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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. FE2 Realistic Sky Mod

    sinbad: I tried to send you the files this morning, but it bounced back. I'm assuming that your message folder is filled to capacity. When you can get messages again, let me know and I will send it to you again. Panama Red
  2. FE2 Realistic Sky Mod

    Heck: At this point, I've found that the terrain, horizon view distance or particular airplane are having more impact that the sky mod set in the "widesky" mode. I am using a Win7 64, i7 975 OC'ed, ATI 4890 card, and I can get anywhere from 60 FPS with Ultra Distance, Stock Planes and Stock Terrain with this sky mod, down to 17 FPS if I test with Ultra Distance (with trees all the way to the horizon), JT's fantactic terrain, and eight DH4 planes on a bombing mission (it's the worst FPS killer plane out there, which is why I always use it to really test the FE games). Another interesting discovery I made was that TK's stock Horizon Clouds actually "fit" better with this sky mod than some of the other 3rd party horizon clouds (IMO) due to the cloud coloring & testure.
  3. I have been using Jan Tuma's fantastic Terrain mod ever since he released it for my FE1 game and I have had zero problems with it all this time (ATI 4890 vid card). I recently got a Win7 64 bit PC and bought the FE2 game to play on it. When I installed Jan Tuma's Terrain mod, I instanly noticed that all his building that have courtyards in them "flash" where the courtyard is suppose to be. It does not happen on my XP SP3 FE1 Jan Tuma terrain. It does not happen on my Win 7 64 bit FE1 Jan Tuma terrain. It does not happen on my XP SP3 FE2 Jan Tuma terrain. It does happen on my Win7 64 bit FE2 Jan Tuma terrain. Can anybody help me on how to stop the "flashing" in my Win7 64 bit FE2 game since it does not happen on any other combination ???
  4. Jan Tuma Flashing Buildings ?

    Jan Tuma: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Switching out the original "BLEND_DST_ALPHA" for the alternate "BLEND_SRC_ALPHA" works perfectly. Now I will be able to enjoy your fantastic terrain with my FE2 game too. Migbuster" With Jan Tuma's alternate "BLEND_SRC_ALPHA" working in my FE2 game, I am not exactly sure what you are trying to tell me when you said that I need to change some other items, please explain. Panama Red
  5. Jan Tuma Flashing Buildings ?

    Migbuster: You are correct. The original Green Hell 2 did have flashing buildings until a fix was posted. The interesting part is it must be a DX problem because the Win7 FE1 does not flash because it still uses the DX9c versus the DX10. Now if I can just figure how to force the FE2 to use the DX9c in the Win7 OS until some one posts a fix for the DX10 problem.
  6. Jan Tuma Flashing Buildings ?

    Dave72: The really strainge part is that it happens on both my desktop Win7 64 bit ATI 4890's 10.6 drivers and on my laptop Win7 64 bit ATI 5870's 9.12 drivers. Is there anyway to force the FE2 game to use the DX 9c drivers in the Win7 64 bit OS ???
  7. OFF on Mac with Windows 7?

    uncleal: That is exactly why I use "3" for my terrain settings. I can use "4", but then it starts with the occasional "weird" terrain tile, so I keep it at "3" and I have zero problems.
  8. OFF on Mac with Windows 7?

    Parky: I to have ATI cards (Crossfire 4890's) and the "compatability mode" did not solve the black/white/colored terrain tiles. The additional memory that Win7 uses helped that. Even on Win7. if I crank up the terrain sliders to much, I will see the odd tiles. The flickers and white screens that I was talking about occured during the menus screens before and after your flight.
  9. OFF on Mac with Windows 7?

    Parky: My OFF will play on Win7 64 without the XP SP3 compatability mode, but putting it on compatability mode stops the little "glitches" like occasional white screens or occasional "black" screen flickers. When I enabled the XP SP3 compatability, all those small things went away and it plays fantastic now.
  10. OFF on Mac with Windows 7?

