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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. Remember, if you have "cloud" setting on "5" (the last number), the AI CAN NOT see through the clouds. Anything less than "5" and they have "X-ray" vision, plus I have not noticed any drop in FPS when I did up my cloud setting to "5" either.
  2. When installing CFS3: 1. Pick language 2. Pick Game 3. Pick Custom Install (Express Install will automatically install it on "C" drive) 4. Pick Next 5. Pick Change 6. Go to the Path line and change "C" to D", while leaving the rest of the path line the same 7. Pick OK Installing BH&H: 1. Select Destination Location, change "C" to D" while leaving the rest of the path the same . You now have both CFS3 and BH&H installed on the "D" drive versus the "C" drive. I do this for ALL my games. I only leave the OS and non-game programs on "C", all my games go on my other drives, but then I have 4 other drives (Land, Sea, Air & Backups) that are a minimum of 1TB each just for this purpose.
  3. I have had no problem installin OFF to another drive other than "C" drive on the two PC's that I have installed OFF onto. I just told CFS3 & OFF to install to another drive when first installing CFS3 & OFF.
  4. Armchair aces 1915

    Thank you for this and your great FMs that go with Stephens' new planes.
  5. Vickers Gunbus

    Thank you.
  6. Latest FM/DM Combos?

    Have you solved the low flying / tree crashing problem with the AI Weight mod ??? A new FM that caused these problems would not be much use in the game if your wingmates can not get into the air to fly the patrol with you.
  7. HITR

    INSTALLING BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL NOTE: Steps 1 & 2 below are optional, and only definitely needed if your Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 disk is old (version 3.0). CFS3 needs to be v3.1 to run OFF. However if your CFS3 CD/DVD is purchased new or bought more recently it will be v3.1 already - in this case you may choose to skip steps 1 & 2! Anyway during step 3, to help, the OFF installer can check your CFS3 CD/DVD anyway if you are in doubt. (*steps 1 and 2 only needed if your CFS3 is old v3.0, otherwise start from step 3.) 1. *Install Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 2. *Install Microsoft CFS3 patch v3.1 (See FAQ Q5 for where to download Microsoft's CFS3 patches from) 3. Install OVER FLANDERS FIELDS: BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL from DVD. 4. Download both patches from the BH&H patches download page here 5. Install OVER FLANDERS FIELDS: BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL PATCH V1.32 (Known as SuperPatch 1.32) 6. Install OVER FLANDERS FIELDS: BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL MINI PATCH V1.32G 7. Configure (see CONFIGURING OFF BELOW, 7a. PLAY, OR next if you have OVER FLANDERS FIELDS: HAT IN THE RING! expansion install that too: INSTALLING HAT IN THE RING! EXPANSION: NOTE: 8. YOU MUST INSTALL PATCHES FOR BH&H AS ABOVE, BEFORE INSTALLING "HAT IN THE RING!" Expansion. 9. Install OVER FLANDERS FIELDS:HAT IN THE RING! 10. Download Minipatch V1.47 from the HITR patches download page here 11. Install OVER FLANDERS FIELDS: HAT IN THE RING! MINIPATCH V1.47 12. Configure (see CONFIGURING OFF below) 13. Play Note 2 : if you just bought both Between Heaven and Hell and HAT IN THE RING! make sure you install all in the order as above. However if you already have Between Heaven and Hell DVD installed make sure you have fully patched it FIRST (steps 5 and 6) before installing HITR and then make a backup of the HITR installer (see points below).
  8. Speedfan ... ? anyone have/use it?

    I have used Speedfan in the past and did not really notice a difference (but then I was not having any overheating problems on that particular PC). What you might want to do to test what ever it was that you are having overheating problems on, is taking off the side of the PC and blowing a floor fan directly into the PC on you open side. If that stops the overheating, you either have a fan that is not working on one of the components or the fan could have come loose from what ever it was suppose to be cooling (that problem I did have). I have also had the problem of one of the heatsinks on one of the GPU components come loose and that was causing the GPU to overheat and stop working.
  9. Flogger23: No, I have stayed with the Jan11 SF2 patches and I can extract anything in the game that I want. It should have been the May11 patch that stopped LOD extractions, which is why I'm still at the Jan11 patch level.
  10. FS-WW1 ----Where Can You Buy It?

