that Gloster can not afford to work on all MoD requirements some of the work was moved to other companies. Armstrong-Withworth focused on the development of a radar-equipped night fighter version - NF.6. In this model AW installed a Bristol-made turret with four 20mm Hispano cannons. Additionally, two 20mm cannons were installed in the wings. This version was powered by engines initially installed in the HF.5 variant. Which already had better performance at higher altitudes. DeHavilland took the mantle of developing a fighter bomber variant. Based on HF.5 but with shorter wings FB.3 was delivered in the middle of 1943. This variant was equipped with 4 bomb racks under the fuselage. Since DeHavilland made a significant amount of changes in the airframe by strengthening the airframe, received permission to change the name of the aircraft - and there where Banshee was born. Only 24 fighter-bombers Banshee FB.3 were built before switching to production of full-grown fighter-bomber variant FB.5. At the same time remaining airframes and long-span wings were put together into the photo reconnaissance variant PR.4. which was still in fact development of the HF.5 variant. Full fighter bomber variant FB.5 was ready two months later. Knowing that FB.3 had serious issues with drag when loaded with bombs, DeHavilland redesigned the central part of the aircraft and equipped FB.5 with an internal bomb bay. Additionally, FB.5 had a remote-controlled turret. Nose contained similar to FB.3 weaponry - four 20mm Hispano canons and four 0.303 cal Browning machine guns. In further development, FB.5 could carry specially made for small bomb containers, additional fuel packs in a bomb bay, or 57mm canon which was required for Coastal Command variant - FB.5C. Coastal Command additionally equipped its Banshees with ASV mkVII surface radar. Based on the FB.5C variant Fairey Company developed the torpedo fighter Banshee TF.6 - where the main difference is the lack of an internal bomb bay but with a semi-recessed belly to accommodate Mk.12 torpedo. All FB.5 and TF.6 were equipped with a new jet engine a joint Rolls-Royce DeHavilland program - which resulted in Hobgoblin 2 and Derwent 5 engines Special note: TF.6 /FB.5c - you will find that loading a QF6 57mm cannon Mk.12 torpedo is possible on both birds - this is just a 'fake weapon station' that allows choosing your wingman to fly FB.5c and still have the possibility to load a full range of weapons for second aircraft. All skins are in 4096x4096 format. I Made a bunch of decals covering all real serial numbers of Banshee and Meteor Also, the RAF letters folder should be added to the Decals folder I know it is big but it gives slightly better quality with still a small file size. If you have already my RAF letters from the real Meteor pack - you can overwrite them - this adds a few more variations of letters. There are many reasons why I have made things in this mod the way they are...versions, skins, and decals. A lot to explain but I doubt anyone wants to read about it anyway. Pack is big..but I think you will see why it is, the way it is. Credits. Veltro2k - the original old model of t7 Yours truly - model rework, mambo jumbo like skins, decals, research... Pilots - RAF pilot by Geezer I used Ravenclaw's weapons - bombs and rockets (those that are required due to stated in loadout.ini) The rest are done by me. This model is designed/checked only to work with Ravenclaw's rockets and bombs - so there might be some strange positioning in other (stock - often oversized) weapons. During the creation of squadron patches, I might have used the wrong crown on squadron crests. (according to the squadron timeframe)Gaffe indeed. All should have St. Edward's Crown but I am aware that some have Tudor Crown. It is not out of ignorance ...Hope this small faux pas can be forgiven. Have fun. Report bugs. * Expect the unexpected. Live long and prosper. Jarek Hereda THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. UNDER THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it. Not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files.. Submitter yakarov79 Submitted 02/04/2024 Category What If Hangar  
  22. Version 1.0.0


    What if ... RAF went 'full jet' much earlier? Basic modding skills are required to run this mod. (copy/paste, mod folder structure, etc.) Install: Copy and paste specific folders into the correct destination. A fake pilot is required to run this mod. Also, the Thirdwire Meteor cockpit is required from the original game. Fuel tanks- Overwrite or just leave it. 100 gal tank is the original TW tank. You can overwrite or just simply do not copy. 175 gal tank also. Tanks are just ini files. The mod uses tanks that are part of aircraft lod. After successful trials of Meteor F.1 Ministry of Defense urged the Gloster company to increase the speed of production. How financing this enormous effort was possible until today is a mystery, that can not be revealed until the year 2375 - due to a secret agreement. But rumors are that behind that substantial loan was the First Bank of Commerce of Ferenginar. But this is a quite different story that we should not