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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. I was hoping that this modded FlightEngine.ini would improve my Realistic Sky Mod, so I gave it a try. I tried my Realistic Sky Mod both with and without the modded FLIGHENGINE.INI and from what I can determine, it did not change the clear sky horizontal band at all, all it did was change the "fog" distance so you can now see the ground objects cut off line.
  2. Silent Hunter 4 U-Boot Missions (Ubi official 1.5 patch): http://digitalstore.ubi.com/0/5867/product/Buy-Silent-Hunter:-Wolves-of-the-Pacific-U-Boat-Missions-Download
  3. That is correct, and from what I have read, TK refuses to change this too.
  4. The last patches for SH4 eliminated a need for a CD/DVD, so you do not need a "crack".
  5. Rio 2016 !

    Rio is the official 2016 pick !!!
  6. Nieuport 17bis

    Now I know what you are asking about. IIRC, (you could it's a historical "typo", what it meant was the regular Nieuport 17 that the British used (overhead Lewis MG) that is part of Christian59's Niueport 17 package. Christian59 calls it a Nieuport 17b, but Firecage confused that with a real Nieuport 17bis, versus Christian's Nieuport 17b (which never existed with that particular designation). After you download Chriatian59's Nieuports, go here and download my updated FM's for the Nieuports (post #13 on this thread): http://forum.combatace.com/topic/42841-some-rarer-plane-fms/page__p__309289&?do=findComment&comment=309289
  7. Nieuport 17bis

    No, the Nieuport 17bis has a "rounded" fusalage, all of Cristian59's Nieuports are regular Nieuports 17 (slab sided) with different machinegun packages. No one that I know of at this point has made an official Nieuport 17bis. Here are some drawings and you can see how the N17bis has the "rounded" sides: http://mars.ark.com/~mdf/N_27.html In a pinch, you could use the Nieuport 24bis (but the tailskid is wrong), and replace the Nieuoprt 24 bis engine HP with the Nieuport 17 engine HP in the Data.ini file.
  8. Glide wrappers

    I too use D3D to play EAW and I have not noticed any real difference visually between the D3D and Glide in playing the base game. If you do use a Glide Wrapper to play EAW, the default planes are okay, but quite a few of the communities addon on planes have visual problems (holes or vanishing plane pieces) caused by Glide that are not there for the exact same addon D3D planes. At one time back (before Dec 2007), Glide did give the ATI video card players their horizion fog, but ATI fixed this issue with their Dec 2007 video drivers (reinstalled horizion fog on old games), so Glide now has no positives over D3D in playing EAW. The bottom line is use Glide to play RB3D (as I do), but use D3D to play EAW. The way you do that, is just put the Glide ".dll"s into your RB3D folder so it only effects RB3D, but no other game.
  9. OT-Red Baron 3D

    Link to the RB3D Mad Otter download site: http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/red_baron_pack
  10. OK, Where is the EAW Combat Ace Forum?

    Since I use ATI video cards (with XP), I do not have the 7217 bug that nVidia cards have. The only problem that I have as an EAW ATI player is the "tearing" briefing screen and that fix is currently in the works too.
  11. Silent Hunter 1.5 ??? Never heard of it. I play Slient Hunter III (modded) and Silent Hunter IV (modded), but never heard of Silent Hunter 1.5.
  12. The "Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One", Flying Machine Press drawings show that the Austian Alb DIII (Oef) used the SAME rudder as the standard German Alb DIII, not the rounded Alb DIII (OAW) rudder version.
  13. You do know that using "z" drops your FPS versus using something like Fraps (about 5 FPS on my i7 975, ATI 4790 Crossfires). I still use my old Fraps 19d (freeware) from way back in 2003 and it still work great on all my 3D games. If you want, I can send you a copy and you can see what I mean.
  14. ROF email survey

    I would love to get the same survey, because that is the same reason that I would pick as to why I have not bought it either.
  15. I do not know if it supports SLI, but it does support Crossfire (so it should support SLI) and yes it is more of a resource hog than IL2 since the Dev's improved all the screnery. You never did say what your CPU is and that is even more important than the GPU in OFF.
  16. Next OFF Add On Plane unveiled!

    It's not really a biplane, because the second was removalbe once the plane reached it's designated ferry point. Plus it was only an experimental plane, not an operational plane.
  17. Next OFF Add On Plane unveiled!

    I just got home and looked up this particular plane in the "Hurricane in Action" by Squadron/signal Publications, and they said............................ ................it was an experiment to increase the ferry range by filling a second wing with fuel, so JimAtt is correct.
  18. Next OFF Add On Plane unveiled!

    IIRC, it was an experiment to test STOL.
  19. Stuttering Help Please

    I too was getting "micro stuttering" even though I had high FPS (40-60 FPS) while flying low. I finally curred it by turning of my Antivirus background scan while playing games.
  20. The Strutters Ball!

    From the book "Sopwith Aircraft" by Mick Davis (part of the Crowood Aviation series) that I have been reading, the 9700 actually had an internal bomb bay. The bomb bay was loacated where the gunner is loacated in the 9400, so this is why sinbad needs to remove the gunner and cover up his gun pit for the 9400 to become the 9700 or as the French called it 1B1. As for removing the other categories, yes, they really should be removed from the 9400.
  21. The Strutters Ball!

    This is the 9400 package (fighter & observation). The 9700 was the RFC bomber version.
  22. Strutter FM

    If you go to this thread, you will see that I already fixed that the other day and the new fixed FM is posted here : http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=47543
  23. Just a thank you

    The Niueport 28 is located in the CombatAce First Eagles Download section under the addon planes Nieuport section. The Pfalz DIII is located over at the A-Skunkworks site, and you have to register there to download it: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
  24. The Strutters Ball!

    All my books show the 130hp engine too. I guess that the 150hp Bentley was not as common as the 130hp Clerget.

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