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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. OT: A New Project Followed Me Home

    Since the '64 had a Lucis generator versus the more efficent alternator like the later MG's, are you going to keep it that way or upgrade it ??? After all, the reason the British drink warm beers is because they use Lucis refrigerators. (Lucis = the Prince of Darkness).
  2. FE2 On Sale For $19.99

    One of the best things about FE2 versus FE1, was the doubling of FPS on my PC, since FE2 is designed for multi-core CPU's versus FE1 being designed for single core CPU's.
  3. The Phönix D.II is here

    FE2 handles decals the same way as SF2. As a result, if you read the SF2 Knowlwdge Base, you will understand how FE2 works compared to FE1 of FE Gold. It is not that hard to convert planes from FE1 to FE2, you just have to know the small "tricks" to do it. And yes, you could have both sets of decals in your plane packages since neither game will read the others decals. You just have to have the correct decal.ini to ge with each game so it knows where to "see" the decals.
  4. Are you still "teathered" to the internet when playing this demo or the non-demo SP campaign ??? If you are, I'm still not interested, since this is the the main reason that I have not bought ROF since the beginning.
  5. New version of the Aviatik-Berg D.1

    I too thank you for making these great contibutions to the First Eagles community. You are filling in some big holes that have been left open for many, many years.
  6. Phönix D.II in Progress

    It looks like we are getting closer and closer to a true Austro-Italian Front all the time. My hopes started clear back in the Red Baron 3D days, and between quack74 (skins & campaign), Stephen1918 (models) and ojcar (FM's), this is about the closest we come so far.
  7. Ati 5870 woes

    My Intel 975 is multi core, so that should make no difference. I do use last years ATI 10.12 drivers with my Crossfire since my ATI cards do not need the "latest & greatest" drivers to play all my games. You might want to try some older drivers from last year and see if your problem still exists.
  8. Ati 5870 woes

    I have a game PC with an Intel 975 OC'ed and ATI Crossfire 4890's and I find that if I raise OFF Terrain or Scenery above "3" I get black squares too. The only way I have found to stop this was by dropping the Terrain and Scenery back to "3" even though everything else is on "5" with no problems.
  9. Looking for new NVIDIA graphics card

    Just remember, the older the PSU, the lower your actual wattage it actually produces.
  10. I'm loving the Aviatik D.1

    Great looking planes as usual.
  11. Looking for new NVIDIA graphics card

    Ruggbutt: Only if his PSU can handle the wattage and it has the correct connections for a newer video card.
  12. I agree. I quit using the Plug-In several years ago after discovering the DXTBmp program.
  13. B26K Problem

    Or you can change the landing gear properties by upping the shock valve and dropping the spring valves.
  14. Post Jan11 EnvironmentalSystem.ini clouds will never be the same as Pre Jan11 clouds because of all the changes that TK did in the environmental / alpha portion of the game. I managed to get about the same cloud coverage as I had before the Jan11 patch, but they are not as "large or fluffly" as before, but try this and see if it works better for you:
  15. Graphic Problem

    I have an i7 975, and Crossfire ATI 4890's and my FPS are between 50 and 60 all the time. But if I go above 3 on either of the two terrain sliders, I start to get black ground squares. The moment I bring them back to 3, the black ground squares do not appear, so I keep the terrain sliders at 3 and everything else at 5. As the Doctor once said, "if it hurts when you do that, quit doing that"
  16. Catalyst version 11.2

    Here is a good article over at Tom's Hardware that explains all the NEW nVidia and ATI graphic settings: http://www.tomshardw...adeon,2868.html It seems that there have been a number of changes over the past couple of years !!!
  17. Olham's Porn

    Olham: Since it is a "K" model and you have water cooling, have you overclocked it yet ???
  18. If you play with the YAP2 carriers, you will find that a few of them actually allow you to take off and land on them due to the way the aircraft are distributed around the deck.
  19. Olham's Porn

    These new water cooled systems are SEALED systems, warrentied for at lease 50,000 hours. Astek originally came out with this system about 4 years ago, and now several other manufactures have jumped in to make them too. Having owned the older water cooled systems before, this is so much better in that it is a simple "plug and play" without ever having to worry about leaks, liquid evaporation or liquid replacement over time. The other nice things are that it cools as well as any top end air cooler (and usually better), easy to install (unlike some of the newer large air coolers), and is quiter on the ears.
  20. Olham's Porn

    Congratulations on coming over to the "dark side" with CPU water cooling, These new self-contained water coolers are really a step up from the noisy air coolers we used to have to use for performance CPUs.
  21. As the old saying goes "it's moving at the speed of FREE".
  22. Graphics Settings (SOS)

    MigBuster is correct, turning off the shadows is probably the biggest help for improved FPS in FE1.

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