discuss here. MoD sent requirements for the development of special versions. Gloster at that time focused on the F.3 variant. But having prepared airframes and finally a large stock of Rolls-Royce Dervent I, the company decided to put what they had together resulting in Meteor F.1b which was an upgraded F.1 variant with modifications known from the upcoming F.3 model. Meanwhile, the company took the development of a fighter-reconnaissance version resulting in the FR.2 Meteor equipped with elongated nose with recon cameras. FR.2 was powered by an uprated engine- Derwent II. Also, the high altitude variant marked as HF.5 received longer span wings and an uprated newly developed Derwent 4 jet engine. The fuselage was reworked by increasing the height of the fuselage right after the canopy which allowed it to fix slightly bigger internal fuel tanks. Only 26 HF.5 were built. Knowing that Gloster can not afford to work on all MoD requirements some of the work was moved to other companies. Armstrong-Withworth focused on the development of a radar-equipped night fighter version - NF.6. In this model AW installed a Bristol-made turret with four 20mm Hispano cannons. Additionally, two 20mm cannons were installed in the wings. This version was powered by engines initially installed in the HF.5 variant. Which already had better performance at higher altitudes. DeHavilland took the mantle of developing a fighter bomber variant. Based on HF.5 but with shorter wings FB.3 was delivered in the middle of 1943. This variant was equipped with 4 bomb racks under the fuselage. Since DeHavilland made a significant amount of changes in the airframe by strengthening the airframe, received permission to change the name of the aircraft - and there where Banshee was born. Only 24 fighter-bombers Banshee FB.3 were built before switching to production of full-grown fighter-bomber variant FB.5. At the same time remaining airframes and long-span wings were put together into the photo reconnaissance variant PR.4. which was still in fact development of the HF.5 variant. Full fighter bomber variant FB.5 was ready two months later. Knowing that FB.3 had serious issues with drag when loaded with bombs, DeHavilland redesigned the central part of the aircraft and equipped FB.5 with an internal bomb bay. Additionally, FB.5 had a remote-controlled turret. Nose contained similar to FB.3 weaponry - four 20mm Hispano canons and four 0.303 cal Browning machine guns. In further development, FB.5 could carry specially made for small bomb containers, additional fuel packs in a bomb bay, or 57mm canon which was required for Coastal Command variant - FB.5C. Coastal Command additionally equipped its Banshees with ASV mkVII surface radar. Based on the FB.5C variant Fairey Company developed the torpedo fighter Banshee TF.6 - where the main difference is the lack of an internal bomb bay but with a semi-recessed belly to accommodate Mk.12 torpedo. All FB.5 and TF.6 were equipped with a new jet engine a joint Rolls-Royce DeHavilland program - which resulted in Hobgoblin 2 and Derwent 5 engines Special note: TF.6 /FB.5c - you will find that loading a QF6 57mm cannon Mk.12 torpedo is possible on both birds - this is just a 'fake weapon station' that allows choosing your wingman to fly FB.5c and still have the possibility to load a full range of weapons for second aircraft. All skins are in 4096x4096 format. I Made a bunch of decals covering all real serial numbers of Banshee and Meteor Also, the RAF letters folder should be added to the Decals folder I know it is big but it gives slightly better quality with still a small file size. If you have already my RAF letters from the real Meteor pack - you can overwrite them - this adds a few more variations of letters. There are many reasons why I have made things in this mod the way they are...versions, skins, and decals. A lot to explain but I doubt anyone wants to read about it anyway. Pack is big..but I think you will see why it is, the way it is. Credits. Veltro2k - the original old model of t7 Yours truly - model rework, mambo jumbo like skins, decals, research... Pilots - RAF pilot by Geezer I used Ravenclaw's weapons - bombs and rockets (those that are required due to stated in loadout.ini) The rest are done by me. This model is designed/checked only to work with Ravenclaw's rockets and bombs - so there might be some strange positioning in other (stock - often oversized) weapons. During the creation of squadron patches, I might have used the wrong crown on squadron crests. (according to the squadron timeframe)Gaffe indeed. All should have St. Edward's Crown but I am aware that some have Tudor Crown. It is not out of ignorance ...Hope this small faux pas can be forgiven. Have fun. Report bugs. * Expect the unexpected. Live long and prosper. Jarek Hereda THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. UNDER THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT * report BIG bugs...If I misspelled something or forgot to add a sound file...for dog's sake try to fix it. Not like this mod is using some ancient or extraterrestrial files..

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