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snowburn last won the day on July 15 2020

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About snowburn

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    Bovril, Argentina.
  • Interests
    Flight Simulators, Photography, Game Design, Programming

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  1. Sorry, i didnt knew how to explain. I dont know if the .LOD format is owned by TW or it can be used without paying royalties. If the .lod format can be used without paying it would be nice to have a new flightsim using some community assets, the quantity and quality of some of them is very good and superior to some comercial proyects. A new game (commercial or open source) 100% compatible with the currents assets, datafiles, and so on will have a gigantic amount of user generated content, i wonder if it would be legally possible. If it was, it can also be used on personal projects, like the one i did following this great initial tutorial from Why465 (creator of the excelent Tiny Combat Arena) making a semi realistic flight mode in unity (great engine but not the best for a flight simulator, it lacks 64bits transforms and it can make problemas son big worlds, larger than 20x20kms) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOSNYa2RwLM&list=PLdjDhgESYQQaXgtz03l2rqDnPxVyqIZlY&index=2) I made a few improvements (will upload a video soon) but im still years appart of making the 10% of that game, im sure this group have much better developers than me. Im not trying to stole nobody work!! i was just wondering if a company or group can use the content saved on that format (excluding TW content and having permisions from each modder) Sorry for my english!
  2. Hello everyone!! I was reading the old discution about "hacking" the avionics DLLs and i have a question... how legal would be making al alternative open source game 100% compatible with third party LODs and Terrain Tiles? im sure TW will never realease the source code of SF2 and his artwork is protected by law, so the idea was to use the community models (with each modder permission), the .INI datafiles, Decals, and so on.. Something like this... step 1- Basic flight model in 3rd person view / animations / decals / _data.INI step 2- Terrain Rendering, Target Areas, Object Spawn, Airbases, Parked Aircrafts step 3- Cockpit view with functional gauges step 4- Weapons, Load limits, years, MER, TER, Rails, functional AG Dumb bombs Thanks
  3. i loved that place, It was the default home airport for the early microsoft flight simulator games (until FS98 i think)
  4. Sorry to bother you @ravenclaw_007 but are the SAMP bombs ready, i cant find where to download it :) Thanks and keep up your great work
  5. Misc Screenshot over Rio de la Plata. Warcrimes. Gepards are deadly.
  6. @Gepard your map is getting better everyday, cant wait to play the latest version :) There are some references points of Buenos Aires, if you have any questions feel free to ask me
  7. Air Combat and Ground Strafe over Isla Martin Garcia
  8. Sorry, i made a mistake In 1981 we get some Roland 1 trailers (not active today) and two years later the roland 2 arrived to the country and continue to be on service. Also, the argentine navy has at least 1 triple tigercat launcher, but cant find info about it.
  9. We have some Roland II Trailers There was a canceled proyect named: TAM VCLM, it was a TAM Chassis with a Roland II turret (it can be found on the SF1 section) And we had Strela 2M, Blowpipe and RBS 70 NG
  10. Thanks Gepard!!! for the uruguayan side you can add Botnia Paperworks, near Fray Bentos and Gualeguaychú on the coast of the Rio Uruguay. this factory caused an international incident and protestors blocked the international bridge for more than 3 years. "Tabaré Vázquez mentioned in October 2011 that he had considered the possibility of an armed conflict with Argentina over the topic, and sought support of the United States (during the presidency of George Bush) in such a case. He had interviews with Condoleezza Rice, and ordered the military commanders to stay ready" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruguay_River_pulp_mill_dispute
  11. i hope they pay a bonus for dangerous work, or inverst in good AAA and SAMS, being bombed isnt nice.
  12. Taking off from Isla Martin Garcia Airport It looks like the offending vessel, let get closer and get visual id. yes, this is the right ship Kono, change your course to 120 degrees and prepare to be boarded. No answer? fire a few warning shots Tower, this is flight 452, the ship is turning back, returning to base, over. Safe Landing :)
  13. im sure i've seen a hot dog stand as ground target on some map

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