    The trick to CFS3 is like IL2, it's the setting behind the scene for older PC's that make it playable. Newer PC's just use "brute force" to overcome the graphic or CUP bottlenecks. If you want a truely "immersive" WW1 flight game that is Campaign oriented, you will not beat CFS3/Over Flanders Fields game.
  11. FS-WW1 ----Where Can You Buy It?

    FS-WW1 is free (should find it here in the downloads section). It is based on the old (over 10 years old game) Screaming Eagles Over Europe. The FS-WW1 is set up where you do not even need to buy the old SEOE any more. As you can tell a old game like SEOE will not be very rresource intensive on your PC, the biggest problem may be just getting to it run depending on your Operating System.
  12. Bristol M1c Monoplane

    Or he can go fly one over in First Eagles.
  13. Promotion Idea

    If you also notice, the OFF crew has not been seen to ask their customers to buy just one more plane before Christmas so they can stay in busniess like ROF did this past year, so maybe the OFF busniess model is more successful than the ROF busniess model.
  14. Try here: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/forumdisplay.php?f=173
  15. You can purchase or make wire markers (colored tape) so you know which wire goes where. Plus you can buy velcro wire ties so you can bundle the wire, but easlily undo them to change a wire if needed in the future
  16. Yo!

    I'm using a quad core i7 975, Win7 64, ATI 6970 and I get between 55 and 60 FPS with OFF's setting of 5-5-3-4-5-5. So if that is not good enough for you, I do not know what is !!!
  17. Planned Upgrade

    The newer ATI 7970's are fster than my 6970's, so it would be quite a jump for you coming from a ATI 5780 (without having to Crossfire). I have ATI Crossfire 6970's and the only game it really makes a difference is ROF, I actually have to disable the Crossfire to get the best FPS in OFF. If I use Crossfire in OFF I can drop down to the low 40's FPS, but with Crossfire disabled, I seldom drop below 55 FPS on OFF (5-5-3-4-5-5) over the same terrain as the low 40's with Crossfire on.
  18. xtreme fsx pc

    Does it work on any other program other than FSX ???
  19. I moved all of my SF2 games to another drive too, the only difference is I created the exact same location on the other drive so all I had to do was change Directory locations, example: "Directory=C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\SF2 Europe" to "Directory=E:\Users\YOUR NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\SF2 Europe". Makes it a lot simpler that way.
  20. Spad 7 in FEG

    You have to install a cockpit into any of the AI planes (the SPAD VII is an AI plane) before you can fly them. Go into the FE/FE2 File Download section and get a SPAD VII cockpit, read how to install one and then fly the plane. Using the SF1 Knowledge Base section will tell you how to install the needed files since SF1 & FE are basically the same game.
  21. Kindle Fire

    The $79 per year covers 2 Day Free Shipping from Amazon (but not always from Amazon's 3rd Party Vendors), it also covers some Free movies / TV shows at Amazon. If you buy a lot of things from Amazon like us, it pays for it's self quickly with the free shipping.
  22. Combined FM and AI Weight Mod Complete!

    I have tried downloading this file to add to the list that 33LIMA posted, but it keeps saying ist's corrupted: ArcMod for HPW's Damage Mod 1.25 Version 1.0, 16 November . Any body else have the same problem ???
  23. Combined FM and AI Weight Mod Complete!

    33LIMA: Thank you for the correct order in which to install them.
  24. Combined FM and AI Weight Mod Complete!

    Thank you HPW. As usual, you have advanced OFF to new heights of realism. Edit: I forgot to ask, but does this FM mod also contain the Rear Gun Arc Mod since I do not see it mentioned in your above notes or Readme ???

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