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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. There is a whole Suez 1948-56 SF2 mod here at CA, but it does require the TW SF2I addon. And yes, it already has all those items included in the mod.
  2. There is no trim in the game because it is considered a "lite air simulator" and thus not needed.
  3. In the Thirdwire series, you can view other planes by pressing the "F6" button multiple times (a different plane each push), is there a command or button in OFF that does the same thing ??? The reason that I ask is that I would like to look at the other planes in the sky versus mine all the time. Thanks
  4. Other planes view command ?

    What about friendly planes ???
  5. I hope P4 will have QC?

    Agreed, I use QC to test things, so please leave it in.
  6. ATI 11.6 driver crash

    When I updated my ATI drivers from 10.12 to 11.6 (after upgrading my video cards from Crossfire 4890's to a single 6970), my FPS in First Eagles 2 dropped 50% (but no FPS change in OFF). When I went back to the 10.12 drivers, my FPS went back up to 50-60 FPS as before. As the old saying goes "newer is not always better !!!!"
  7. Will OFF run on W7 64BIT

    I run it on two different Win 7 64 bit computers (one desktop and one laptop) with no problems.
  8. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    Olham: I too installed all three packages (Ultimate DM, allied FM and German FM) on two difference PC's yesterday with out any conflicting messages either time. Sounds like there is something wrong with either your install or downloads.
  9. Adding stuff to FE2

    Go here and substitue FE1 for SF1 and FE2 for SF2 (basicly the same game, different eras): http://combatace.com...e-by-migbuster/
  10. Adding stuff to FE2

    Modifying FE2 is exactly the same as modding SF2. Just check the SF2 Knowledge Base and you will know how to mod FE2.
  11. Ati 5870 woes

    I too was suffering from the "black square" problem in OFF using my ATI Crossfire 4890's if I moved my terrain/scenery settings above "3", i.e. I could run 5/3/3/5/5 all day, but not 5/4/4/5/5. But trying a little experiment the other day, i.e. disabling Crossfire, I am now able to run WITH OUT any "black squares" using the 5/4/4/5/5 settings. You could say that I have become a firm believer in not using Crossfire in OFF, now and in the future.
  12. How is this one different for the one TK posted there several weeks ago ??? The last one he posted did not allow you to open the lod's cat file.
  13. The Lloyd C.II is here

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Another Italian front plane for quack74 to add to his campaign.
  14. Thank you, it really works now. Not only did it fix the problem, but I see that WP now has the "Stary" effect too.
  15. The Phönix D.II is here

    Very, very nice.
  16. Lloyd C.II in progress

  17. Lloyd C.II in progress

    quack74: With all new planes Stephen1918 is creating, you should be able to do a Austro-Italian 1917 campaign too.
  18. Lloyd C.II in progress

    All we have to do when you are through with all the Austro- italian Front planes you are creating, is get quack74 to update/expand his Italian Front Campaign to include them !!!
  19. To Stephen1918 - new pits!

    Nix: Thank you for the corrected Spad VII cockpit's. They work great in my FE1 game. Unfortunately, FE2 (like SF2) uses a different perspective for it's pilot/cockpit and I am going to have to adjust your Spad VII cockpit files to get it to work correctly in my FE2 game so the view looks the same as the FE1 game. Thanks again.
  20. To Stephen1918 - new pits!

    Nix: Your Spad VII view is a lot better than mine. Any way you could post your Spad VII cockpit_data.ini for me to try out. Thanks.
  21. Ati 5870 woes

    Just remember when you say how bad the ATI Drivers are, at least they did not put out any drivers like nVidia that caused your video card to self distruct like nVidia did this past year !!!
  22. To Stephen1918 - new pits!

    Thank you. In that case, maybe you could add it to your wish list for the future then.
  23. To Stephen1918 - new pits!

    Unfortunately playing with the cockpit_data.ini does not cure the Spad VII cockpit problem. Try moving the view point or cockpit around in the cockpit_data.ini file and you will see what I mean. I think it will take a little bit of 3D work to get everything lines up correctly. P.S. I really do appreciate all your new planes, with quack74 skins and ojcar's FM's. Thanks.
  24. To Stephen1918 - new pits!

    If you would like to "fix or correct" a currently used cockpit, you might look at the Spad VII cockpit that uses the existing Spad XIII cockpit. The unfortunate thing is the Spad XIII cockpit when used in the Spad VII sits to low to be completely realistic. You could say it simulates about a 5 foot or 1.5 meter tall pilot at the Spad VII controls. The Spad XIII cockpit in the Spad XIII is no problem because you have correct perspective of looking over the windshield, but in the Spad VII, (in which the windshield was as short or shorter than the Spad XIII), you look under the top of the windshield.

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