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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. Jagies

    Have you set you AA level in the Workshop Graphic utility ??? It is right beneath the Resolution section, I use 8x and it looks great.
  2. No luck with my ATI 6970, but here is the article that I read back in July that explains FXAA even better: http://www.hardocp.com/article/2011/07/18/nvidias_new_fxaa_antialiasing_technology/
  3. According to another website thread that I read several weeks ago, it said that this worked on ATI cards too. Sounds like I will try it with my ATI cards to see if it does work.
  4. Nieuports 10 and 12 in progress

    Great work and thank you.
  5. I had to try several different TrackIR drivers before I found on that worked best on my PC with my TrackIR 4.
  6. Copy your exixting SF2E ".exe", rename it to "SF2E NF+" (or any other name you want), then "execute it". When you do this, it will create a mod folder called "SF2E NF+" (or any other name you chose to call the new ".exe"). You then extract the NF+ mod into your new mod folder and away you go.
  7. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    The funny thing is the moment I posted my reply, I knew I had lost the bet, but I thought helping Olham was more important. But a bet is a bet, so here is your virtual beer and thanks again for the SPADs.
  8. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    Olham: The OFF Manager only states when the SPAD VII (150 HP) or SPAD XIII (200 HP) appears, unfortunately it does not give us when the SPAD VII 180 HP, SPAD XIII 220 HP or SPAD XIII 235 HP appears . That is why you have to look at those dates, roll the dice and install the upgraded SPADs. I sure hope the Devs put these planes into P4 since they have the varous upgraded Albatrosses in the game, but ignored the SPADs (German bias ???)
  9. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    You and I are in 100% agreement in every thing you say above.
  10. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    I told HPW when he was making this mod that the BIGGEST disagreement will be the Front Lines Service dates. As I told HPW, there are a lot of dates out there so he if you noticed, he stated Approximate in the mod. The dates came from the "French Aircraft of the First World War" by Flying Machines Press and it says that SPAD VII 150 HPs were being produced starting "late 1916 and a total of 24 had been delivered by September of that year. From October through December 143 were built." But under the OPERATIONAL SERVICE section on the SPAD VII, "By 25 February 1917 the number of SPAD fighters delivered was 268." Later is says "The first aircraft to arrive at the front included a single example sent to N49 on 7 November 1916 followed by a second machine sent to N49 in December, It is interesting to note that there was no attempt to equip an entire escadrille with SPAD 7s. Rather, a few examples were sent to each unit and when, during 1917 enough machines were delivered, the escadrille would change its designation to SPA" As a result, it is not the macufacturing of the planes that count here, but when they became operational in the front lines. This is why there is a later date for the SPADs at the squadron level than when they are first manufactured. But since thia is only a game, you are free to activate them any time you want.
  11. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    Olham: You should only activate only ONE SPAD VII and ONE SPAD 13 at a time in the JSGME. If you have two SPAD VII activated at the same time, the second one will overwrite the first SPAD VII. The same is true withe SPAD 13s, activate only one of the three SPAD 13s at once. Remember, the particular SPAD VII or SPAD 13 FM that you activate in JSGME is used by all the SPADs of the that particular type in the game, not just your squadron. Obvously the fist SPAD VII that reached the front lines is the 150 HP, which will eventually be replaced with the SPAD VII 180 HP (for the rest of the war). The first SPAD 13 was the 200 HP, whci was replaced by the SPAD 13 220 HP and finally the SPAD 13 235 HP at the end of the war. The way you use them is detailed as such: As an *approximate* guide to when each aircraft and engine upgrade entered service, please see the following chart: Approximate Aircraft Entered Service: Spad VII 150 February 1917 (start or default) Spad VII 180 June 1917* Spad XIII 200 January 1918 (start or default) Spad XIII 220 April 1918* Spad XIII 235 August 1918* In order to simulate when a particular squad might have recieved their engine updgrade, I recommend that on the first of each month marked with an asterik, the player should roll a six-sided die. If you roll a number equal to or higher than the following guide, your squad gets the upgrade and you can install the newer engine. If not, at the beginning of each following week, roll the die again until you obtain the upgrade. (If you wish, you may add +1 to each roll if you are in an elite squad). Week Roll One 6 Two 5,6 Three 4,5,6 Four+ 3,4,5,6
  12. How well does AI 'see'?

    It has been posted several times that if your "cloud" setting is "5", the AI can not see you through the clouds (like in real life).
  13. Here is a tested and guaranteed method to allow you to use both OFF's default Aces skins and HPW's new FM's in P3. Both HPW and I have both tested it and it is guaranteed to work if you use the following steps: 1. Disable all your HPW FMs in the OFF JSGME folder 2. Go into a OFF Campaign and start a campaign mission 3. Click "Go to Field" and start mission for 4 or 5 seconds (you will now see your fellow squadron's Aces skins in your mission) 4. Pause the mission and then exit the mission using the correct upper right pull down selection method 5. Completely exit the game 6. Enable all your HPW FMs in your OFF JSGME folder 7. Go back into your OFF Campaign 8. Select "Fly Last Mission" 9. Now when you re-enter your last mission (that you never flew), you will still see all your Aces skins from the first time and you are now using your new HPW FMs too. Yes, you have to do some extra steps to fly your campaign mission, but then you now have both the Aces skins and HPW's fantastic new FM's. I want to thank HPW for his great FM's and confirming this method for using both the Aces skins and his FM's. This now opens the door for HPW to provide even more of his corrected FM's for the game while using the default Aces skins.
  14. I'm updating my "FE1 Realistic Sky Mod" for FE2 and so far it looks even better than the FE1 version (IMHO). When I get through in the next few days, is there anybody out there that wants to Beta test it and let me know what they think (as well as how it looks on another PC) ???
  15. The Albatros C.III is here

    Thank you.
  16. Lack of Ideas

    It is called "Political Correctness".
  17. PITA, yes, but at least you now have a option of being able to use both the Aces skins and HPW's FMs (which is more that we had before).
  18. Which version of JSGME do you use ???
  19. my cockpit view

    Glad you figured it out, I was running out of ideas on what could be your problem.
  20. Huey questions

    Wrench: That is only part of the fix I sent Dave. There are several other fixes that are needed to get all the rotors to work all the time on the Hueys.
  21. my cockpit view

    What is you ground object density setting in the Workshop setting screen ???
  22. my cockpit view

    I have a "4" for each with my new video card, and my scenery & terrain with trees and buildings goes clear out to the horizon. I suspect that the videos that you see have either both "3"s or "4"s for the scenery and terrain. Try upping your numbers and see for yourself what it looks like (even if you can not fly that way all the time).
  23. my cockpit view

    What is your "Scenery" and "Terrain" numbers ??? Most PC's handle a "3" each, but if you have a good PC, you can up it to "4" for each.
  24. I have a new ATI 6970 and when I tried the 11.6 drivers and my FPS dropped to 30, so i went back to 10.12 drivers that I used with my old ATI 4890's and my FPS went back up to 60.

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