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Everything posted by Stary

  1. DirectX not up to date..? Any environment mods?
  2. Here are my tweaks of TWPOSTPROCESS.FX shader, that gives more visible* WOP-style vignetting effect, and slight color correction, the screenshot hasn't been modified in any way: here's the file, drop the Twpostprocess.fx into your modfolder/Flight/ also I included other variants in their respective folders, various "strenghts" (or more correctly fading levels) of vignette effect, also with overexposured curves variant, aswell as another modification that gives somewhat "old film" postprocess as seen here: This post process effect is available only in Dx10 mode, with effects set to unlimited in options menu. Feel free to experiment. *the very, very slight screen vignetting is present in SF2 series, I noticed this fact only after TK brought that to my attention Have fun Stary post scriptum: @Julhelm: I remember you were experimenting on higher bloom for horizont, PM me please, lost the file
  3. read what Fubar512 wrote, absence of necessary Dx calls in dlls
  4. Jedi Master, you're right... I hope this will be much more than "new terrain engine"... on the other hand recent posts from TK have "we can't/won't do this that" mood to them, so I'm a bit lost here
  5. they lifted the plane, mechanically extended the landing gear to tow it away from runway
  6. I don't think so... pilot generally is a static mesh only rotating his/her head if head is defined and named as mesh part..?
  7. @both questions: it is, right now I can't recollect which parameter in the shader it was, I remember having some tweaked contrast variant (s) at one point somewhere
  8. clearly, it's for the "lite" casual gamers that can't distinguish (or doesn't bother) A-4A from say, -4F. Kinda sad. Can't argument why.
  9. "not enough budget and time" I can name many extremely skilled and knowledgeable guys from here that together with TK could do the best sim of all times
  10. hmmm thinking about it... if the Christmas time isn't the real deal (and seems it won't) then some 6-8 months more... plain guess from throwing a dice
  11. don't be too jumpy with the detailmeshsize= value as it depends somehow on general intensity of mission and map, for me 16 used to be good, but had to lower it to 10 or 12 because in heavy mod install with lots of hires planes and detailed, hires, target-heavy terrain it simply causes CTD, experiment... on stock SF2E with my terrain enchancement I could set it to 24 without crash, but framerate dropped to twenties (system dependent of course)
  12. yeah but seems these were there for loong time and are irrelevant to actual content
  13. good it was the control panel setting, wasn't it?
  14. be warned, my flightengine.ini ALLWAYS have some uncommon tweaks in them: here's SF2V one: [Debug] SkipFlight=FALSE [FlightEngine] HUDDLL=HUD.dll HUDDataFilename=HUDData.ini CommDLL=Comm.dll CommDataFilename=CommData.ini ObjectList=ObjectList.ini SoundList=SoundList.ini ViewList=ViewList.ini ParticleSystem=ParticleSystem.ini EnvironmentSystem=EnvironmentSystem.ini MessageSystem=MessageSystem.ini SpeechSystem=SpeechSystem.ini DeltaT=0.016667 MaxDeltaT=0.100 RefreshTime=0.016667 ChangeTimeAmount=15 MaxTimeCompression=16.0 StartTimeCompression=1 StartPaused=TRUE ShowCockpit=TRUE TextFilename=FlightText.str EjectView=EjectView [ForceFeedback] ForceFeedback=FlightFFBEffect.ini ForceFeedbackControl=PITCH_CONTROL FadeStartTime=0.2 FadeTime=1.0 [LoadingScreen] BackgroundImage=LoadingScreen1.JPG BackgroundImageSize=1024,768 TextFontName=Arial TextSize=20 TextFontColor=250,250,250 TextFile=LoadingText.str LoadingTextStringID=TXT_FLT_LOADING PercentTextStringID=TXT_FLT_LOADING_PERCENT ProgressBarRange=100 ProgressBarRect=204,733,820,753 StreamAudio=loading.wav FadeTime=0.2 [GraphicsSettings] ZBufferDepth=24 MaxVertexCount=16384 MaxIndexCount=32768 MaxTextureCount=4096 MaxModelType=2024 MaxMeshPerScene=4096 MaxModelPerScene=2024 MaxLightPerScene=256 AspectRatio=1.333333 MinPixelSize=1.0 [backgroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance=80000.0 NearClipDistance=3000.0 [ForegroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance=14000.0 NearClipDistance=0.45 [insideSceneClip] FarClipDistance=250.0 NearClipDistance=0.01 [LowDetailOption] HorizonDistance=30000.0 DetailMeshSize=2 DetailLevel=0 WaterEffect=0 NoiseTexture=0 MaxTextureRes=128 [MedDetailOption] HorizonDistance=42000.0 DetailMeshSize=6 //2 DetailLevel=1 WaterEffect=1 NoiseTexture=0 MaxTextureRes=256 [HighDetailOption] HorizonDistance=50000.0 DetailMeshSize=8 //8 //3 DetailLevel=2 WaterEffect=2 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=512 [unlimitedDetailOption] HorizonDistance=62000.0 DetailMeshSize=10 //16 ok //4 DetailLevel=2 WaterEffect=2 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=1024 //-1 [soundSettings] SampleFrequency=44100 BitsPerSample=16 DopplerFactor=1.0 [WorldSettings] SectorWidth=20 SectorHeight=20 SectorMaxObject=256 Border=1000.0 //80000.0 MinHeight=1.0 MaxHeight=35000.0 [MapSettings] MapMaxSize=200000 MapMinSize=20000 MapInitSize=100000 MapScaleRate=5.0 ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL [screenShot] FilenameFormat=img%05d.JPG MaxScreenShot=99999 SoundEffect=shutter.wav [TextStrings] GamePaused=TXT_FLT_GAME_PAUSED GameUnpaused=TXT_FLT_GAME_UNPAUSED TimeCompress=TXT_FLT_TIME_COMPRESS NormalTime=TXT_FLT_NORMAL_TIME TimeSet=TXT_FLT_TIME_SET StartFlight=TXT_FLT_START_FLIGHT WaitJoin=TXT_FLT_WAIT_JOIN [skipToNext] Timer=3.0 FadeTimer=1.0 SkipToNextView=FlybyView AutoPilotCommand=AUTO_PILOT [startView] StartView000=ShoulderView StartView001=CockpitFront [EndGame] EndGameTimer=5.0 EndGameView=DeathView AutoEndGame=FALSE [inFlightChat] TargetText=ChatTarget.str RepeatDelay=0.5 RepeatRate=0.1 CursorFlashTime=0.4 CursorString=|
  15. yes, these are sparks I was trying to fake the effect with but 1) AFAIK we don't have sort of "emitterchance=" so far so the "ricochet" would be allways or never (correct me here Fubar) 2) every guntype would require own ground hit effect, own bulletobject.ini entry etc -days days of writing, big chances of screwing something in the lines, and above all (point 1) wouldn't be believable effect too much time flying RiseOf... eh?
  16. hmmm your bitmaps do mipmap in distance but TGA do not, must be shimmering too... Dunno why. higher number DetailMeshSize= in flightengine.ini trick could help and try forcing anisotropy filtering to x8 in your graphics card's control panel
  17. it's first time in Warsaw's Chopin Int. Airport case of gear-up landing
  18. kpt. Tadeusz Wrona reports everyone's safe and sound, gear was stuck, unable to extend gravitationally, plane was circling for hour over Warsaw to burn 4 tonnes from remaining 7 of fuel

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