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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. SPAD VII Rudder "S" and Serial Numbers ?

    Heck: Perfect. You might want to reupload your great mod now with this slight position fix so you will not get this same question in the future. Many thanks again; Panama Red
  2. SPAD VII Rudder "S" and Serial Numbers ?

    Heck: I checked them out and they are fantastic, but you might want to "tweak" the SPAD VII 180 serial numbers just a tad. The problem is when the SPAD VII 180 has a four diget serial number (the three digets are fine), the last number is slightly cut off the rudder on the right (starboard) side. If you could slide the "S" and serial number just slightly to the left on your decal, it should solve the problem and be perfectly centered. Thanks; Panama Red
  3. SPAD VII Rudder "S" and Serial Numbers ?

    Heck: Thank you. I will check them out and let you know. Panama Red
  4. SPAD VII Rudder "S" and Serial Numbers ?

    Heck: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Panama Red
  5. CD or not CD

    Sorry about that. I will not post in the future.
  6. CD or not CD

  7. Cambrai Plane Fest II

    Firecage: Any idea when you will be releasing the new Plane Fest ???
  8. FS-WW1 Great sim

    ArgonV: I want to say "Hats off" to your mod, the planes look absolutely fantastic with all the detail and skins !!!! I just wish you could combine your SDOE-WWI planes with RB3D's dynamic campaign, and it would outclass a lot of other WWI flight sims. Thanks again for this great mod; Panama Red
  9. The following story out of the "Sunday Times of London" (April 30. 2009), should make us OFF3 players very fortunate to be able to continue playing OFF in the future versus players who want to play Rise of Flight that will have to "check in" every time they want to play RoF and not being able to get through to the RoF server. Sunday Times of London April 30, 2009 Internet users face regular "brownouts" that will freeze their computers as capacity runs out in cyberspace, according to research to be published later this year. Experts predict that consumer demand, already growing at 60 percent a year, will start to exceed supply as early as 2010 because of more people working online and the soaring popularity of bandwidth-hungry Web sites such as YouTube and services such as the BBC's iPlayer. It will initially lead to computers being disrupted and going offline for several minutes at a time. Beginning in 2012, however, PCs and laptops are likely to operate at a much reduced speed, rendering the Internet an "unreliable toy." When Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the British scientist, wrote the code that transformed a private computer network into the World Wide Web in 1991, the Internet appeared to be a limitless resource. However, a report being compiled by Nemertes Research, a respected American think-tank, will warn that the Web has reached a critical point and that even the recession has failed to stave off impending problems.
  10. Bravo, fantastic video. Look forward to some more of your videos.
  11. You could also do like the YAP team and sell packs of new planes with some missions. You have a very good product, just need to advertise it more.
  12. I recently applied all the graphic "tweaks" to stop the "stuttering" and low FPS when flying at low altitude, but I found another one that increased my FPS from 5 to 10 FPS above all the other "tweaks". The improvement that I tried in the "Override" section was "Disabling Shadows" and it improved my FPS by at least 10 when looking at my flightmates on the ground and by 5 when looking at them at low altitude (running the exact same test multiple times). The reason that I tried this is that shadows really eat up FPS in a lot of my other games (flight and ground combat) so I thought I would give it a shot in this game too and it to made a big difference. I figured since you only see shadows when taking off or flying real low (and even then, not all objects have shadows, only those close to the airfield and planes), I could use the extra FPS to smooth out the game. Give it a try and see if it improves your FPS that the game is a lot more enjoyable. Tally Ho !!!
  13. Easy way to increased OFF FPS

    cptroyce: Yes, the same Panama Red and after all these years and all the other games I have played (and tinkered with), I still love good WW1 flight games. I am just hoping that OFF will some day have as many planes as the Red Baron Western Front team was finally able to incorporate into the game. Tally Ho !!!!
  14. zwobot: As you can tell by this statement above (and the mods readme file), this mod is NOT for the Sep/Oct 2008 patches, it works with the 8/31/2006 patch (especially the helo's). Panama Red
  15. Yap2

    Go here and see lots of pictures: http://www.yankeeairpirate.net/combatmissionsets.html
  16. Yap2

    The real FPS "killer" in YAP2 is the clouds. If you do what I did, (swap a good sky mod like Widesky's) you can get your really good FPS back and still enjoy all that YAP2 has to offer. In fact the YAP2 terain is actually "kinder" to your FPS than Green Hell 2 High, YAP2's terain FPS is closer to the Green Hell 2 Medium, it's just the clouds that are the FPS "killer".
  17. Wrench: Your wish is my command!!! Just let me know when you want me to review it and I will gladly help. Panama Red
  18. Having grown up in the Panama Canal Zone, there are lots of "bumps & lumps" in the Calabra/Guilard Cut region. Most people do not realize that the mountain chain that starts in the Rocky's and ends in the Andies, runs through Panama. Now the mountains are obiously not that tall, but they are still substantial "hills", and this includes all the hills and islands in Gatun Lake too. The toughest part of digging the Panama Canal was through the Culabra/Guilard Cut because of the hills and they still today have to keep dredging because of the occasional mudslides from the hills around the Culabra/Guilard Cut.
  19. I have multiple copies of WoV (both 08/30/06 & Oct08) and there is a BIG diference between the two's patches FPS using the SAME settings on each version. Where I had EVERYTHING (including mirrors & shadows) maxed out on the 08/30/06 WoV version I got low 42 FPS-high 60 FPS, using the same setting in Oct08 WoV gave me low 24-42 high FPS. When I changed the settings in the Oct08 WoV and deleated mirrors and shadows, I was able to get back to low 36-55 high FPS, not quite as good as the 08/30/06 version, but at least playable again. You might want to play with your graphic settings and see if the same thing happens to you too. Panama Red
  20. This is why you need to have several versions of the game, each patched to a different Service Pack. That way you can play the mods you want without all the hassles of using a Service Pack that is incompatable with what you want to do.
  21. Cupcake: All these fixes ARE for the 08/30/06 SP4 patch. Nothing has been made yet to bring the Korean Air War mod up to the Oct08 SP5 patch yet. Panama Red
  22. I've had problems with carriers in the Korean Air War mod with my planes exploding as soon as a take-off mission starts, so you might want to check the same things for this mod. This was for the KAW carriers: Victorious 25DeMayo Melbourne I did a search and someone suggested that setting the collisions to easy would cure it, but it didn't for me. So I did some digging in the files and noticed some differences between the positions.ini and the Carrier_DATA.INI files. Through a process of trial and error I got things to work even on Hard collisions. The changes I made were: Edit the Carrier_DATA.INI in Carriers folder. Change in the DATA.INI: All 15.3340 to 15.5340 [Hull] ModelNodeName=Hull EffectSize=1.0 //MaxExtentPosition= 28.98, 152.25, 19.58 MaxExtentPosition= 28.98, 152.25, 15.5340 [Deck] SystemType=FLIGHT_DECK FlightDeckHeight=15.5340 Basically the plane was being positioned inside the carrier at the start of the mission and hence exploding. Now I can actually take-off!! And the Demayo2.msn needs the carrier to be moving or else the catapault doesn't have enough power to throw you off the deck. Set the carrier speed to 9.0-ish and you'll be OK.
  23. You have to remember that several people have commented that the Sp5 Oct08 patch REDUCES the SAM's in WOV, so that may be slybelle's problem.

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