    I have a dual boot gaming PC, XP SP3 and Win7 64bit, and I do know that my OFF runs about 33% faster on Win7 64 (XP SP3 compatability) versus my XP SP3 side. I was so supprised by the performance difference between to two systems, that I play OFF exclusively on the Win7 side now.
  11. The new AMD six cores bump up to 3.6 MHz so that should equal them to the Intel CPU's that also bump up to 3.6 MHz. I used AMD CPU's for years and years, it was only with this last PC that I went over to the "dark side" and bought an Intel CPU (i7 975) that Turboed up to 3.6 (witn Crossfire 4890's). As a result, with this PC, I can finally run OFF smoothly ranging from 25 FPS on the ground with my wingmates to 60 FPS (with VSync on) flying using a 25" 1920 x 1200 HP monitor.
  12. I always OVER SPEC the PSU. The reason is you can expect 10-20 drop in power output after a year or so. as a result,, if you plan on keeping the PC for that long or longer, look at what your power needs will be then and spec you PSU for that lower number. My PSU is a 1,000W and it is well above the 1 year drop off. Also, Corsair has come out with a new H70 cooler that is more effecient than the older H50, so you might want to consider that since you have overclocked your CPU.
  13. Wow, quite here...

    RoF is a good Flight Simulator, but not a good flight game like FE, OFF, or RB3D. Plus Rof has a DRM that none of the others have. :mega_shok:
  14. A heartfelt PLEA to the Dev Team

    Let guess, a First Eagles Snipe ???
  15. What WWI fighter is this?

    I read that one of the reasons that the spinner was originally added was to stop bullet deflections from the prop wedges coming back into the engine.
  16. Austrian-Italian Campaign pics

    quack74: Will this campaign be for FE1 or FE2 ???
  17. Tree disapearing distance settings

    I found this in the Green Hell 2 readme. Yes, it is the flightengine.ini file which needs to be extracted to the flight folder. Per the readme: In the "HighDetailOption" section of the flightengine.ini file: The distance at which trees render is set by variable "DetailMeshSize=" where defaluts are 4 for low, 5 for medium and 6 for high, values are in KM? If you have strong system you may wish to increace the DetailMeshSize= to higher number. Values like 10, 12 or 14 seems to work ok on med-high systems, but you'll have to increase NearClipDistance=3000.0 under [NormalSceneClip] to avoid scene clipping issues (values like 35000, 40000 works ok).
  18. a question about rotary control

    Are you talking about "radial" engines or "ROTARY" engines. Rotary engines used the blip switch for "off & on". The primative throdles did not always work correctly on rotary, so the blip switch was safer.
  19. Austrian-Italian Campaign pics

    :drinks:Fantastic work.
  20. I have bought 2 PC's from Cyberpower over the past 3 years and I can tell you that I will buy my next one from them too (zero problems either time). I can also tell you that buying from them was about the same price as me building the same thing because I used to build all of my own PCs years ago. The last one I bought (plays OFF from 20 to 60 FPS)is a i7 -975, Crossfire 4890's with dual boot (XP & Win7). Like Von Paulus said "some games play better on one OS versus another".
  21. Another game that I occasionally play (Combat Series) has reported a simular problem with the newer ATI cards, but it has to do with black squares versus white squares. Since both of these are older games, there may be a either a hardware or software conflict going on. This is why years ago, I learned to keep all my old PC's since all games are designed for certain OS's and video cards (with their drivers) and do not always play well with newer equipment/software.
  22. SE5A gunsite

    I just purchased the FE2 game and it came already patched to July2010, but it has a small problem. The problem is the FE2 SEA5 gunsite, it is opaque, unlike the FE1 SE5A gunsite that is clear and usable. How do I fix the FE2 SE5A gunsite so it is as usable like the FE1 SE5A gunsite. Thanks.
  23. SE5A gunsite

    I reported the problem to TK and his reply was that a file was missing in the original FE2 Jul10 install. As a result, he fixed the install and had me download and try it again. Now there are no problems with the current FE2 Jul10 install.
  24. SE5A gunsite

    Thanks, I'll post over at Thirdwire and see what TK says.
  25. This was reciently post on another flight sim forum: Original Quote: "More than that, you can already go and get Albatros D.III which we had recently announced. With such plane we award our three-thousandth buyer of the ROF store" - JON2oo6spb. Comment by another poster: "Three thousand planes or three thousand customers? Either way, the figure seems low to me, especially if it's planes - some of you have bought all three. Even at best only 3,000 people bought RoF and are prepared/able to by more aircraft?"

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